
Chapter 20

I meant to work on this sooner, but I had the worst writers block. In the end I decided to just go with what I had written and continue the story. There also the usual life troubles...yadda...yadda. I am back, but I can't guarantee steady updates, we will see.

Chapter 20


Before the rating game commenced, Demaris was beckoned by Sirzechs to take a seat next to him. "Demaris, please join me. Laura, you can sit beside Demaris as well," Sirzechs said with a warm smile. Laura gracefully settled beside Demaris, and the four of them formed a small yet distinguished group.

As they sat down, Sirzechs took the opportunity to introduce Demaris to Lord Phenex, Riser's father, and Lady Phenex, Riser's mother. "Lord and Lady Phenex, I'd like you to meet Demaris and Laura, our esteemed guests for today's rating game," Sirzechs said, gesturing to Demaris and Laura.

Lord Phenex extended his hand, his demeanor both regal and somewhat condescending. "Ah, so you're Demaris," he said with a mocking tone, not even attempting to hide his arrogance. "Your reputation precedes you, but I must say, I'm not entirely impressed."

Lady Phenex offered a forced smile, her eyes narrowing as she glanced at Laura. "And you must be Laura. How... quaint," she sneered. "You must feel quite fortunate to be in the presence of such esteemed Devils."

Demaris, maintaining his composure, responded with a polite nod. "Thank you, Lord and Lady Phenex. It's an honor to be here and witness the rating game between your son's and Rias's teams. I'm confident that it will be a thrilling match."

Laura, not one to be easily intimidated, smiled sweetly in return. "Yes, it's truly a unique experience. I'm sure we'll all learn something from today's events."

With the introductions out of the way, the highly anticipated rating game began. As the battle unfolded, the group found themselves exchanging commentary, admiring the skill and strategy exhibited by both teams. Every clash of power and well-executed maneuver elicited gasps and murmurs from the onlookers, who couldn't help but be drawn into the intensity of the fight.

Sirzechs, intrigued by the ongoing battle, turned to Demaris and said, "I must admit, Demaris, Rias's team is performing quite well. It's evident that your training has paid off."

Demaris nodded in agreement, his eyes never leaving the action. "Indeed, they've come a long way in a short time. Their determination and teamwork are truly impressive."

Lord Phenex, however, remained confident in his son's abilities. "Hmph, no matter how well Rias and her team perform, they will never be able to defeat Riser. His regeneration abilities are simply unmatched."

Lady Phenex chimed in, still maintaining her air of superiority. "Yes, it's a futile effort on their part. They will soon learn that the Phenex bloodline is not to be trifled with."

Laura, observing the fight with keen interest, couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for Rias's team. "Their progress is truly remarkable," she commented. "I have no doubt that they'll continue to surprise us with their tenacity and skill."

As the battle raged on, the medallion Demaris gave Issei before the fight made its debut, which caught the attention of the observing Devils. Lord Phenex's eyes widened with shock. "What is that?" he demanded, his previous confidence wavering.

Demaris smiled enigmatically, his gaze still fixed on the battlefield. "You'll see," he said, cryptically. "It's a little something that might just tip the scales in their favor."

The group continued to watch the fight unfold, their anticipation growing with each passing moment. The outcome of the rating game was anything but certain, and the tension in the room was palpable.

As the battle raged on, the Devils in attendance were astonished by the medallion Demaris had entrusted to Issei. This mysterious talisman seemed to be a game-changer, a formidable tool that could sway the tide of battle in their favor. The spectators could scarcely trust their own eyes as they witnessed the profound impact it had on the rating game.

Sirzechs, intrigued by the unfolding spectacle, questioned Demaris, "What's the story behind that medallion, Demaris? It's clearly providing Issei with a significant edge."

Demaris merely grinned, his gaze fixed on the ongoing battle. "Ah, the medallion... well, let's just say it's a little something I stumbled upon. Seems to have an interesting effect on Devils, particularly those with regenerative capabilities."

Lady Phenex, her haughtiness giving way to alarm, scrutinized the medallion with a blend of concern and disbelief. "But how could such a thing exist? The Phenex clan is the only devil family with regenerative powers. This... this is unprecedented."

Laura, a woman of few words, added simply, her eyes still on the fight, "Demaris has a way with rare artifacts."

