
Reincarnated, reincarnated, and reincarnated again for revenge [BL, H]

The moment XX-kun life ended on earth, he was reincarnated as a non-human in a fantasy setting world. Still in this world, human and non-human lived together in harmony. This harmony was shattered by an existence of a "demon emperor." Like any fantasy game goes, the demon emperor was finally defeated by XX-kun and his party... yet, afterward, he was killed... His second reincarnation was into the same world but way into the future.... but, he was reincarnated as a monster being experimented on in a laboratory. One of the experiment went wrong, thus his life ended. The third reincarnation, he again was born as a hybrid monster, half incubus, half ogre in a monster village. Everything seemed to go well until the village was attacked... WARNING: EXPLICIT YAOI, HENTAI, HAREM.

Babo12345 · LGBT+
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157 Chs

Chapter 59: The Revelation

On that cold fateful morning back in Lorian, his hand was already firmly gripping onto his sword, yet before the hero could respond to the rotating magic circle which Adela had conjured up, it suddenly shattered in front of his eyes. His eyes widened as he could feel the constant cloudy fog in his mind had begun to clear up. The dissonance reality experienced by his old self and his new self resulting from the hybrid's <Mind Control> skill caused an intense headache to the hero to the point he could swear his head would explode at any moment now. He quickly became disoriented as the vision in his eyes became blurry. The hero soon failed to keep his balance, his knees and hands collapsed onto the ground. Sweat started dripping down from his face.

… This… This… is real… This sensation… My head... Adela must have just removed Master's <Mind Control> skill from my mind, I'm sure of it! Yet… It's real… My feeling… My devotion to him has always been genuine!

The hero spent a few seconds trying to process what had just happened, though he could not help but smile. Since the hero knew his master had placed a <Mind Control> on him when the hybrid first recovered him from the goblin cave, he had been afraid that one day, if somehow the control placed on his mind would vanish, he might discover that his feelings for the hybrid was nothing but a fabrication created by his master's skill. But now, with his mind completely cleared of any manipulations, his love for Kibadios was still there. His devotion was still absolute.

But, Adela is still right in front of me. Ryan quickly snapped back to the current situation. What should I do? Should I still attack her? There's no telling if I can win against her and even if I do, it would not solve anything. This is merely her homunculus vessel. Time seemed to come to a complete stop as the hero's mind raced to figure out what his next step should be. If Adela could remove master's <Mind Control>, does she also have some sort of <Mind Control> skill that can turn me against master? I can't let that happen. My best option right now should be…

The hero raised his hand up to cover his mouth, while discreetly swirling his index deep in the back of his mouth. Soon enough, he was gagging due to the stimulation, allowing him to act as if he was vomiting from disgust. Since his face was looking down to the ground, the Astral could not tell he was merely acting.

「... What… What did you do to me? These memories… 」The hero pretended to be recovering from a long nightmare.

「Welcome back, Ryan the hero!」Adela cheerfully clapped her hands. 「I merely dispelled the hypnotic charm that has been clouding your mind, placed on you by that hybrid, Kibadios. What? Why are you vomiting? Did he "take advantage" of you while you're under his influence?」The confident Astral drew her own conclusion from seeing Ryan's reaction.

So she did believe that my feelings for master were just because of his skill! Ryan was relieved, though this meant he had to continue to act his part.「Kibadios… sam...KIBADIOS! How dare you!」

「Now now, my dear Ryan chan.」Adela walked up to the kneeling Ryan and pulled him up. Don't taint me with your touch! The hero was almost screaming at her, but he wisely held back, knowing that he now had successfully tricked her into believing that he abhorred his master. 「Since I have helped you regaining your true self, how about you help me by telling everything you know about the hybrid?」

Tell her everything? What should I tell her? If I don't divulge anything about master, she would be suspicious.

Unlike Rowan's sharp mind, Ryan had always been a straightforward, gullible individual who was unable to come up with any crafty plan on the spot. He quickly thought back on everything that had transpired, quickly processed what information was the most logical to give up. In the end, he decided to reveal to the Astral on how Kibadios had killed Corey, yet hid the fact that he had also absorbed the hero and gained access to the Holy Element. Since the dragonoid had confronted her during the chaos of the attack on Lorian, Ryan decided to tell her about Ryuu's identity. Once being asked about HaoS and Kibadios' ability to maintain its physical manifestation, Ryan simply lied.

