
Reincarnated With a Chaotic Heart

"Reincarnated in the World of Cultivation as a Prince" Forced to run away and live as a beggar, one day his previous life memories of Earth awakened. From then on, he embarked on a journey Of No Return. From becoming the assistant of a beautiful sect master to running away with a princess, his life was of unexpected turns. {Congratulations Host! For Being Unconventional, Holy, and Dark in One Body, You Are Rewarded With...} {Shop Level 0 → Shop Level 1} {In Shop Level 1, you can now buy maps, slaves, concubines, food items, clothing items, and cultivation for others...} \\\ For every 100 powerstones, there will be 2+ chapters. Novel Name will be Changed From "Unorthodox Cultivator: I Awakened An Unconventional System" To "Reincarnated With A Chaotic Heart " - https://linktr.ee/Trinity_GFG

Godfather_Gambler · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 7 - Master's Wishes

Hun Yu's eyes fluttered open, and he quickly shot up, checking his body in a panic. To his relief, nothing seemed wrong.

"What happened just now, System?" he asked anxiously.

{Heart attack}.

The system's response hit him like a ton of bricks, freezing him in place.

"Are you kidding me? I'm fit, I eat healthily, and I exercise daily. How could I have a heart attack and survive?"

{Although the Host is correct, the problem, like a heart attack, shouldn't have occurred. It was caused by something else}.

Curiosity gnawed at him. "What something?"

{Pay 1000 energy points for the information..


"You!!" His anger flared, but he knew there was no point arguing; he didn't have 1000 energy points.

Although he was lucky this time, he couldn't guarantee his safety in the future. He needed to earn more energy points quickly and find a cure.

"System, give me the pillow," he murmured softly, recalling the pillow he had received in the starter pack.

Almost instantly, a plush pillow materialized in his hand. He ran his fingers over its surface, marveling at its softness and comfort.

Carefully, he placed the pillow on his bed and leapt onto it, sinking into its welcoming embrace.

A subtle, intoxicating fragrance wafted from it, adding to its allure. He paid it little mind, his only desire being a respite from the day's worries.


In a grand palace, a striking woman glided away from the throne with graceful steps.

Her lower body was a beautiful serpent tail, adding to her regal allure. Her movements were mesmerizing and powerful, exuding an aura of untouchable elegance.

With dignity, she proceeded to her chamber, where her tail seamlessly shifted back into human legs.

In her human form, she exuded even more charm, her captivating gaze sweeping across the room.

Her legs were as soft as cream, her eyes cold, and her perfect facial features could put anyone to shame. Her beautiful dress, a mix of black and red, seemed to be made from the finest silk.

Approaching her bed, she sensed a disturbance. Her keen senses instantly noticed a pillow missing.

"WHO DARES to break into this king's bedroom?!" Her voice thundered with anger, enveloping the room in an intimidating aura.

"What troubles you, Your Majesty?" asked an elderly man, avoiding direct eye contact out of fear. His hands trembled slightly as he addressed her, knowing well the consequences of her wrath.

"Find the thief who has dared to steal from me!" 

The stolen item was no ordinary possession—it was her cherished pillow, crafted from the finest materials. Its value was beyond measure, not just for its luxurious comfort but for the sentimental significance it held.

Little did she know, the true thief lay asleep, his head resting comfortably on the very pillow.

As her anger gradually subsided, she surveyed her surroundings, searching for any clue to the identity of the thief.

There were no signs of forced entry, leaving her perplexed as to how someone could have infiltrated her palace without detection.

Contemplating the situation, she dismissed the possibility of an outsider daring to steal from her. Her reputation alone was enough to scare most intruders.

No, the thief must be someone within this palace. She wanted to find out who had the audacity to touch her things without her permission.

The elderly man, sensing need for swift action, summoned a group of trusted palace guards. "Search every corner of the palace.

No stone is to be left unturned. Report back immediately if you find anything suspicious," he commanded.

As the guards dispersed, the woman, now calmer, began to ponder the identity of the thief. Who within her palace would dare to steal from her?

In a distant part of the palace, the guards carried out their search with diligence. They questioned servants, inspected rooms, and examined every possible hiding place.

Yet, their efforts seemed in vain, as no immediate clues surfaced.

Back in her chamber, the woman sat down, her mind racing with possibilities. She knew she couldn't rest until the thief was found and punished.

This was not just about a stolen item; it was a matter of her authority and respect.

Meanwhile, in his humble shack, Hun Yu remained oblivious to the turmoil his unintentional theft had caused.

He awoke feeling unusually refreshed, the pillow's strange, intoxicating fragrance still lingering. Little did he know, the very object that brought him comfort had sparked a quest in the heart of a powerful ruler.