Lord Phenex, frustration seeping into his voice, ground his teeth. "This is absurd! How can a mere human have such a weapon at his disposal?" He demanded, his gaze flickering between the fight and Demaris.

As the fight progressed, the group continued to comment on the various tactics employed by the combatants. Sirzechs, a highly knowledgeable and experienced Devil, offered his insights and observations, shedding light on the reasoning behind certain decisions made during the fight. "You see, Rias's strategy here is to focus on their mobility and coordination. Quite clever, if you ask me," he remarked.

Demaris nodded in agreement, adding, "Yes, their adaptability has improved significantly since our training sessions. They're making the most of their individual strengths and compensating for each other's weaknesses."

Laura, her eyes carefully observing the match, pointed out, "Koneko's newfound agility is a testament to her hard work. She's come a long way, and it's paying off in this fight."

Lord Phenex, begrudgingly impressed, remarked, "I must admit, Rias's team is more formidable than I had anticipated. Their training with you, Demaris, has clearly made a difference."

Lady Phenex chimed in, "Indeed, it's fascinating to see how well they're working together, despite their diverse abilities and backgrounds."

The battle was a rollercoaster of emotions, with each victory and defeat adding to the tension in the room. The Devils present, including Lord and Lady Phenex, couldn't help but be amazed by the tenacity and determination shown by both teams, especially Rias's team who had been trained under Demaris's watchful eye. The air was thick with anticipation as everyone eagerly awaited the outcome of this thrilling confrontation.

As the rating game neared its conclusion, the atmosphere grew increasingly tense. Every move, every decision carried the weight of the outcome on its shoulders, making each moment all the more critical. The Devils present held their breath, eyes glued to the unfolding battle as they awaited the final confrontation between Riser and Issei.

Sirzechs broke the silence, leaning towards Demaris, "This has been quite the spectacle, Demaris. I must say, I'm impressed by the progress Rias's team has made under your guidance."

Demaris replied, "Thank you, Sirzechs. They've all put in a tremendous amount of effort, and it shows."

In the end, the medallion Demaris had given Issei proved to be the deciding factor in the rating game. Its powerful effect on Devils and demons played a crucial role in Rias's team's victory, leaving the onlookers stunned and in awe of the power it possessed. As the battle came to a close, the room was filled with a mix of relief, excitement, and disbelief, the intensity of the fight lingering in the air like an afterimage.

Lord Phenex, still processing the result, commented, "I never imagined that such an artifact could exist. The power it held over Riser was truly remarkable."

Lady Phenex added, "Yes, it was unlike anything I've ever seen before. Demaris, would you care to enlighten us about the origins of this medallion?"

Demaris, ever mysterious, responded vaguely, "It's an ancient relic with a unique power. But as for its true origins, I'm afraid that's a story best left untold."

With the rating game concluded, the group began to discuss the incredible events they had just witnessed. The hard-earned victory, the unexpected twists, and the unbelievable power of the medallion were all subjects of conversation, as the Devils tried to process the unforgettable battle that had just taken place before their eyes.

Amidst the discussion, Demaris subtly sent a secret signal to the medallion. In an instant, the artifact atomized into dust, vanishing as if it had never existed. The sudden disappearance of the medallion only added to the air of mystery surrounding Demaris and the remarkable battle that had just taken place.

As Rias and her peerage exited the pocket dimension where the rating game had taken place, they found themselves stepping back into a gala-like party. The atmosphere was one of celebration and anticipation, as the audience eagerly awaited news of the battle's outcome.

The grand ballroom was adorned with lavish decorations, shimmering chandeliers casting a warm, golden glow over the elegant guests. The soft melodies of a string quartet filled the air, mingling with the lively chatter of the partygoers.

Sirzechs rose from his seat, his eyes filled with pride as he looked upon his younger sister and her team. With a smile, he announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to declare that the engagement between Riser Phenex and my sister, Rias Gremory, is hereby void!"

Rias's eyes widened, and a look of pure joy washed over her face. She couldn't help but shout, "Yes!" as she reveled in the freedom that her team's victory had granted her.

Issei, filled with emotion, turned to Rias and promised, "Rias, I will always protect you, no matter what."

Tears welled up in Rias's eyes, and she smiled through them. "Thank you, Issei," she whispered, before pulling him close and planting a tender kiss on his lips.

