
Reincarnated, reincarnated, and reincarnated again for revenge [BL, H]

The moment XX-kun life ended on earth, he was reincarnated as a non-human in a fantasy setting world. Still in this world, human and non-human lived together in harmony. This harmony was shattered by an existence of a "demon emperor." Like any fantasy game goes, the demon emperor was finally defeated by XX-kun and his party... yet, afterward, he was killed... His second reincarnation was into the same world but way into the future.... but, he was reincarnated as a monster being experimented on in a laboratory. One of the experiment went wrong, thus his life ended. The third reincarnation, he again was born as a hybrid monster, half incubus, half ogre in a monster village. Everything seemed to go well until the village was attacked... WARNING: EXPLICIT YAOI, HENTAI, HAREM.

Babo12345 · LGBT+
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156 Chs

Chapter 5: The progress

Rowan Z.

Age: 17

Level: 14

Mana: 10,400

Class: Mage_Healing

Ability: <Sensory lvl1> <Heal lvl2>

Unique Skill: N/A

Maia Z.

Age: 16

Level: 10

Mana: 17

Class: Alchemist

Ability: <Synthesis lvl2> <Cook lvl 2> <Forager lvl3>

Unique Skill: <Poison Resistance>

Interesting. Now the world's system registered them with my initial… I wonder if that was because they have completely devoted to me or because they have received my incubus mark. Kibadios thought as he scanned his servants' status. The incubus mark, of course, was referring to a small magic seal, located right above his servant's private parts. This seal was just a way to mark a property of an incubus, though it could only be casted into individuals that have given their consent. It has been a week since the fateful night when Rowan's mind was finally broken, and now, his two servants have completely become his, both their bodies and minds.

「Kibadios-sama, how are our stats?」asked Maia worrily, afraid that she has not become useful enough for the hybrid.

「Well, decent enough, I guess. I did not expect you two to become A rank just in a month period. Still, I like the progress I'm seeing here」Kibadios walked toward Rowan, who was shivering nonstop. His mouth suppressed some faint moaning sounds. 「Especially Rowan. His abilities have not leveled up, but I like the increase in his mana. His mana reserve was now ten times higher compared to when he first started.」

「That's great!」Maia excitedly responded

「And you're no slacker either, your abilities have leveled up. Though I could tell just from the quality of your alchemy products.」Kibadios praised the girl, while his hand slid into Rowan's ass.

「Thank you… Master.」blushed Maia

「NNNN...HHHAAAAA!!」Rowan moaned loudly in mid of the conversation as the hybrid finally had removed a huge dildo from his ass. As he held the black, vibrating dildo made from his shadow tentacles, it suddenly vanished into thin air.

「Thank you, Kibadios sama, for taking it out of me」

「I told you, didnt I? That the punishment for trying to kill me would only last for a week. I'm a man of my word」His hand was now caressing Rowan's blushing face.

「... Again, I am sorry for...」

「 "Frankly my dear, I dont give a damn."」Kibadios smiled, then pushed Rowan's wet lips against his for a deep, passionate kiss. With a string of their saliva still connected their panting mouths, he continued 「...All I care about is that now I have obtained you, with your uttermost devotion.」

Afterward, the two servants continued their training every day as instructed by Kibadios. Since he told them he wanted to move out of the forest by the year end and that he would not want to be burdened by them being weak toys, both Maia and Rowan tried their best to improve, fearing they would be abandoned by the hybrid if they did not. Rowan spent most of his time perfecting his healing magic. Because Kibadios was not a healer, it was tough since Rowan had to learn most of the advance casting techniques by himself. Yet, his master still trained with him from time to time. Soon enough, Rowan was able to advance to a stage in which he could morph his healing magic to a more advanced, defensive one. Kibadios was excited by the progress Rowan made for his defensive spells could even protect him from one direct hit of Kibadios' fireballs, the same spell that scared the crap out of the "advanced" mage he fought more than a month ago. With Maia, Kibadios was no help at all. But that did not impede her growth one bit as she steadfastly improved her ability as the days passed. Since she's no fighter, every time she went out to collect herbs, Kibadios would accompany the girl. Now, Maia was completely open to the hybrid, telling him about her life in the village, about Emma, about her likes and dislikes. Unlike her, though, Kibadios was still closed off to the world, even to his devoted servants. He was betrayed before, and now knew better. All he did was listen to Maia, without giving her any details about his life. Yet, during these days, spending his time with Maia and Rowan, somehow he felt at peace. Somehow, he wished this would be it, that these peaceful moments would last forever… Maybe, he did not need vengence...


The hybrid shouted out in his thought during the middle of the night. The hybrid was laying naked like usual, with Rowan below, dozed off into his sleep while sucking on the hybrid's cock. On his side, Maia's naked body leaned against his, her breast pushed against his arm.

「This is not the life I wanted!」said Kibadios. His voice must have been loud enough since both Maia and Rowan was woken up by it.

「What's wrong, Kibadios sama?」asked Rowan as he slid his sticky, cum-soaked body up toward Kibadios.

「Are you okay?」asked Maia, concerningly.

「... We will leave tomorrow!」 declared the hybrid.


「Like I said, we will move out the forest tomorrow. I was planning to wait until my familiar returns, but not anymore. It can find us on the way.」Kibadios looked at his servants 「Any complaints?」

「「... No, master.」」

As morning came, both Maia and Rowan was ready. They have nothing but the clothes on their bodies so of course it did not take long. Kibadios, on the other hand, took a while since he went deep inside the cave and gathered most of the goblin's loot. The cave used to belong to the goblins so they have hoarded, among skeletons of noob adventures, a lot of their equipment and several bags of gold coins. With this, he would have money for the trip. Selling the equipment would get enough to buy Rowan a staff to conduct his magic too.