「I believed he had enough power to keep HaoS active for 20 minutes or so...」The real answer was over an hour, since he had significantly leveled up fighting the Prime Minister and Ryuu, but the hero knew better not to give her the correct estimation. Adela was ecstatic at the seemingly reliable intelligences she was getting from Ryan, she could not hide her wide grinning face.

「... Can we formulate our plan to deal with that hybrid in a way so that we would not harm Rowan kun and Maia chan, Adela sama?」Ryan was clearly concerned that whatever scheme the Astral was thinking would hurt the other members of Kibadios' harem. As of now, he was in the position to make sure the Astral would not harm them… at least, he could try to convince her so.「They're also victims of that crazy hybrid.」

The hero tried his best to act in front of Adela, yet it was almost all for naught the moment she placed her hand on his face and leaned in to kiss him on his cheek, suggestively. Having being touched and kissed by someone that was not his master, and even worse, that someone was the Astral whom Kibadios despised, Ryan instinctively pushed her away. Had she paid attention to his eyes, she could easily have noticed his bloodlust at that brief moment. The hero trembled while hugging himself, his face turned downward to avoid the woman.

「Aww, look at that. You're now terrified of mere touches just because the hybrid has ruined you and your body.」Ryan was lucky that she totally had mistaken his reaction.

… I have to endure… for master… He thought.

And so, Adela began to disclose to the hero her plan to lure Kibadios into her trap. She was fairly self-absorbed in admiring her own well crafted plan involving plunging Vernys into chaos that she did not realize the hero was discreetly gritting his teeth in anger the entire time.




「... But...」Ryan looked at the charred body while being lost for words. The once maiden, who was incapable of hurting mere insects just months ago, would be able to kill people in such a coldblooded manner. Still, it was even more terrifying that he found himself completely approved of what she just did. … Why am I completely fine with Maia chan's seemingly lawless action? He realized. Had I been in Maia chan's shoes, I would have undoubtedly cut them down for the same reason too.

After Maia had left, Ryan just stood there, looking at the pile of ashes. He tried but in the end, he did not feel any empathy for the dead men. He finally realized he was not the same hero who fought to protect the world and justice before. Right now, his only priority was his beloved Master.

「Hahaha. You wanted to save her but look at her, she's already been fully corrupted by the hybrid.」Adela approached from behind, then slowly caressed Ryan's face with the back of her hand, causing him to twitch and step away. 「She just cruelly killed those adventurers without a second thought. Both her and Kibadios' other slave could no longer be saved, my dear hero.」




「Ryan, let's go somewhere and talk about how we should help the Princess. Ryuu and Rowan, you two can go ahead.」ordered Kibadios.

Now should be the good time to tell him everything that happened! I have to tell him about Adela. Ryan realized the opportunity the moment Ryuu and Rowan had left them alone.

「What happened, Ryan?」Before he could say anything, Kibadios already seemed to notice some chances from the hero. 「You don't seem like your usual self.」

「Master...」The hero suddenly hesitated for a moment. If he were to tell his master that his <Mind control> has been removed, would his master still trust him like he did before? 「... This morning… I encountered Adela...」

「... and?」Kibadios did not seem to faze one bit.

「She removed the <Mind Control> skill you had placed on me after you rescued me from the goblins.」confessed Ryan. 「Afterward, she recruited me to work with her on her plan to lure you into a trap and seal away your power to summon HaoS. In truth, this conflict in Vernys is also part of her scheme.」

「...」Ryan shyly looked at Kibadios, who still remained silent for a few minutes after the revelation.

「Master, please don't worry! Even without your <Mind control>, I still want to devote my life to you. I have tricked Adela into thinking that I'm on her side.」Ryan frantically explained in order to gain back the trust of his Master. 「We can use that to our advantage. We can exploit her weakness...」

「...」Kibadios closed his eyes, deep in thought for a moment before opening them up and glaring straight at the hero. 「If you are truly still loyal to me, then kill yourself, Ryan.」

「Huh?」The hero froze.

「Actually, instead of killing yourself, let me perform <Devour> on you. That way I may be able to gain your skills.」The hybrid shook his head, dismissing his previous command with a devious, seemingly unconcerning smile.