The surrounding Devils and team members broke into applause, celebrating the triumphant moment. The warmth and affection shared between Rias and Issei touched everyone present, a testament to the strength of their bond and the love they held for each other.

The grand ballroom, which had been a hub of excitement and tension just moments before, was now filled with joy and laughter as friends, allies, and rivals alike reveled in the aftermath of the incredible rating game. The scent of victory and newfound freedom lingered in the air, a powerful reminder of the importance of friendship, love, and unwavering determination.

As the party wound down and the last of the guests began to leave, Demaris and Laura prepared to return to his apartment. Demaris, being a skilled technomancer, activated his Advanced ACD without the need for incantations or gestures, opening a portal that would transport them directly home.

Upon their arrival at the apartment, Laura looked up at Demaris with a soft smile and, to his surprise, gave him a quick peck on the cheek. The unexpected gesture caught him off guard, leaving him momentarily speechless as Laura walked away, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue.

Shaking off his surprise, Demaris turned his attention to the task at hand: filling out paperwork for his new apartment building. He spent the entire night poring over documents, meticulously ensuring that every detail was in order. As he worked, he purchased a large quantity of raw materials, necessary for the remodeling of the building.

Throughout the night, Demaris couldn't help but ponder Laura's apparent infatuation with him. While her affections seemed innocent and somewhat childish, he was unsure whether he could reciprocate them, even if they were genuine. After all, he still carried feelings for his wife from his past life, and despite appearing to be almost thirteen like Laura, his mind was that of a 70-year-old man.

As the sun began to rise and the first light of day filtered into the apartment, Demaris continued his work, his thoughts a mixture of nostalgia, uncertainty, and the ever-present responsibility he felt toward those who relied on him. The complexities of his life and emotions weighed heavily upon him, as he navigated the delicate balance between his past, present, and future.

After a brief trip to pick up the raw materials he had purchased earlier, Demaris returned to the apartment building with a plan in mind. He issued a notice to all the residents, informing them that they would need to vacate the premises for a day so he could carry out remodeling work. To ease their concerns, he assured them there would be no rent hikes, and any damage to their furniture would be reimbursed.

Once Demaris had the building to himself, he set to work, transforming it into a fortress. Utilizing his vast knowledge and magical abilities, he skillfully transmuted the materials, ensuring there was no risk of damage to the existing structure. The residents' floors would receive a generic remodel, but Demaris reserved his floor for a more personalized touch, designing it to suit his unique needs and preferences.

The construction process was swift and efficient, with Demaris employing transmutation to shape and manipulate the materials into their new forms. As the building took shape, it became clear that his vision was one of modernity and futurism, each floor boasting sleek lines and cutting-edge design elements that would appeal to the discerning eye.

By the time the work was completed, the apartment building had been transformed into a stunning architectural masterpiece, blending seamlessly into the urban landscape while offering an impenetrable fortress for Demaris and his secrets. As the residents returned to their newly remodeled homes, they marveled at the changes, completely unaware of the true extent of the magical enhancements hidden within the building's walls.

With the completion of the remodeling, Demaris took a moment to survey his own floor, now transformed into a luxurious, private living space. The apartment now spanned the entire floor, boasting an impressive layout designed with the comfort and needs of its inhabitants in mind.

As he walked through the spacious living area, Demaris noted the individual rooms designated for each member of his makeshift family. There was a room for Dr. Sarah Kinney, decorated with the latest gadgets and technology, as well as a dedicated space for her research; a room for Laura, filled with soft, inviting furnishings and warm, comforting colors; and, of course, a room for Demaris himself, a personal sanctuary tailored to his tastes and preferences.

For Sorceress, the sentient AI with a robot body, her own space was a seamless blend of technology and comfort, a room that catered to her unique needs and preferences. In addition to these personal quarters, four guest rooms were available, each designed with a unique theme and aesthetic to accommodate any visiting friends or allies who might need a place to stay.

As Demaris stood in the center of the apartment, taking in the results of his hard work, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had created a true home for himself and those closest to him, a place where they could gather, relax, and find solace from the outside world. And with the magical enhancements he had incorporated into the building's design, they could rest easy knowing they were safe and protected within these walls.

Demaris also made sure to leave the mana extractors on the roof and his workshop untouched during the remodel, preserving their functionality and ensuring that his magical and technological resources remained intact and accessible.