Once finished, Kibadios and his servant finally left the cave. Their first destination would be the town which his two servants were trying to ask for help from. They told him that the town was fairly big, with lots of shady smithing shops so he could unload these weapons without much questioning. If travel by foot, Rowan estimated it would take about 2 days. Of course Kibadios could just fly there, but then flying to a human's town as a monster was probably not a good idea. As of now, the hybrid had thoroughly disguised himself, masking his trademark incubus scent and ogre's horn, making him look completely like a 16 years old teenager.

As the three walked farther and farther from the village, Kibadios kept noticing Maia's hesitation. The girl frequently looked back at the village direction with an expression of uneasiness.

「Don't want to leave your family? I can leave you here if you want. After all, I have no need for toys who are not completely devoted to me」

「No, Kibadios sama! I want to be with you」Maia shook her head. 「It's just… Im worrying about Emma...」

「... Do you want to have a final goodbye to her?」

「Huh? … Can I do that?」

「They all thought you're dead but with my ability, I can make it as if your little sister is dreaming of you.」Kibadios scratched his head and looked away shyly. He did not want to leave his servants with the impression he was a compassionate monster… It was just he knew how hard it was to not able to say the final goodbye.

「Thank you… Thank you, Kibadios sama!!」

The group of three turned around toward the village. Before arriving there, though, they have already found Emma sitting next to a huge tree, in the middle of a meadow nearby. It seemed like her dad was close, busy gathering something from the field. The little kid still looked depressed, her eyes were all red from crying, even though it had been more than a month since her sister and Rowan disappeared. The hybrid casted a low-level illusionary spell to isolated Emma, allowing Maia to approach her as if it's her spirit. Kibadios did not care what they were talking about so he stayed a bit farther away, waiting for her to finish the conversation.

「Maia... she really needed it.」said Rowan as he sat down near his master.

「Is that so?」

「Yeah. Her mom died giving birth to Emma, so ever since, she had been playing the part of her mom for Emma… This goodbye would help her to give Emma the push to live freely on her own. And it would help Maia to have her closure too.」

「What about you? Is there anyone you want to say goodbye to?」

「Not really. My parents had already passed away. There's Maia, but then she's still with me.」

「Say… Do you still hold any feelings for Maia?」Kibadios stared at Rowan.

「Yes.」answered Rowan immediately with a smile 「Though, it's the same feeling Maia has for Emma. You're now the only one that I love… the only one that I devote my life for.」

Rowan leaned onto Kibadios.

「Love? Ha! It's not love that you're feeling. It's just Stockholm syndrome.」dismissed the hybrid.

「... Stockholm? What's that?」Rowan's eyes were wide open.

「Nah, nothing. But don't confuse your feelings with love. I just broke you and Maia into my perfect toys, that's all.」


After saying goodbye to her sister, Kibadios and his two servants resumed their journey. At first, all three were travelling on foot but after a while, Kibadios's patients finally ran out. The hybrid conjured up and wrapped his thick tentacles around Maia and Rowan while using the others to swing and wrap around the tall tree's branches to move. This must be what Spiderman felt. The hybrid thought as he freely traversed through the densely packed forest, skillfully dodged random shrubs and trees on his path. From a depressing mood, Maia and Rowan were now laughing as they experienced this unique mode of travel, all from the comfort of a small shadowy basket made from the tentacles. As the night approached, the company has almost reached the town they want to visit. Still, since Kibadios has become a bit exhausted, they decided to camp for the day. Luckily, just around 5 miles south of the town, the company was able to spot a small ancient ruin. Apparently, according to Rowan, the ruin used to be a large city of an old nation, but after several raids from a neighboring country, the city was abandoned for a much more easily defended position, which the town was now located.

「I see… Let's just stay here for the night then!」decided Kibadios.

The sun finally set down beyond the forest. As usual, Rowan had made a small fire, which Maia used to roast a few forest animals that they caught on the way here. With her , no matter how blant was the catch, they always tasted great.

「So what is your plan, Kibadios sama?」

「First, we need to unload all these weapons at the smithing shop you mentioned. That way we would get some money. Then, I want to travel up the Kuren River.」

「You want to go back to your old village?」asked Rowan. The two had, at least, heard from Kibadios the story about the village in which he was born and its destruction.

「Yeah. I want to see with my own eyes… what has happened to it. Then, I want to find that man… the commander who directed the assault… and slowly torture him… slowly kill him… I want to hear his scream… his begging for mercy...」Kibadios stared straight into the small fire in front of him. He wanted to pay back for what the commander did to him, both in this life and in the brief life of his second reincarnation. The commander, who was responsible for his death during the last reincarnation, and the death of so many innocent monsters in the village which he just reincarnated almost a year and a half ago, has to taste the despair that the hybrid himself had experienced… Sitting next to him, Maia and Rowan could only remain silent, looking worryingly at their master. The almost trance-like looking Kibadios finally snapped back to reality, his eyes sharpened.


His sudden shout jolted both his toys. Rowan and Maia, quickly stood up, looking at the direction of which their master had just directed his attention too.

「Hello!」A young, handsome looking teenager, donned in expensive, shining armor, his hands placed on a long sword, walked out of the shrubs in front of the company of three. 「Don't worry, we're not bandits! My companions and I just travelled a really long distance. We're planning to visit the town of Syllia, just about 5 miles from here. We were tired and we saw your fire so I just want to come over.」

Followed him were three more people: a girl dressed in what to be priestess, a large, muscular monk, and an elegant elven man. Hmm, what's with this typical JRPG party? Kibadios though. And that leader… that aura he's possessing… No doubt about it… HE'S A HERO CLASS!