「What... do you mean… Master?」

「If your <Mind control> is already lifted and that you indeed met with Adela this morning, then there's no way for me to know if you're compromised or not.」explained Kibadios. 「This "confessing" scene may merely turn out to be some ploy that Adela thought up in order to lower my guard around you. I know she does not have any <Mind Control> skill but she might have someone else controlling you… Again, if what you said is true, then it's better if I get rid of you right now, right here. Am I wrong?」

「... I… No… You're… right.」Ryan was shaking.

「Rowan and Maia promised me their bodies if they were ever to die. That way, I may be able to obtain new skills and that they'll forever be with me. If you still think of yourself as merely my property, just like when my <Mind Control> was still active, then letting me kill you with <Devour> should not be a problem, should it?」Kibadios' hand reached out to the hero. Although his words were as cold as ice, the warmth of his touch on Ryan's cheek caused the hero to lean more against it.

「... I understand, master. After all, since you saved me back then, I do owe you my life.」Strangely, Ryan quickly resigned his life with a smile. After all, the notion of being together with his Master for eternity after death seemed more of a reward than a punishment.「It is true I can never convince you that I'm not siding with Adela… If my death both put you at ease and may be able to help you gain new skills, then please go ahead. But please, be careful from now on, Master. Adela's out there to get you. By absorbing me, maybe you should be able to see my memories of my encounter with her and come up with a plan against her.」By now, he could feel Kibadios' shadow wrapped around his body, inching upward. Soon enough, it covered his whole body, leaving only his head untouched.

「... Master...」


「Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life, even for just a few short months… and tell Rowan chan, Maia chan, and Nu that I loved them. Too bad I was not able to get along with Ryuu chan during our short time together but I'll miss him. But most importantly… I love you, Master.」Ryan was crying, not from fear of death, but from fear of not being able to serve his master anymore. He was ready to be absorbed by his master, yet, the only sensation he now felt was his master's wet kiss and a warm embrace around his body . Kibadios' shadow quickly loosened, then retracted and disappeared completely, leaving the hero dumbstruck. Not that he could do anything since he was now melting deeply into his master's lustful kiss that took his breath away.

「Master… why?」Ryan was finally able to speak after Kibadios moved his mouth away. Though the hero was weakened by the unexpected kiss so much that he had to lean onto his master for support.

「That was just a test.」confessed Kibadios, his hand cupped the hero's cheek. 「I just want to make sure you're really still on my side.」

「Of course I am, master!」Ryan's eyes teared up.

「I guess I should count myself lucky to be able to obtain such a good slave like you, Ryan.」Kibadios smirked.「So now, are you too scared and tired to discuss our plan on how to deal with Adela and the mess she caused in Vernys?」





Ryan closed the door behind him, then stood silently with his hand already reaching out to the doorknob leading to the hybrid's room. He hesitated for a moment, thinking of how he had let himself be sensually touched by Adela or how he had professed to dedicate his life for her. Although it was merely an act to convince the Astral of his supposed loyalty, he felt dirty. Before long, he could feel his crotch area beginning to get warmer and warmer. Just as Adela had predicted before she let him go back to the hybrid, the incubus crest on his body would forcibly make him react to the scent of the caster, causing his his mind to crave for one and only one thing: sex with his master… As his master's cock thrust deep inside his hungry hole, his master's arms embraced his naked, sweaty body, while his oversensitive nipples were played with by his master's mouth, the hero knew he could not truly live without Kibadios. Instinctively, he also wrapped his arm around Kibadios' warm body and hugged him tight while snuggling his nose at the hybrid's nape, taking in his master's scent.

It was his warmth that saved me inside that carriage months ago… Ryan recalled the nostalgic sensation. 「I'm really addicted to you, Master.」He whispered into the hybrid's ear, which got the hybrid even more excited. 「... I really don't mind that addiction of yours, Ryan chan.」His cock's movement inside the hero's asshole fastened, grinding against his sensitive flesh, sending him into endless waves of orgasm.




「Oh, I just want to gauge my strength without relying too much on my skills… Just to see how strong I have become after sparring with you for months, Ryuu chan.」answered Kibadios after Ryuu had just asked him why the hybrid did not utilize any of his skills aside from the one he received from Reuk and the Holy Element. Little did he know that Kibadios was actually practice for his future encounter against Adela, where his

「I see! He's not your average fighter, though. It's amazing that you were able to keep up with him.」

「I know.」Kibadios grinned satisfactorily, though he could feel his cold sweat still lingered on his forehead. I need to practice fighting without non-holy skill since the barrier that Ryan chan will trap me with is also acting as an area of effect spell that both buffs the Holy element while simultaneously debuffs any other elements.