Taking a moment to relax after the extensive remodel, Demaris settled onto his comfortable couch and clicked on the news. His eyes widened as the headline flashed across the screen: Tony Stark, renowned billionaire and genius inventor, had been kidnapped in Afghanistan.

Ordinarily, Demaris wouldn't be overly concerned about such an event; however, he couldn't help but consider the potential long-term implications. If a ransom were paid to the terrorists, they could use that money to wreak even more havoc on the world. Demaris knew that Tony Stark's kidnapping could have far-reaching consequences, and it was essential to handle the situation carefully.

As he continued to watch the news, a message notification appeared on his communication device. It was from Natasha, the skilled and deadly Black Widow, asking for Demaris's assistance in locating Stark. Despite his initial reluctance to get involved, Demaris knew that his unique skills and expertise could be invaluable in this particular situation.

Agreeing to help, Demaris set about gearing up for the mission ahead. He gathered his weapons and gadgets, ensuring that everything was in working order and ready for action. He also informed Laura of the situation and asked for her assistance, knowing that her skills would be an asset on this dangerous mission.


Tony Stark slowly regained consciousness, his senses assaulted by the cold, damp air of a dimly lit cave. As he tried to sit up, a searing pain shot through his chest, feeling as if it were on fire. He let out a gasp and immediately stopped moving, the pain too intense to bear.

"Careful," a voice called out from the shadows. A strange man wearing glasses emerged, cautiously approaching Tony. "I'm Yinsen, a doctor. You're lucky to be alive."

Tony stared at Yinsen, his breathing labored as he tried to process the information. Yinsen continued, "There's shrapnel in your body, slowly working its way toward your heart. To keep the pieces from reaching it, I've implanted an electromagnet in your chest."

Tony's eyes widened in shock as he glanced down at the crude device protruding from his chest. A mess of wires connected the electromagnet to a car battery sitting beside him. He knew all too well that this setup wouldn't work forever. The battery would eventually lose its charge, and the shrapnel would continue its deadly journey.

As the gravity of his situation began to sink in, Tony's mind raced with thoughts of escape and survival. He needed to find a way out of this hellish place and get the medical attention he so desperately required.

Tony Stark and Yinsen were engrossed in their own thoughts when the heavy, metallic clang of the cell door echoed through the cave. A group of armed terrorists filed into the room, their expressions cold and menacing. The apparent leader of the group stepped forward and issued their demands.

"We want you to build your latest Jericho missile for us," he said, his voice devoid of any emotion.

Tony's face hardened in defiance, "No. I won't help you create a weapon of mass destruction."

The terrorist's eyes narrowed, and his gaze shifted to Yinsen, a malicious smile spreading across his face. "Perhaps your friend's life will change your mind?"

Tony clenched his jaw, the weight of the decision bearing down on him. He knew that if he refused, Yinsen would suffer the consequences. With a reluctant nod, he agreed to their demands.

As Tony set to work, his brilliant mind formulated a plan. He wouldn't build their weapon, but instead use this opportunity to engineer their escape. In a stroke of genius, Tony designed a small arc reactor to replace the car battery, providing a more stable and long-lasting power source for the electromagnet in his chest.

With the arc reactor in place, Tony shifted his focus to his escape plan. He began constructing a suit of armor, equipping it with flamethrowers and other improvised weapons. As he worked, he kept up the façade of building the missile, carefully hiding the true nature of his project from the watchful eyes of the terrorists.

Every day, the suit of armor took shape, each new piece bringing Tony and Yinsen closer to their chance at freedom. As they labored away in the dimly lit cave, they knew that their lives depended on the success of their daring plan.

As Tony and Yinsen labored away on their secret project, time seemed to blur together. In the dim, flickering light of the forge and candles, the two men lost track of the hours and days, their focus solely on the task at hand. The cave, though confining and dark, became their sanctuary, a place where they could work together to create the means for their escape.

Finally, the armor was nearly complete. Tony's heart raced with anticipation as he hastily fitted the last few pieces onto his body. The weight of the metal suit felt strangely comforting, like a protective shell that would shield him from the dangers that lay ahead.

As they prepared to make their move, the distant sound of boots pounding against the rough stone floor echoed through the cave. The guards were rushing towards their cell, and time was running out.

