
Reincarnated with a Comprehension System in a cultivation world.

A girl was reincarnated in the world of cultivation where the strong makes the law while the weak are disposable tools. Follow the story of Elysia Netherthorn as she walks the path of a ruthless cultivator and see if she truly makes it to the top or dies trying to make a name for herself. Will Elysia be able to make the world submit to her with her system or will she be the one to bow down in the end. Please Support on Patreon if you like the story and wish to see it continue; patreon.com/user?u=109731790

Late_Reaper · Fantasy
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226 Chs

Chapter 13 Exam Part 1.

The announcement echoed through the courtyard, and an elder, adorned in traditional martial robes, stepped forward to address Elysia's group. His gaze swept across the assembly of cultivators, eyes sharp and assessing.

"If you haven't reached the 5th Stage Core Formation Realm, then leave right now and don't waste our time," the elder declared, his voice resonating with authority. The words cut through the air, setting the tone for a decisive moment in the examination.

The impact of the elder's announcement rippled through the group. Cultivators exchanged glances, some with confidence, while others with a tinge of apprehension. Elysia, maintaining her composed exterior, observed the reactions of her fellow aspirants.

Amid the subtle shuffling and contemplative glances, a few cultivators began to depart, acknowledging the limitations of their current cultivation levels. Their footsteps, a tacit acknowledgment of their readiness or lack thereof, marked their exit from the examination.

Elysia noted the varied expressions on departing faces – a mix of disappointment, determination, and, in some instances, relief.

As the crowd adjusted to the changing dynamics, hushed conversations unfolded. Some cultivators whispered words of encouragement to those departing, offering assurances that their time for such assessments would come.

Others, driven by a competitive spirit, couldn't conceal their smirks, taking satisfaction in the perceived weakness of those choosing to leave.

Elysia, steadfast in her decision to refrain from advancing beyond the 1st Stage Nascent Soul Realm, felt a sense of validation in that moment. The elder's stipulation had unintentionally spared her from the pressure of the Core Formation Realm criteria.

Elysia sensed the weight of the unspoken challenge and observed the departure of those whose cultivation had yet to reach the required threshold.

One cultivator, a middle-aged man with a seasoned demeanor, muttered to a departing companion, "Patience is key. Core Formation may be the gate, but mastering each stage is a journey."

Elysia, though focused on her own path, absorbed the murmurs around her. The diverse reactions illustrated the varied perspectives within the martial world.

Some viewed the elder's directive as a necessary benchmark, a gatekeeper ensuring that only those with sufficient strength progressed. Others saw it as a momentary setback, a reminder of the hurdles yet to be overcome.

The elder, unmoved by the departures, maintained an air of stern authority. He scanned the remaining cultivators, acknowledging the unspoken commitment reflected in their determined gazes.

Elysia, standing among those who remained, felt a shared understanding – a collective acknowledgment that the examination, now intensified, would test not only their skills but the depth of their cultivation.

As the courtyard settled into a charged atmosphere, with those who remained ready to face the ensuing challenges, Elysia observed the undeterred spirit within her fellow cultivators.

The elder's call for Core Formation had, in a single declaration, separated those who could meet the threshold from those who needed more time to mature in their martial pursuits.

The first test unfolded in the courtyard, an arena where the martial spirits of cultivators would be subjected to trials of illusion. The elders, watchful and silent, observed as the aspirants prepared for the challenge ahead.

As the cultivators braced for the trials of illusion, Elysia sensed a collective breath being held. The courtyard, once filled with chatter, now resonated with a charged silence.

A younger cultivator, barely out of his teens, exchanged a nervous glance with a more experienced companion. "First Core Formation, now this. It's like they're pushing us to our limits," he whispered, his voice a blend of excitement and trepidation.

Elysia caught fragments of conversations, revealing the diversity of perspectives. Some cultivators, their faces etched with determination, saw the challenges as opportunities for growth. Others, less experienced, grappled with the unfamiliarity of the trials.

A seasoned martial artist, his eyes reflecting the weight of accumulated wisdom, addressed a group of aspirants. "These illusions are a mirror to our inner selves. Embrace the reflections, and you'll find the keys to unlocking your true potential."

The first illusion materialized—a lush garden, vibrant and serene. Elysia, keenly attuned to the subtle shifts in energy, noticed the expressions of awe and uncertainty among her peers.

A cultivator, stepping cautiously into the illusion, marveled at the blooming flowers. "Is this a test of perception or something more?" he mused aloud, inviting speculation from those around him.

The illusions unfolded like chapters in a tale, each presenting a unique landscape that tested the cultivators' senses and instincts. The elders, their faces inscrutable, observed the unfolding drama.

Elysia, her concealed cultivation allowing her to navigate the illusions with a composed demeanor, marveled at the kaleidoscope of human reactions. The trials were not just a test of martial prowess but a canvas for the cultivators to confront facets of themselves.

A courageous cultivator, facing a tempest within an illusionary storm, shouted, "Is this the storm of my fears or the storm I must conquer?" His words echoed the internal struggles many faced, battling not just external foes but the shadows within.

The elder overseeing the illusion trials nodded in silent acknowledgment, recognizing that the cultivators were not just facing illusions but their own fears, aspirations, and the uncharted depths of their martial spirits.