On the back, Ryan sat silently as he discreetly gazed at the hybrid… Soon… Master, are you ready?




Kibadios had explicitly forbid Ryan from letting the other members know about the threat they were about to face. In short, according to the hybrid, disclosing the secret would not only endanger them, but also Kibadios and Ryan. The logic behind the hybrid's reasons were simple: if Kibadios were to always be accompanied by Ryuu and others, Adela would have two options to choose from. One would be to keep following them from the shadows and continuing to wait for the opportune moment to strike. This only meant that Kibadios and his group had to be constantly vigilant against the threat that they knew not when would come. Her other option was to confront Kibadios and his group inside the forest of Vernys just as planned; however, in order to ensure her victory against the primal dragon that was Ryuu, she would have come and confronted them along with her most powerful "servant" and Kibadios' old friend, Aspen . If that was the case, Kibadios would have no chance of winning. The best he could hope for was a draw by relying on HaoS. Therefore, in order to convince her into believing that she had the upper hand and the presence of Aspen was not needed, deceiving his own slaves was imperative.

「How can we know for sure she will not be relying on Aspen when confronting you?」

「Because Aspen is actually not hers to use.」Kibadios answered. 「... actually, I don't know for sure. I don't even know why he betrayed me back then. But given Aspen has the power to rival even members of Ennead, I could only assume that it is not easy for her to deploy him. So if she thinks she has the upper hand against me, she most likely will not bring him along.」

However, since once Ryan activated the barrier, he had to actively maintain it and rendered himself completely vulnerable, it was important that someone needed to be there to protect him from any potential threat. That's why Kibadios was deep in thought during his walk back from the palace after learning everything from Ryan. He had thought of having Nu acting as Ryan's bodyguard but that may not be enough. Nu was extremely strong for a non-intelligent monster; however, its power was limited. That was when Kibadios stumbled upon the mutant hybrid.

「Yuusei! Serve me well! From now on, you'll be my secret weapon!」he had declared back then. Everything was going according to Kibadios' plan. That was, until Rowan appeared and interrupted Ryan's meeting with Adela, just right before the destined day of confrontation.

「Ro… Rowan?」Ryan's eyes widened, his whole body froze in shock as he saw the worn out healer emerge. What is he doing here? What should I do now? The hero's mind raced to find a way to keep the healer out of this mess.「You're… you're not supposed to be here.」

Ryan continued to desperately come up with anything that could protect Rowan from Adela's wrath. He tried to convince the healer to work with him, though he knew that could never work, for just like him, Rowan held uttermost devotion to their Master. Rowan chan's really sharp… I should have acted better in front of him before… What can I do now??? Pleasee… This is all because of me! Ryan contemplated just kneeling down in front of Adela and begged her for Ryan's life, yet doing so, he might make the Astral suspicious of his loyalty. If he acted out of line, Kibadios' plan of dealing with Adela might just crumble right there. I can't… Kibadios sama has to defeat Adela for him to gain leverage against the Enneads… I just can't screw up his plan.

「It's my order as an Astral, kill him now.」Left with no other choice, Ryan knew what he had to do. The moment he slashed Rowan with his sword, he could feel the healer's torn flesh on his hands. He desperately wished for a miracle. He wanted to take Rowan's place. Yet, all he could do was watch the healer's lifeless body crushed under the strong current of the river. He had hoped that somehow, Rowan would be able to heal his wound in time, grabbed onto the thick tree roots that protruded from the river bank and escaped from there… Yet, that did not happen. Ryan cursed himself as Adela wrapped her hand around his shoulder.

I'm going to kill you, bitch! He thought of just thrusting his sword through her right there.

By the time he came back to his oblivious master, who was waiting for his bucket of water, he wanted to confess to the hybrid what he had done. However, he could not say a word, worrying that the hybrid's clear mind might be clouded further by rage and their perfect plan to deal with Adela would collapse. He had to kill someone he considered to be his own family in order to ensure his master's plan would come into fruition, if he had to bear this guilt for one more night, then so be it. He could always ask for his master's punishment once Adela was taken care of.

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