Yinsen looked over at Tony, his eyes filled with a mix of determination and fear. "Are you ready?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Tony nodded, steeling himself for the battle ahead. "Let's do this."

As the guards drew closer, Tony's mind raced with thoughts of escape and the hope of returning to the world he'd left behind. He knew that the stakes were high, but with Yinsen by his side and the power of his new suit of armor, he was ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

Tony's heart pounded in his chest as he charged through the cell door, his metal suit of armor glinting in the dim light of the cave. The guards' eyes widened in shock and fear as they beheld the imposing figure before them. Without hesitating, they began firing their AK-47s at Tony, the bullets ricocheting off the armor with harmless sparks.

Unfazed, Tony activated the flamethrowers built into his suit, sending a wave of searing heat and fire towards the guards. Their screams were quickly drowned out by the roar of the flames as they succumbed to the inferno.

Bolstered by his success, Tony pressed forward, fighting his way through the cave and dispatching terrorists with brutal efficiency. His suit was a juggernaut, an unstoppable force that left destruction in its wake.

As Tony neared the entrance of the cave, a sudden explosion caught him off guard. A stray M203 grenade had detonated near Yinsen, sending the older man hurtling through the air and crashing into the cave wall with a sickening thud.

Frantically, Tony rushed to Yinsen's side, his heart heavy with dread. Yinsen's breath came in ragged gasps, his eyes filled with pain. With a trembling hand, he reached up to touch Tony's armored face.

"I... I'll get to see my family again..." Yinsen whispered, a bittersweet smile on his lips. It was then that Tony realized the truth: Yinsen's family was already dead, killed during his capture. His earlier insinuation about their survival had been a desperate hope, one that now slipped away with his final breath.

Grief-stricken and fueled by rage, Tony stood up, his resolve hardened. Yinsen's sacrifice would not be in vain. He would escape the cave and make the terrorists pay for their atrocities. With newfound determination, Tony stormed out of the cave, ready to bring vengeance down upon those who had caused so much pain.

Tony continued to fight his way to freedom, his armor a beacon of retribution in the bright sun. The remaining terrorists scrambled in a futile attempt to stop him, but the armored figure was relentless, a force of nature that could not be contained.

Once outside, Tony surveyed the scene quickly, noting the munitions pile, now ablaze, threatening to explode at any moment. With little time to spare, he activated the rocket boots built into the armor, launching himself into the sky just as the munitions erupted in a massive, fiery explosion.

The force of the blast propelled Tony even further, the landscape below him transforming into a blur as he soared through the air. His suit, though powerful, was not designed for sustained flight, and he felt the strain of the energy demands on his hastily built arc reactor.

As his flight began to falter, Tony spotted a vast expanse of sand dunes below him. Desperate to avoid a crash landing, he aimed for the softest-looking dune and braced for impact.

The armor slammed into the sand, creating a cloud of dust and debris. Tony's body jolted from the force of the impact, the pain momentarily overwhelming his senses. Exhausted and battered, he struggled to maintain consciousness, his vision fading in and out.

Finally, unable to fight it any longer, Tony succumbed to the darkness and fell unconscious, his armored form half-buried in the sand.


Demaris and Laura had spent a month traversing the treacherous terrain of Afghanistan, using their unique abilities to hunt down and eliminate terrorist organizations. They moved like shadows, swift and lethal, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Whenever they needed to rest or recuperate, they would teleport back to the apartment using their space magic, recharging and preparing for the next mission.

Though he wasn't keen on having Laura commit more and more violence, it almost seemed like the fights were a necessary part of her very core. An animalistic urge.

As they moved towards their next target, a hidden base nestled in the unforgiving landscape, a sudden explosion shook the ground beneath them. Flames and debris shot into the sky, a massive plume of smoke rising from the location of the base.

"What the hell?" Demaris muttered, shielding his eyes from the bright light of the explosion.

Laura, her eyes narrowed, pointed at a figure soaring through the air away from the explosion. "Look!"

Demaris squinted, trying to get a better look at the mysterious armored figure. It seemed to be struggling to maintain altitude, eventually crash landing into a nearby sand dune.

"I have a feeling that is our target," Demaris deduces from their involvement in the destruction of the base.

They made their way towards the sand dune where the armored figure had landed, moving cautiously yet quickly. As they approached, they could see the man's suit was battered and partially buried in the sand, his body limp and unresponsive.