As the trials progressed, Elysia, amidst the diverse array of reactions, embraced the essence of the martial world—an intricate tapestry woven with the threads of individual journeys and shared challenges. The courtyard, once still, became a stage where cultivators confronted not only illusions but the very essence of their martial existence.

In this human drama of perseverance and self-discovery, Elysia stood poised, ready to unravel the layers of illusion that concealed both the strengths and vulnerabilities of her fellow cultivators.

In the aftermath of the illusion trials, cultivators exchanged glances, each bearing the residue of the mental landscapes they had traversed. Whispers of introspection and camaraderie blended with the subtle rustling of clothing as they prepared for the next phase.

Elysia, maintaining her enigmatic aura, overheard conversations weaving through the courtyard.

A determined cultivator, his face marked by beads of sweat, shared his experience with a fellow aspirant. "That illusion took me back to the days when I doubted my path. It's as if the sect delved into my memories."

His companion, offering a supportive nod, responded, "It's meant to challenge our resolve. But remember, it's the present that matters. We're all here, evolving and striving for greatness."

Across the courtyard, a pair of cultivators engaged in animated discussion. A young woman, her eyes still reflecting the lingering effects of the illusions, exclaimed, "I never imagined an illusion could stir such emotions. It felt real, as if I were reliving moments from my past."

Her companion, an older cultivator with a compassionate demeanor, replied, "Illusions have a way of revealing the depths of our emotions. Embrace the experience, for it's through such trials that we refine our spirits."

As Elysia mingled with the cultivators, the elders continued their evaluations. The younger elder, noting the varying responses, remarked to his seasoned counterpart, "These illusions unveil the vulnerabilities within. It's fascinating to witness the diverse ways cultivators navigate the corridors of their minds."

The elder with the flowing white beard, observing the resilience displayed by several cultivators, added, "Indeed, the trials of the spirit are intertwined with the journey of cultivation. It's not just about the strength of Qi but the fortitude of the soul."

Elysia, attuned to the ebb and flow of conversations, remained an enigmatic presence among her peers. The courtyard, now a stage for the interplay of individual stories, awaited the unfolding chapters of the Tranquil Lotus Sect's examination.

The disciples who successfully navigated the illusions were led to a significant stone within the Tranquility Sect's compound, known as the "Stone of Enlightenment." This stone was believed to possess unique properties that could enhance the comprehension speed of cultivators, providing an advantage in their martial pursuits.

Surrounding the stone were disciples of the Tranquility Sect, their gazes measured, observing the newcomers with a blend of curiosity and assessment.

The elder, a figure of authority within the Tranquility Sect, addressed the group, his voice resonating through the courtyard. "Welcome to the second phase of our examination. This stone has been a beacon of enlightenment for generations. Today, it will be your guide to comprehension."

Elysia, blending seamlessly with the group, concealed her true strength beneath the guise of a 1st Stage Nascent Soul Realm cultivator. The air buzzed with anticipation as the rogue cultivators exchanged glances, eager to explore the potential of the Stone of Enlightenment.

The elder continued, "Your task is to comprehend a Yellow Grade Technique within the span of one week. Choose a technique that resonates with you, one you feel a connection to."

A hum of excitement and discussion rippled through the assembled cultivators. Some pondered their choices, contemplating which Yellow Grade Technique aligned with their affinities. Elysia, maintaining her composed demeanor, assessed her options, ready to make a strategic choice.

Among the murmurs, a young cultivator with a fervent gleam in his eyes voiced his enthusiasm to a companion. "I've heard tales of cultivators making breakthroughs under the influence of this stone. Imagine the possibilities!"

His companion, a more seasoned cultivator, nodded sagely. "Indeed, the Stone of Enlightenment holds the essence of countless insights. A Yellow Grade Technique may just be the catalyst we need for a breakthrough."

Elysia overheard their conversation, and while she acknowledged the potential benefits, her focus remained on maintaining her cover.

The diverse group of cultivators dispersed around the stone, each selecting a spot to commence their week-long meditation and comprehension.

A cultivator with a sturdy build, eyeing a manual in his possession, remarked, "I'm choosing the Earthshaker Fist. It resonates with the foundations of my cultivation."

Another, adorned in intricate robes, whispered to a companion, "The Azure Serenity Palm is said to be a versatile technique. I believe it might suit my temperament."

As the cultivators settled into their chosen spots, a collective silence descended upon the courtyard. The elders, observant and watchful, monitored the cultivators' interactions with the Stone of Enlightenment.

Elysia, too, selected a discreet location, her eyes focused on the task ahead. Concealing her advanced cultivation, she prepared to delve into the comprehension of a Yellow Grade Technique, her true potential veiled for strategic reasons.

The courtyard, charged with the energy of anticipation, became a canvas for the diverse journeys of those seeking enlightenment under the guidance of the revered Stone of Enlightenment.

Elysia, amid the hushed deliberations and choices of her fellow cultivators, decided to opt for a Movement Technique from the selection. Her eyes scanned through the array of manuals, and her fingers lightly traced over the pages until she settled on one—Lightning Flash Steps.

Choosing this particular Movement Technique wasn't arbitrary for Elysia. She recognized the importance of having a swift and agile method of maneuvering, especially in a cultivation world where speed often determined the outcome of battles. Lightning Flash Steps, with its name resonating with rapidity and nimbleness, seemed to be the missing piece in her arsenal.

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