
Reincarnated to another world with AI in my head

Akira was an ordinary boy from Japan until a tragic accident caused his untimely death. Awakening in the presence of a god, Akira is given a second chance at life in a fantasy world, equipped with an AI in his head and unique abilities. With his modern knowledge and newfound powers, Akira sets out to rise in this new world, facing monsters, uncovering secrets, and challenging fate itself. His journey is one of transformation, as he evolves from a regular boy into a formidable hero, destined to leave an indelible mark on the world.

Specter_Ink · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Dawn of Modern Weapons

When Akira opened his eyes, he saw a very familiar ceiling. He noticed that he was in his bedroom. Alfred greeted him warmly and informed him that he had been asleep for three full days. Groggy, Akira asked how he had come back to his house. Alfred explained that as Akira was losing consciousness, he had used the bond between summon and summoner to alert the goblins that their master needed them, giving them a general sense of Akira's location. As the goblins approached, Alfred guided them to Akira using his mana signature.

Akira stood, still feeling a bit weak from his ordeal and the lack of food. He opened the door and found a goblin standing guard. The goblin called for the others, and they rushed to help their master down the stairs. Jarvis began preparing some fish, but Akira requested something else. Jarvis offered to rush to the city to get whatever Akira wanted, though it would take time. Alfred suggested that Akira use the serpent meat he had stored in his bag. Akira pulled out several pieces of the serpent's meat, and Jarvis quickly cleaned and started to cook it.

The serpent was a high-rank monster, and its meat had beneficial properties that would strengthen the eater. Akira ate heartily, and the goblins, too, enjoyed the delicacy. After the meal, Akira felt rejuvenated. He did his usual workout, then asked Jarvis what had happened while he was unconscious.

Jarvis recounted that the goblins had suddenly become tense and indicated that Akira needed help. They picked Jarvis up, and three goblins accompanied him to the abandoned mines, leaving one goblin behind. The goblins fought a few ghouls and navigated the caves with a clear sense of purpose, leading Jarvis to Akira, who was lying unconscious in the chamber. They picked him up and brought him back, using all the health potions at their disposal to aid his recovery.

Akira then inquired if they had picked up anything from the cave. Jarvis revealed that they had found three golem cores and one large core, though it was broken into pieces. They also collected adamantite ore and mithril ore. Akira went to his bedroom to reflect on the last battle. It had been a close call. He whispered to himself, thinking of how he could have improved the outcome. His gaze fell upon his ax, and a realization struck him: Why was he fighting with medieval weapons? He was a human, and humans had survived through adaptability and the use of advanced tools.

"If I had been fighting with modern weapons, the effort required would have been minimal," Akira thought. He knew science and could use magic; it was time to combine the two. Determined, he said to himself, "This is my second chance at life, and I should make the most of it. Alfred, let's start by making gunpowder."

Akira took the golem cores and went to the city. At the guild, he sold two golem cores. Then he visited the weapon smith and offered to sell the ax. The weapon smith inspected the ax and almost fainted from excitement. The quality was easily S-class, a level of craftsmanship he had never encountered before. Akira suggested putting the ax up for auction, with the shopkeeper earning a commission based on the final price. The shopkeeper eagerly agreed.

Next, Akira visited various shops to gather the ingredients for gunpowder: saltpeter (potassium nitrate), sulfur, and charcoal. He bought these items from different locations to avoid suspicion, also purchasing some extra supplies. Additionally, he acquired copper ore and lead ore. With plenty of steel and adamantite already at home, he returned and began his work.

He started by making gunpowder, carefully blending the ingredients. Next, he crafted bullet casings and the actual bullets from lead. For his first firearm, he decided on a revolver, considering it the simplest to make. With Alfred's help, he designed a blueprint in his mind and, with intense concentration, spent the entire evening creating the first gun in this new world.

Excited to test it, Akira loaded a bullet into the revolver and headed to the backyard. Using earth magic, he created a massive boulder as a target. He then enchanted the bullet with properties such as friction resistance, enhanced piercing, and explosion on impact. Taking aim, he fired.

The goblins and Jarvis, watching for the first time, were stunned by the sight and sound of the gun. The bullet smashed the boulder into thousands of pieces, causing significant collateral damage. Shards of rock scattered across the property, breaking several windows and damaging walls. The goblins and Jarvis fell to the ground in shock, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Akira, amazed and smiling, told everyone to get a good night's sleep. "I'll explain everything tomorrow," he assured them, heading to his room. He paused and loaded another bullet, this time without any enchantments. He aimed at the wall, prompting the goblins and Jarvis to take cover. Akira fired the gun, the sound echoing as before. This time, the bullet only pierced halfway through the wall.

"As expected, enchantments make a significant difference, but even normal bullets can be useful," Akira remarked. He then reiterated for everyone to get some rest, and they would handle the cleanup tomorrow.

Thus, modern weaponry was introduced into a world of fantasy and magic, marking the dawn of a new era.

Meanwhile, in a monster-infested town, a sinister figure moved through the shadows. The leader, a powerful lich, was on the brink of evolution, ready to ascend to a higher state of existence. In the darkness, the lich's hollow eyes gleamed with anticipation, a malevolent smile spreading across its skeletal face.