"Don't worry stark, you're safe now," Demaris teleports them back to his apartment, and brings along all of Tony's broken pieces of armor.

Demaris carefully removed Tony's armor, piece by piece, ensuring he didn't cause any additional harm to the unconscious man. He teleported the armor to his workshop, where he planned to examine it later. For now, Tony's well-being was the priority. With Laura's help, they teleported Tony to one of the guest rooms in the apartment, laying him down on the bed and making sure he was as comfortable as possible.

While keeping an eye on Tony's condition, Demaris activated his Advanced ACD, which connected to his brain and provided an augmented reality HUD. He selected the number Natasha had left him before she embarked on her undercover mission, and the call was immediately placed. After a few rings, the call was answered by a man with a gruff voice.

"Who's this?" the man asked, clearly on edge.

"Clint Barton?" Demaris inquired, trying to place the voice.

"Yeah, that's me. Hawkeye. What do you want?"

"Natasha gave me this number in case I needed to contact her. I have Tony Stark with me. He's alive, but unconscious. I found him in Afghanistan."

There was a moment of stunned silence before Clint replied, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and relief. "How the hell did you manage that? And how did you get him back to the U.S. without anyone noticing?"

Demaris hesitated for a moment, unsure how much to reveal. "I have my ways, Clint. What's important is that Tony is safe. I think you should come over and see him."

"Alright," Clint agreed, still sounding bewildered. "Send me the coordinates, and I'll be there as soon as I can."

Using his Advanced ACD, Demaris shared the location of his apartment with Clint, then turned his attention back to the still-unconscious Tony Stark who was beginning to stir.

Demaris watched from a respectful distance as Dr. Kinney tended to Tony Stark's wounds. The efficient yet gentle hands of the doctor moved skillfully, cleaning and dressing wounds that were scattered across Tony's body. Her brow furrowed in concentration, a clear sign of her concern, as she delicately inspected the metallic object embedded in Tony's chest.

"I'm not sure what this is," she confessed, her tone tinged with anxiety. "It's some sort of energy-producing device. We need to be careful not to disturb it."

"I'll run a diagnostic," Demaris reassured her, activating his Advanced ACD. As he did, Laura excused herself to take a shower, leaving the two alone in the room.

As the diagnostic ran, Demaris kept his eyes fixed on the holographic screen that the ACD projected. His eyebrows furrowed as he scanned the report. The energy source in the device was palladium - a rare and valuable metal, but toxic in the long run. Furthermore, it was powering an electromagnet that was preventing shrapnel from piercing Tony's heart. It was a creative, albeit risky, solution. A quick scan showed the remnants of the shrapnel scattered around Tony's heart, each piece a ticking time bomb.

"Palladium?" Dr. Kinney echoed, her eyes widening as she caught sight of the diagnostic report. "That's... I mean, it's brilliant, but it's also incredibly dangerous."

Demaris nodded in agreement, a deep sense of respect for the doctor who had worked under such challenging conditions to save Tony's life. "The doctor who did this must've had limited resources. He used what he had and managed to save Tony's life. It's not a long-term solution though. Palladium is toxic over time. We'll need to find a safer alternative."

Dr. Kinney nodded, her professional demeanor resurfacing. "We'll have to come up with a plan. In the meantime, we need to make sure he's stable."

"Agreed," Demaris replied, closing the holographic screen. For the first time since his rescue, Tony Stark seemed to be in safe hands. The immediate danger had passed, but Demaris knew that they were far from out of the woods. They needed a plan, and they needed one fast. But for now, they had bought themselves a little bit of time. And in this business, every second counted.

As Dr. Kinney exited the room to give Demaris some space, the Technomancer took a moment to gather his thoughts. The remnants of the shrapnel posed a significant threat to Tony's life, and they had to be dealt with sooner rather than later.

Demaris raised his hand, the Advanced ACD on his neck beginning to glow subtly with a soft blue light. As he focused his energy, he activated his transmutation magic, directing it towards the shrapnel scattered around Tony's heart. The ACD provided him with precise visualization and location of the fragments, making the task easier.

Under his influence, the fragments began to liquify, morphing into malleable bits of metal under the influence of the transmutation. With expert precision, he guided the now liquid shrapnel to coalesce at the front of Tony's chest, away from the vital organ. Once they had gathered in a concentrated area, he solidified the metal once again, ensuring they posed no immediate danger to Tony's heart.

