
Reincarnated Renegade

READ THIS ON ROYAL ROAD This is an outdated first draft and Webnovel makes it difficult to update everything. Here is the updated link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/37863/reincarnated-renegade = The son of a Duke woke up with amnesia. It's the truth. Was it the whole truth? Not necessarily. The whole truth was that the Duke's son's memories were replaced. By Bellavarn. Bellavarn didn't think he deserved a second life if that was what this was. He died young, sure. But he was the one who ended it in the first place. Did he want this life? It wasn't his, wasn't deserved, and unasked for. Take one of the thousands who beg uncaring gods instead, not him. He wanted oblivion. Examining his new surroundings, the plush pillows, expensive draperies, and the nervous maid, he assumed the worst. Who was he in this world? Time to find out.  So... "Close the doors." "Lord?" "Do it." *This Novel contains dark themes not suitable for all readers. *This is an original novel. Any similarities of existing characters, locations, or otherwise is purely coincidental. (Cover art is my original drawing)

Austin_Scanlon · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Bonus Chapter : Behind Closed Doors

Irene closed the door to the parlor, allowing Princess Lecil to catch up with her sister. It worried her that Princess Anne might be behind the destruction of Princess Lecil's room. Torn clothes. The destroyed furniture. Irene nearly had a heart attack when she first saw it. Fortunately, the Princess managed to turn a negative into a positive. Irene was consulted about dress color, accessories, and furniture pairings.

Rain was a lifesaver being able to drag everything around. He was a sporting individual with a lot of passion for being so young. Irene wasn't much older, maybe a handful of years at most. Still, she wasn't nearly as spry and limber. How did Rain manage to do the splits while carrying over 30 bags without tearing something?

Overall, the outing was entirely enjoyable. Princess Lecil made them both laugh and was completely unlike what all the other maids spoke behind her back.

Irene would be lying if she didn't enjoy not having to clean up the mess left behind herself. True to Princess Lecil's words, everything was cleaned up, spit and spot. The bed missing was a blunder in their mood, but it was again turned into a plus. Lecil heading back out and custom ordering her own. One that wasn't so grand. Someone was clearly pleased with the patronage because it somehow arrived before nightfall, being assembled magically on sight.

It gave Irene heartburn, thinking how much it all cost...

Irene proceeded away from the parlor with the gaggle of the maids; they were heading back to their version of a barracks. It wasn't as military. It was twice as strict. Maids in the palace didn't have it easy. General servants received a lot more slack on their rope.

Competition could be brutal inside the Palace. That was why Irene was so happy to be permanently assigned to the First Princess. She was excused from many of her other duties she would have had normally.

"What are you smiling about, Irene?"

"What? Oh. I was just thinking about how nice Princess Lecil turned out to be. I didn't think she would be so pleasant to work with."

"Pleasant? Truly? This must be a joke. I figured it would be endlessly frustrating to work for someone, so..."

The maid waved a hand, looking to the others for help. Two chimed in with different words.



"I was going to say dispassionate. She never so much as looked in my direction. How can you stand that, Irene."

Irene became thoughtful.

"Well. She was like that at first. Cold and distant. Then one day, things changed, and she opened up. She is actually really warm and smart. Beautiful too."

Irene put a finger to her chin. Princess Lecil was an honest and straightforward person. She could handle her business well and wasn't afraid to tell Irene if she did something wrong. Once all those bruises clear up and she wears the more open clothing they bought, she could woo any man with her beauty.

Learning about the bruises were one thing. It was a sucker punch to realize no one ever paid enough attention to notice, including Irene. Then learning how they came to be was a total knockout. Tristan... Anne... Then there was Sallow. The things she heard about Sallow became more and more believable.

"Honestly, I don't understand it. I could never work with Princess Lecil."

"Me either."

"I couldn't do it."

Irene's eyes narrowed. Were they trying to stir up trouble? Hadn't they already said enough?

"Luckily, none of you have to. Fortunately, I am enough for Princess Lecil."

"Princess Anne is much more pleasant. She has fits of anger now and then, but I expect her to grow out of it soon."

"True. She is very kind to the staff. Remembering our names."

"The occasional gift is a welcome surprise too."

The maid in the lead remained silent. She was also the oldest of the group. Helda. The one that answered the door.

Irene understood that Princess Anne was good to work under. Many competed to serve Anne when she was growing up. Princes Lecil, on the other hand, went through maids quickly. She never objected to them, but the maids found themselves quitting on their own, upset with their duties. Not many could handle serving someone who was so passive. The maids ended up trying to interpret and infer, leading to blunders or useless actions. Maids required clear orders and rules to be effective.

