
Reincarnated To Get A Girlfriend

The Protagonist of this story is named Marco Higurashi. He is a normal highschool student with normal life and skills from his previous life. But an unfortunate event came to his normal life. and it ended his story with a car accident. " But dying is not the end of his last chapter ". Marco Higurashi ascend to the heaven and met the creator of life and death, Who called God. The Almighty was generous enough to make him choose a different path. Reincarnation to a different world or stay to heaven?. Who knows what he chooses?. Be the one to know his answer. Asmodeus. Belphegor. Mammon. Satan. Beelzebub. Lucifer. Leviathan. - Yamisen •••

Yamisen · Fantasy
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1201 Chs


Is it hopelessness they feel?.

Those agonizing tears of Carla and the disbelief on Follon's face cannot be painted on canvas.

{ She's right, I can't believe that this girl manage to break my hellish word, how in the world did she did that? } Follon asked himself.

{ My magic, my beautiful mirrors, all gone and shattered by the hands of a little girl, If I knew that this monster will come to us, I would've set some traps and didn't let my guard down } Carla thought.


{ They've completely given up, those expressions on theirs are the answers to my questions } Union thought.

She then slowly walked towards Follon and Carla with a stern look in her face; feirce and not showing any signs of weakness and backing off.

" You two are finished right?, I've had an amazing idea ". Union stated to them.


Carla and Follon stares at the decapitated head of Luke, and the life of his skin is starting to fade.

A disgusting sight to see, but even so, Both of them are feeling the wrath and depression at the same time.

Because all they can think is that-

{ Both of us might die any second now, with all of the talent she holds; she might be a worthy opponent for our Great King }

Follon thought while he stares at the ground with a forced smile.

" Why don't you just give me some information? I could spare your lives then ". Union stated.