
Reincarnated To Get A Girlfriend

The Protagonist of this story is named Marco Higurashi. He is a normal highschool student with normal life and skills from his previous life. But an unfortunate event came to his normal life. and it ended his story with a car accident. " But dying is not the end of his last chapter ". Marco Higurashi ascend to the heaven and met the creator of life and death, Who called God. The Almighty was generous enough to make him choose a different path. Reincarnation to a different world or stay to heaven?. Who knows what he chooses?. Be the one to know his answer. Asmodeus. Belphegor. Mammon. Satan. Beelzebub. Lucifer. Leviathan. - Yamisen •••

Yamisen · Fantasy
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1201 Chs

Flustered And Stutters

Violet looked at Marco; who's laying on the bed unconscious.

The room is filled with sun light because of the open window; and Marco's body shines too, like a God resting.


* Violet bit her bottom lips and avoid looking further more.

" Violet, focus!. Just change Marco's clothes and you are good to go ". I said to myself.

Violet waalk towards the bed and grab the exchange clothes right beside him.

She then put his right hand on Marco's back and lift him with my arm.


" You are quite heavy you know ". I stated with struggle.

I fastly dressed Marco's torso with a pure white cotton shirt and now...

" What about the bottom half ".

I said while I look at his crotch.

* Violet then swallowed her saliva and she stares at Marco.

" Should I even change the ' thing ' down there? ".

{ Agh!! }

Violet then shook her head from left to right; while she has a blushing expression.

No no no, You are a noble and, and, ahhh!, I don't know!.

" Lady Violet".

ahhh!, Violet turned around and Celestia is standing next to me with a calm smile on her face.

" What is it?! ". I shouted.

" Please use this to wipe his, you know what ". Celestia said with a smirk.


" Ah, I don't know what are you saying, I'm just doing what I can hahaha "

... Like hell!, I can do that!, first of all I'm a lady and second I'm not ready for this stuff yet. Oh such bitter injustice!.

" Hesitating on your target is not a good thing lady Violet ". Celestia Stated.

Huh?, what do you mean by- " My target?".