
reincarnated princess anna

the 2th princess of floresta gets reincarnated to earth and lives a normal life until she turns 9 then she starts to recover her memories from her past life when she reaches 18 she has got all her memories and goes to eastbrook high school to find someone who was all so reincarnated. READ MORE TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT......

kaylahariana · Fantasy
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10 Chs

I guess this is eastbrook.

after my dad's birthday party everything seemed to go really fast and now I'm at the end of middle school and a lot of things have changed I've changed a lot I realized that I was reincarnated and why, it started when i was nine in fourth grade that also around the time my bestfriend's moved away unexpectedly and now I'm fifteen and have gotten most of my memories from my past life. today my mom asked me did I know what high school I wanted to go to I told her I hadn't really thought about it she said I had to pick one fast because I was going to start school soon I shook my head and then got ready to go to bed that night I had a dream well more like a premonition it was a sign that said eastbrook high school and there was a boy he looked like my bestfriend, fiance and my Guardian knight from floresta as soon as I saw him I woke up then I realized that I was crying. that morning I told my mom that I wanted to go to eastbrook high school, she said she was happy that I found a school but eastbrook was half way across town I told her that I already thought of that and said I found out that students of eastbrook can live in the student apartments, mom said wow, belle I'm suprised you know this I said I really want to go to eastbrook mom said ok you can go, but you need to start packing now eastbrook high school opens in a week I ran to my room and told her that I'll sart right away. a week later my mom dropped me off at eastbrook high schools registration office so I can start living at the apartments. when I got at the front gate I said to myself I guess this is eastbrook high school.