
Reincarnated, reincarnated, and reincarnated again for revenge [BL, H]

The moment XX-kun life ended on earth, he was reincarnated as a non-human in a fantasy setting world. Still in this world, human and non-human lived together in harmony. This harmony was shattered by an existence of a "demon emperor." Like any fantasy game goes, the demon emperor was finally defeated by XX-kun and his party... yet, afterward, he was killed... His second reincarnation was into the same world but way into the future.... but, he was reincarnated as a monster being experimented on in a laboratory. One of the experiment went wrong, thus his life ended. The third reincarnation, he again was born as a hybrid monster, half incubus, half ogre in a monster village. Everything seemed to go well until the village was attacked... WARNING: EXPLICIT YAOI, HENTAI, HAREM.

Babo12345 · LGBT+
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157 Chs

Chapter 73: The epilogue_the aftermath (2)

The eagle elegantly glided through the darkening sky, skillfully twisted and turned its body against the headwind before flapping its wing, bringing its long journey to a complete stop in the midair. The first few raindrops began to fall down, signifying a start of a days-long rain that was common during the winter time. The eagle's eyes leered downward at the bustling metropolis on the ground before swooping down, passing through several flying islands filled with oriental pagoda painted in a vibrant red color. The candle flames stored inside hundreds of red paper lanterns had already been extinguished by the strong gusty winds hours before the rain arrived. The long, waving red silk, hanging down from the long poles attached to the levitating building, violently fluttered in the air as if they were welcoming the eagle back from a long trip. The sharp-eyed aerial hunter quickly changed its flying path as it approached the ground and flew through the large, golden palace door that was decorated with two statues of a golden dragon on one side and a vermillion phoenix on the other. Despite it brazenly flying past the dozen guards, dressed in sturdy body armor from head to toe, standing at full attention, none seemed to respond to the intrusion, for they knew the bird was merely returning him to its master.

「... You're back, Yulai. How was it? Did Ylaes finally take over Shilna Clan for good?」The elegant, crimson haired, young man greeted the bird the moment he heard its talon touched the wooden window frame by his expansive room. Though, he still did not seem to pay attention to its presence since he elected to focus on reading a scroll of proposed edict that was composed by the imperial secretariat.

「I brought back unpleasant news with me, Your Majesty.」The bird slowly transformed into a beautiful woman. Her long, black hair appeared as smooth as the black silky clothes she had donned on herself. Her eyes were like refined crystals, reflecting the flickering candle light in the room.

「Ho?」The man placed down the scroll before raising his head to look at the beauty. Silence fell onto the room as the rain started to intensify outside the window. 「and what would it be?」The man softly asked.

「Ylaes had failed to secure Shilna and lost to his sister. The whole Vernys confederation force remains intact…」A series of loud thunder suddenly rumbled through the quiet atmosphere.

「And?」The man noticed the woman in front of him has yet to give him her full report.

「And most likely, the Princess has successfully secured the contract from the Hyakki Yagyo, using the Orcan they possess as payment. That means, we cannot make any rash move against the Vernys forest or else we will face the wrath of a force belongs to a Yonko.」

「You think we cannot take on a Yonko with our imperial might?」asked the man for Yulai's assessment.

「...From what I witnessed just a few days ago, if we muster all our forces, under the command of all the 12 heavenly generals, we may be able to crush the Yonko's mercenary group and the Vernys forces, but we will pay a heavy price.」deduced Yulai. 「It simply is not worth it, given that you-know-who is making his move for a rebellion.」

「The Hyakki Yagyo… They are that powerful?」The man leaned back on his golden throne.

「Ashura is considered to be a Yonko for a reason, Your Majesty.」

「Ahhh...」The young emperor let out a big sigh before standing up and walking toward the black hair woman. 「Say, between that monster and I, who would come out victorious in a fight?」

「... I… I dare not to venture a guess, Your Majesty.」Yulai shuddered at the sinister Nen her Emperor was now releasing into the room. She braved through the cold winter sky, soaked in the cold winter rain without feeling a chill. Yet, right now, standing before her master, the tamed beastman could feel the cold murderous air emitting from the man, causing her to shiver in fear.