The others. They received clear orders and attention. Even gifts at times. They may be content and satisfied in their positions, but Irene doubted their work ever made them truly smile. She doubted they could boast sharing a laugh with a Princess. Not that Irene would bother correcting their false assumptions. They didn't need to know exactly how amazing her job was; lest they fall over themselves in an attempt to win the next position.

"You are acting high and mighty, despite receiving the worst job in the palace."

Irene glared at the Helda, who sneered in her direction.

"I've made my job enjoyable."

"Sounds like poppycock to me. You will quit like all the others."

Irene stopped walking. The others followed suit. Irene's voice became resolute.

"I will never quit on Princess Lecil."

"So you say."

Irene held her hands in front of her, preventing herself from curling fists.

"I don't see what your problem is. Why does it matter to you if I quit or stay?"

The older woman's sneer could score a perfect ten as she loomed over Irene. The other three stood behind like a posse on the playground. They were playing games—the oldest acting like the biggest child.

Irene knew that she was unliked among the maids. For whatever reason. Maids went on rotation when it came to Princess Lecil. It was seen as a punishment duty. Many were unhappy with the fact she hadn't quit after the mandatory first week.

Helda probably did her 'stint' as well.

"No one can tolerate working for an emotionless half-blood bastard. Don't pretend it is any easier for you."

Irene let a chuckle escape. She couldn't help it. They were jealous that she was doing the job that they all failed at. Their feelings were hurt because they weren't up to par and had to settle for something easier.

"I didn't realize you all were so incompetent."

Irene heard ringing in her ears as her vision was knocked away. The sting on her cheek was unexpected and biting. Keeping her head in place, her brown eyes focused on the older maid—a hand lowering.

The others seemed mildly surprised by the attack but unwholly concerned.

"I can't strike a princess. But I can strike you for insulting me."


Irene still hasn't moved. Her head angled to the side. Calmly, she inched her face back into place. The corners of her mouth creeping ever upward. One cheek redder than the other. Her throat thrummed with the vocals of her next words.

"I can't strike you for hitting me. But I can report you for threatening a Princess."

"What? I did no such thing."

The older maid took a step back. Yes. This was how you handled bullies.

"Oh, but you did. You stated you regretted not being able to strike a princess. I even have three witnesses standing directly behind you."

She turned, stammering.


"You'll be lucky to keep your life, much less your job. And that is if I don't mention you calling the Princess an emotionless, half-blooded, bastard, whore..."

"I never said she was a whore."

"No. But you just confirmed you said everything else. Do I have to spell it out for you?"

The older maid paled. She would be executed for her loose tongue. No. Better to retreat here. She huffed and turned to walk away. The others moving in tandem, uncertain.


Helda stopped.

"You haven't apologized. I expect an apology for your attack on my person."

Helda made meaty fists.

"I am sorry for striking you."



"Are you not sorry for calling the Princess an emotionless half-blooded bast-"

"I sincerely apologize for both my actions and words. I beg you forgive my transgression this one time."

The sight of seeing Helda bowing to Irene made her shiver with ecstasy. Maybe this was what it was like to have power. Perhaps Irene and Lecil aren't entirely dissimilar.

"Apology accepted."

Helda stormed away without preamble. The backups following close behind. Irene stood there, deciding to walk back and wait for Princess Lecil.

It would be awkward in the dormitory, and Helda would undoubtedly be spreading voracious rumors about Irene. This was how the world of maids operated. Gossip and intrigue. Plotting behind others' backs. Eerily similar to the nobles they attended. Just as Helda was quick to anger like her ward, Irene knew how to handle that anger. By not responding to it. A little threat about going over the bully's head didn't hurt either. As long as the bully believed the threat to be real and entirely plausible

Irene waited outside the parlor door for about thirty minutes. Then the doors opened.

Princess Lecil stepped out, looking around. She spotted Irene right away, moving over.

"Irene. Sorry to make you wait."

Lecil noticed the mark on Irene's cheek at the same time Irene noticed Lecil's red eyes. There was an unspoken understanding of what occurred for each of them. The two connected through a strange bond.

"Did you give them hell?"

"Just as you would have, Princess."

The women both grinned ear to ear.

Just a little thing I was inspired to write. It wasn't originally planned.

You will receive the regularly scheduled chapter a few hours after this one publishes.

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