With a deep breath, Demaris slowly extracted the shrapnel from Tony's chest. The operation was delicate, but the Technomancer was precise. The hardened ball of shrapnel emerged from Tony's chest, leaving no trace of its former presence.

Once the shrapnel was out, Demaris took a moment to inspect the palladium device. With the shrapnel gone, its immediate purpose - to keep the deadly fragments from piercing Tony's heart - was nullified. However, removing it now, while Tony was still unconscious, could be risky. And it wasn't ethical either. They would need his permission to proceed with removing the device.

He took a step back, his eyes drifting from the device to Tony's face. He was still unconscious, but the rise and fall of his chest seemed more steady now. It was a small victory, but an important one. He had been able to save Tony from an imminent threat.

Turning his attention back to his ACD, Demaris updated his diagnostics, keeping an eye on Tony's vitals. The immediate danger might have passed, but there was still much work to do. Tony was not out of the woods yet, but with each passing moment, they were getting closer to ensuring his recovery. Demaris allowed himself a small smile - a fleeting moment of satisfaction before the next challenge would undoubtedly arise.

Demaris noticed a change in Tony's vitals on his Advanced ACD, drawing him back from his thoughts. Turning to Stark, he saw the man's eyes slowly blink open, an evident confusion marring his features as he took in the unfamiliar surroundings. This wasn't a sterile hospital room - it was too warm, too inviting. It was a guest room in Demaris' apartment.

"Ah, you're awake," Demaris stated, pushing himself off the wall he'd been leaning on to approach Tony's bedside.

"Where am I?" Tony asked, wincing slightly as he tried to sit up.

"You're safe," Demaris began. "You're in my home in New York City."

Tony's eyes narrowed in puzzlement and suspicion. "New York? That's... it's been just a few hours since I was in Afghanistan."

Demaris nodded, keeping his facial expression unreadable. "I was in the area, doing a favor for a friend," he left the statement intentionally vague, inviting Tony to connect the dots himself.

Tony's gaze on him was discerning but he opted to change the subject, "I... I feel different," he said, a subtle movement of his hand towards his chest giving away his concern.

"I've removed all the shrapnel from your body," Demaris provided an explanation, his tone remaining matter-of-fact.

Tony seemed taken aback by the information, his hand pressed lightly over the device resting in his chest. After a brief moment of silence, he finally queried, "And this device?"

"It's still there," Demaris responded, carefully gauging Tony's reaction. "Do you want it removed?"

With a contemplative look, Tony shook his head slowly. "No, it stays. I... I have plans for it."

"Understood, Tony," Demaris nodded, respecting Stark's decision. The room slipped back into a companionable silence, both men lost in their own thoughts. With the immediate threat eliminated, Tony's path to recovery had just become a bit smoother.

Demaris noticed Tony's subtle touch on the device again. Taking a decision, he ventured, "I can help you build a new one, one that won't be toxic."

Tony's eyebrows shot up at the proposition, "I think this one will be fine," he countered, a stubborn tilt to his head.

"It's made from palladium. It's toxic and will gradually poison your blood," Demaris explained patiently. "Even with the best medical care, you won't last half a decade."

Tony looked down, his fingers tracing the visible outline of the device. The revelation sobered him, and he swallowed hard before locking eyes with Demaris.

"Whatever you plan to do with it, Just know that you will get very sick and die the longer it is used." Demaris asked, allowing Tony to process the harsh reality.

"Well what alternatives are there?" Tony asks, "this is the single most advanced thing I have ever made."

Demaris contemplates for a moment why he is even bringing this up. Is it due to his recent streak of heroism? What even were his long term plans for Dr. Kinney and Laura.

Shoving those thoughts to the back of his mind for later contemplation, Demaris returns his focus to how much information he should give Tony and S.H.I.E.L.D for that matter.

Tony speaks up first, "Why don't you come to L.A. and I'll treat you guys for offering me aid."

Demaris shakes his head, "I have other matters to attend to. I will admit that helping you was in my nature, this was simply a request from a friend. I'm afraid our relationship needs to end here for the safety of those around me."

Tony looks flabbergasted, not many people will openly refuse an offer for his company.

Demaris can feel Tony's eyes on his back as he leaves the room.