「Relax, Yulai...」The man softly padded Yulai's shaking shoulder. 「It's not your fault that my plan failed… I guess I should have done more to ensure Yllaes' victory. Oh well, there is nothing we can do now. And don't worry. I'm not stupid enough to pick a fight with a Yonko. But with Princess Yllaner's victory, along with Hyakki Yagyo siding with the Vernys forest, I guess we have to shelf our plan of taking over the forest for now.」The emperor turned around to take a look at the large detailed map hanging behind his throne. 「That means the vast grassland would be now our priority. I guess it all works out in the end since once we establish our foothold there, we will be able to attack Vernys on its flank.」He concluded after studying the familiar map. 「Not bad… not bad at all.」




Due to the decision made by the whimsical Yonko, the brief civil war between the Shilna clan's siblings was over before any bloodshed would occur. Though, the same fortune did not greet the two heroes who were involved in the conflict, for death had already claimed one of the hero's lives while a certain doom was now awaiting the other. With all of his life force expended, the young hero had just days left before succumbing to his inevitable fate. As one of the captains had correctly observed, it was a miracle that Kyles was even able to stand up on his own, let alone participate in the fight. Despite knowing that exercising his power would inevitably lead to his death, the hero still chose to fight against Yllaes, if that meant his princess would be safe. Not even the fabled Spring of Healing could reverse the immense strains he put on his body and the Princess knew this the moment she reached out to his ice cold body.

「It's fine, Yllaner...」Kyles faintly smiled, wiping away tears from his beloved princess' sorrowful face.「I've simply fulfilled the promise to dedicate my life to you… Seeing you here, standing in front of me, safe and sound, is enough.」

A long silence followed, with only the Princess' soft, muffled sobbing noise could be heard as she leaned onto the hero, burying her crying face onto his muscular chest. Ryan, who had excitedly ran to greet his master, also bore witness to the scene. Knowing the fate that would befall onto his sworn brother, the young hero simply reached out to Kibadios and grabbed tightly onto his shirt while bravely held back his tears, for he knew this was what Kyles had chosen. He knew his brother was glad to sacrifice his life if he could protect the girl he loved the most, much like how he would trade his own life for that of his master…

「With the blessing of the Forest Spirits, Yllaner Elsa Shilna and Kyles Ios Ganz, may your souls be eternally intertwined with one another, on this day, and to the end of time.」pronounced Uran at the end of the outdoor ceremony as the few who gathered to witnessed the bittersweet wedding in the wood remained silent. The twilight scene was briefly illuminated by the last rays from the setting sun, accentuating the smiles of both the Princess and the Hero. The cold darkness of the night that quickly followed was soon banished away by the luminescent light that emitted from the mossy layers growing on top of the ancient tree barks, along with thousands of flying fireflies. Although marrying a non-elvenkind would be the highest taboo an heir of the Shilna could commit, none dared to voice their objection when Yllaner had declared she would wed the dying hero and live as his devoted wife during these last days of his life. Even the current head, Lady Seoder of the Shilna clan, did not say a single word against the unlikely union and decided to instead devote her all to take care of the Vernys Confederation in the aftermath of the civil conflict. Despite the mournful feeling that they all shared, the first kiss between Kyles and Yllaner as husband and wife was met with cheerful whistles and clapping sounds.

Good for you, Yllaner. You have found a perfect soulmate for your current lifetime . Kibadios simply smiled, being happy for the couple.




The erotic sloshing sounds again filled the room belonged to Kibadios' group as the hybrid released his pent up sexual tension for the third straight day. Holding the naked alchemist in his embrace, her sweating back leaned against his own well-toned abs, the hybrid let one of his hands roam free, caressing and exploring every temptatious curve on her body before resting on one of her breasts. He started by lifting up her underboob before grabbing and squeezing her whole firm mound while his index finger skillfully flicked her erected nipples then lightly pressed in downward, causing her to shriek in pleasure. Her lower half did not fare much better for her master had continuously thrust his unrestrained cock deep inside her moistened pussy. His raging cock easily hit the girl's cervix, leaving a visible small bulge on her lower stomach. The hybrid continued to fuck her from behind, with the naked Yuusei, who was in his orge form, dutifully slurped in every sweat and cum leaking down to the back of his balls and the young hero focused on licking any part of his master's exposed undershaft. The intense stimulations caused Maia to drift in and out of consciousness before the hybrid decided to change position. After dashing and swirling his tongue around inside the alchemist's mouth, Kibadios finally broke off the passionate kiss before moving his salivating lips down onto the girl's exposed breast and sunk his sharp teeth into the girl's soft flesh, causing the girl to lactate uncontrollably, releasing streams of fresh milk to quench his thirst.