As Hun Yu woke up and rubbed his eyes, he settled his clothes, ensuring everything was neat.

Stepping out of his shack, he felt remarkably refreshed—he had never had such a good sleep before. Turning around, he glanced at the pillow, recognizing its exceptional quality.

Hun Yu walked forward and arrived in front of Yun Xiu's house, knocking on the door. When she opened it, she glanced at him with a stern expression.

"So, today marks your first day as my assistant. Help me collect fruits and berries," she instructed, her voice firm and commanding as she handed him a basket before casually sitting outside.

Hun Yu swiftly gathered the fruits and berries, his movements efficient and precise.

As he finished, he instinctively stood behind her, his presence silent—after all, isn't that what assistants do?

"Hmm, make me some tea," Yun Xiu Said as she glanced at him over her shoulder. Though she wasn't particularly fond of tea, she felt like having one today.

Hun Yu lost his composure for a second, a rare blush coloring his face. He nodded and headed inside, gathering the necessary ingredients.

Using heat stones, a non-cultivator's tool, he heated the water, the rhythmic clinking of the stones filling the air. Carefully, he brewed the tea.

In his previous life, he had been quite skilled in tea-making. Carrying the tea out to her, he bowed respectfully.

Taking a sip, Yun Xiu's eyes widened, surprised by the taste. She glanced at Hun Yu, who stood behind her.

"It's good," she complimented, her voice soft yet sincere as she closed her eyes to savor the flavor. Hun Yu, relieved, breathed a silent sigh of relief. His skills had not disappointed him after all.

After she finished her tea, she settled beside the tranquil river, crossing her legs elegantly. Placing a gleaming sword upon her lap, she commenced her cultivation.

Hun Yu, on the sidelines, cast envious glances at her. His envy gradually transformed into admiration as he stole glances at the serene figure of the Miss Sect Master, immersed in her cultivation.

There was no denying her unparalleled beauty, which could easily secure her the top rank in the empire.

With Yun Xiu engrossed in her cultivation, Hun Yu found himself with idle hands. Suddenly, a prompt materialized before him:

{Task Available: Clean the house before Sect Master Yun Xiu finishes her cultivation. Time Limit: - . Rewards: 5 energy points.}


Hun Yu deliberated for a moment before deciding. "Accept," he muttered softly, his gaze fixated on the prompt.

"System, why has the task not been completed? She clearly accepted me as her assistant," he queried within his mind.

{She is not entirely convinced. Host needs to work diligently and convince her that you are capable as an assistant.}

Hun Yu began cleaning the house. He started with the floors, sweeping and mopping with meticulous care.

Next, he dusted the shelves and furniture, ensuring every surface gleamed. He organized the books and scrolls, taking special care not to disturb any important documents.

With the house now spotless, Hun Yu checked the time. Yun Xiu was still deep in her cultivation, her serene presence undisturbed.

Satisfied with his efforts, he stood back, admiring his work.

Another prompt appeared:

{Task Completed. Rewards: 5 energy points.}

Feeling tired after working so hard, he decided to rest on the floor but didn't realize when he fell asleep.

As the day turned to night, Yun Xiu finished her cultivation. She stood up with swift movement, looking around to see no traces of Hun Yu.

Deciding to check inside, she entered the house.

As she surveyed the serene scene, her gaze fell upon Hun Yu, peacefully slumbering on the floor. "Hmm, did he clean the entire house?" she wondered aloud, noting his dedication.

"He even fell asleep on the ground," she observed quietly to herself.

Retrieving a blanket from her storage device, she approached him with gentle steps. Though she may be cold, she is not heartless.

She draped the blanket over him, deciding not to disturb his rest.

Realizing it was already night, Yun Xiu headed towards her bed and lay down. The house was now clean.

Restless, Yun Xiu eventually rose and stepped outside, greeted by the cool night air.

With graceful movements, she ascended into the sky, guided by a sense of purpose. After some time, she arrived at a beautifully tended location, landing softly before a solemn grave.

Kneeling before it, she whispered softly, "Master..."

A single rose materialized in her hand as she gently placed it upon the grave.

"Don't worry, Master," she murmured, her voice carrying a solemn vow. "I will fulfill your wishes and bear the responsibility you've entrusted to me."

Remaining in silent vigil for an hour, she finally rose, the night deepening around her. The stars above seemed to shine a bit brighter, perhaps in response to her silent promise.

She took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her master's legacy resting heavily on her shoulders.

Returning home, she entered the familiar surroundings, her footsteps light.

The house was quiet, the only sound being the soft breathing of Hun Yu still asleep on the floor. She paused for a moment, watching him with a thoughtful expression.

His presence was a new element in her life, and though she had her doubts, there was something intriguing about him, something she couldn't quite place.