「Kibadios sama… Haaaa… Pl...pleasee… st..ooppp..」Almost driven mad by the pleasure, the girl begged in vain for her master to stop. 「Hiiiii」A high pitched moan echoed throughout the room after Kibadios' teeth lightly bit down onto her sensitive nipples before pulling it like a wild predator trying to tear apart its prey.

「What are you talking about, Maia?」Her master grinned, sweat rolled down his chin. 「You know you love me playing with your tits. Even if your mouth is being dishonest, your pussy cannot lie. Everytime I pull your nipples, your pussy's walls always tighten around my cock!」

「It's just… I'm feeling... soooo good… It's driving… me crazy!」answered Maia in the same rhythm of the thrusts of her master's pounding. Her eyes finally rolled back as she experienced her fifth orgasm of the night, at the same time when her master released his thick load deep inside her.

「Well, I guess our Maia's finally reached her limit.」Kibadios pulled the girl in, gave her one last kiss for the night before slowly laying her down on the warm soft bed and letting her rest. 「Now it's your turn, Yuusei, Ryan!」Their master slightly yanked the willing hero over to his side before pushing him down on top of the mutant. With their minds completely taken over by burning, lusting desires, the two naked teenagers, whose bodies were thoroughly coated in their own sweat and cums, instinctively rubbing their slippery, twitching cocks and nipples rubbed against one another.

「Master… Please… Yuusei needs your cock!」The mutant, who just a few days ago was oblivious to any sexual activity, was now unashamedly begging his master to fill his gaping hole. Although Kibadios was expecting Maia to react strongly when learning that the hybrid had already claimed the mutant's body during his heat, the alchemist, turned out, was fairly receptive to adding the young Yuusei to their harem. Seeing how obedient and attached Yuusei was acting toward their shared master, along with the fact that he was rather adorable, the girl already knew it was only a matter of time that Kibadios would fuck him into oblivion.

「Kibadios sama… please fuck me firsttt!」chimed in Ryan. His hands already spread out his asscheeks, allowing Kibadios unrestricted access to his most private part.

「I don't think I would ever get tired of this naughty scene.」The hybrid licked his lip before choosing to pound the young hero's rosebud first. Of course, Yuusei was disappointed, though he knew full well the reason why. These past few days, his master had paid his Ryan nii chan the most attention in order to distract him from thinking about his brother and what he did to Rowan. Just like before, the hybrid grabbed tightly onto the hero's V shaped hip before lunging forward, plunging his monster cock inside Ryan's awaiting hole. After finding his rhythm, Kibadios fastened his pace. With each thrust, the hybrid purposely pounded hard at his slave's prostate, giving him an unspeakable pleasure that seemingly fried his already mushed up brain. His hands slowly moved up along Ryan's stomach, sliding all around his body at first before swirling around his pinkish areola. Using his indexes and thumbs, the hybrid would pinched and pulled hard on the hero's oversensitive nipples every time his cock was deep inside the hero, stimulating the inside of his asshole even more. Despite the attention he paid to Ryan, Kibadios did not forget his newest harem member. The hybrid would let his saliva drool down onto Yuusei's opened mouth before descending down and giving the mutant a long, hard kiss. His own shadow slowly extended out and crept up, wrapping itself around Yuusei's muscular body.

「Master… Please fuck Yuusei!」The mutant whimpered.

「Don't be impatient, Yuusei. Your turn would come soon.」Promised Kibadios.




By the time Kibadios finished releasing his last batch of cum inside the mutant, the teenager had already reverted back into his beastman form due to the unceasing waves of pleasure that washed over his body, much similar to his first time with his master. All three, Maia, Ryan, and Yuusei, were sound asleep, uncaring of their master's cum continuously dripping out from their holes. Kibadios carefully popped his cock out from the mutant's ass before rolling him down onto the bed and walked out of the room after cloaking himself in a warm night shirt. Outside their room, the hybrid saw the dragonoid sitting down, guarding the place with undivided attention. Although Kibadios had assured his Ryuu that neither the Astrals or Aspen would act rashly and attack them at this time, the dragonoid was adamant in remaining vigilant. He did not disclose what he was thinking, but Kibadios could tell he was blaming himself for all the failures that their group had experienced, from the incident involved Rowan, Kibadios' struggles against Adela and the poison, his defeat at the hand of Aspen, to the fact that he was unable to fulfill his duty to protect Yllaner, forcing Kyles to sacrifice what's left of his life force to fight the last battle against Yllaes.

「It's cold out here, Ryuu. Shouldn't you come in with us?」Kibadios sat down next to the dragonoid.

「Master? You still have yet to fully recover. It's still really early in the morning, you should stay inside the room.」Ryuu panicked.

「I'll only come back inside if you're coming with me.」smiled Kibadios.

「You don't have to worry about me, Master! I'm a dragonkind, this cold doesn't mean anything to me. Besides, I have to stay out here to watch out for any threats. If the Astrals have already learned of your existence, they will undoubtedly act soon… who knows what they would do?」

「I have told you already, haven't I? The Enneads will not touch me, at least not in the near future. You don't have to worry too much about them.」

「... I know… But I just cannot take that chance.」frowned Ryuu.「Because of my inattentiveness, Rowan senpai is now missing and you had to face Adela alone. I just simply cannot afford to let my guard down anymore. You know, on that day Yuusei brought your unconscious body back to the camp, my heart almost stopped… No matter what, I will not let anything happen to you again.」

「Really, I don't know why you blame yourself, Ryuu.」Kibadios reached out, placing his warm hands on the dragonoid's cold cheeks.「You should be blaming me for everything that happened.」

「No! How could I...」

「It was me who decided to not let you guys know about my plan for Adela. I thought that I was protecting you but in the end, my plan backfired and now, it's been days after I sent out most of my familiars to look for Rowan, we still cannot locate him...」Kibadios averted his eyes for a brief moment, out of guilt. Ha, it's funny how back on earth, I was laughing at the God Emperor of Mankind's stupidity for not letting his Primarchs sons know about his plan and now, here I am, making the same mistake, Kibadios thought to himself before continue「I'm the guilty one.」

「No, Master. I should be able to see through your plan… Rowan senpai did feel something was wrong, but I was completely oblivious. Sometimes I don't even know if I deserve to be by your side.」

「... Is that why you have been avoiding me?」asked Kibadios.


「Ryuu, listen here!」commanded Kibadios as he pulled the dragonoid into his embrace. 「It was not your fault that Rowan got injured. It was not your fault that I fell unconscious. It was not your fault that Kyles traded his life for Yllaner. You're not responsible for any of that. I did not take you in by my side to exploit your power. I did not take you in by my side hoping I would be protected by you, or because of your unfathomable power. I simply want you to stay by my side because I need you. Not because you're a first generation dragon but because you are simply you, Ryuu… Don't try to punish yourself and keep your distance like this. I just need your presence next to me. That's enough, Ryuu. 」

「Master…. MASTERRR!!!」The emotional dragonoid instantly burst out crying as he sprung forward, causing the hybrid to lose his balance and fell onto his back. Like a loyal dog, Ryuu emotionally rubbed his face against Kibadios' body. 「I am sorry, Kibadios sama… I'm sorry… I will always be with you. I'll forever be your sword and shield...」

「Haven't you heard a single thing I was saying?」Kiabadios ruffled his dragon's hair. 「What Sword and Shield? Sun and moon? Red and Blue? I just need you to be yourself.」

「Yes master...」Ryuu softly nodded.

Clop clop clop… Clop clop clop…

「Huh? Who would be riding here this early?」Kibadios was curious after hearing the galloping sounds getting closer and closer. The hybrid slowly pushed Ryuu to the side, then stood up and looked down over the viney rail of his guesthouse that was built up on a high tree branch. 「...Isn't that Uran dono standing there? It's not even four. Was he waiting for them? I wonder who they are.」Kibadios asked himself.

Down on the ground, an abnormally large elk with a gigantic antler stopped short in front of the elven lord, who respectfully bowed down, greeting a pair of pink haired elven twins, who dressed in formal oriental clothes. Both the elven twins reciprocated the greeting before the male elf got off the animal first before both him and Lord Uran would carefully assist his sister in dismounting.

「Yue dono, Ren dono! Thank you for coming here on such short notice.」Uran warmly greeted them with a smile.「With you two here as the High Shamans of Vernys Confederation, we can finally carry out the crowning ceremony, proclaiming Princess Yllaner to be the next Shilna Clan Head.」

「Uran dono...」The girl spoke in a soft voice.「Are you sure it's okay? Isn't the Princess still with Kyles dono? These few days are the last time they can be together...」

「I know…It's fine.」Uran turned grim. 「Today is probably the last day...」The elven lord stopped short of explicitly what he had deduced. 「It is imperative that Seoder dono step down and let the Princess ascend to the title of Clan Head as soon as possible to stabilize our recent political upheaval events. I know it's cruel to force her back to the role of the leader of this forest so soon, given what she's been going through but I had no choice. I have arranged to have the ceremony take place two days from now. I'll inform her… after giving her a short time to grief.」

「I know it's tough for her, but this is the best course of action for the Vernys Forest.」Ren nodded.

… So today is the last day huh? Ryan would be devastated… Maybe I should really do that to alleviate some of his pain ...

「Kibadios sama?」Ryuu called out to his master after seeing the hybrid seemed to lose in thought, after overheard the conversation between the elves below.



Drawing of the Yin Emperor:

Artist: jussan

Skeb: https://skeb.jp/@jussanekaki

Link: https://imgur.com/a/fyeFwQp

^click on the comment at the link to see the picture


With the arc coming to an end, below are my rough draft of my ideas/rambles for vol 3. You will see how much things just spontaneously changed as I write lol (I did take out some plots that I will use in the future so feel free to read this without worrying about being spoiled :3) :

Arc 3: The elf village

Gate of Heaven: how to open

Desmond's meeting with God.

Elf siblings added into harem

Chapter about Maia's adventure.

News about the coup of Yllaner's brother reaches Yllaner. The elf decides to go back to the forest for 2 reason: defeat her brother and heal Kyles.

Forest structure: 4 great clans, with yllaner's clan the greatest. Yllaner's brother was offered backing from the great holy kingdom of Placeholder to declare himself king of the forest. second strongest clan agrees because brother offers to release them from the central control, one of the clan agrees because Holy Kingdom threat, one of clan was forced to agree because others have already agreed.

Revealed: All of this was because of Adela's meddling. She took over scheme from another Astral who was responsible for this part of the world, thanks to her father's influence. Desmond is helping her.

Kibadios group accompanying Yllaner to the forest. Adela found Ryan and "removes" his control.

On the way, Yllaner had a conversation with Kibadios. She knew she looked like someone dear to Kibadios. She felt somewhat similar. She asks if the hybrid would help her. He agrees but he wont be directly attacking because the Astral will notice him. She assures him that she will be the main person responsible, not him since that's the only way the forest people will accept her return.

Yllaner reaches the forced clan, welcomed by the clan head (man.) They plan to rebel against brother. Introduce clan's heir. The clan told them about the woman hangs out with brother. Kibadios deduces it's Adela.

Kibadios left to second strongest clan, bringing Yllaner's letter. Before reaching the capital, he was intercepted by the second strongest clan's heir. The pragmatic heir agrees to help (reason the kingdom would without doubt taking over the forest once they're done with the valley.) Breaking news: second strongest has prepared to capture Kibadios. News about yllaner in forced clan was leaked. Kibadios declared there's a traitor among them.

Before they could do anything, brother's ambassador is approaching the forced clan, clan head decided to betray Yllaner, turning her over to her brother. Clan's heir kill clan head, declare open rebellion against brother.

Before brother could do anything, forced clan launched forces to preemptively attack the brother's capital. Yllaner is leading the army. Kyles in cart with her.

PHEWW. THAT IS THE END OF VOLUME/ARC 3. We will start Volume/Arc 3.5 with the next chapter. Sorry for the wait. I spent last week at a conference so I could not write anything.

Also, in case you didn't notice (or don't know): my original plot for this volume was heavily inspired (euphemism for plagiarized lol) by the four stratocracies/Greater Turkiye arc from Shoukoku no Altair. A great political/alternative history/military shounen. highly recommended.


As usual, Please rate and review :3

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