
Reincarnated: Player Ant

Have you ever saw ants evolve into something greater... OF COURSE NOT that's why I made different ants, and one is reincarnated hmmm... this looks interesting maybe I'll read it myself My chapters are usually.1300 words or more for you people to read long chapters PLEASE SEND POWER STONES. THANKS I was doing this book way back in 2020 August, but then I just stopped. Now I'm back in 2022 November rewriting my book that I made when I was 13 I will try to make chapter each week sometimes 3 chapters in a week Art done by Yakuji https://medibang.com/u/Yakuji/ https://twitter.com/yakuji99172697?t=OYuwcEzdggGR9sIDvpH4ng&s=09 (p.s. this was inspired by epic of caterpillar and I like when it turns weak into strong)

Ants_n_MMORPGs · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Reincarnated as an ant

The story of an ant came all from this teen...

His name was Gamo. Gamo Symon.

He was average looking, not engaged into any relationship. He was in middle school, in 7th Grade.

He was a weak kid, not very fit for sports.

But he likes ants a lot, and even had books about them, studied them too.

He was sometimes bullied because he liked ants. sometimes they would call him weirdo or Weak ant boy in middle school because of that.

His mother was not exactly rich, slightly poor. If Gamo wanted to buy something, his mother would give him only 4 dollars

"How was school son?" His mother would say.

"It... was fine." Gamo would respond.

While his Mom was driving to school a Traffic Light was a little broken causing the mom to be confused, switching in between colors, but then it turned green. However this wasn't just the traffic light Infront of her. HOONK!!! The sound of a truck horn from the side gathered the attention of Gamo and before he could get his sentence out, the truck hit the car. Mostly hitting the back seat where Gamo was.

And the damage seemed fatal. And his head was hit on the car window in a quick motion, shaking up his brain, causing him to go out unconscious.


When Gamo opened his eyes, he could only see darkness... It didn't even feel like he had opened his eyes. Rather, it felt closed.

The darkness faded and instead light faded in. There was also something blocking the light? Plastic? Glass? He was absolutely clueless.

Suddenly, a blurry red figure appears and begins to walk toward him. As the figure moved closer, he noticed it had a weird looking jaw. It had a big head, 2 rod looking things poking out of it's head, and they were moving? This mysterious red figure almost resembled... a fire ant?

The Plastic, or glass? Whatever it is, was ripped open by the red figure so then the figure started giving him food mouth to mouth

"WHAT THE HECK" Gamo said in his mind.

When the red ant

"Guh... I feel sick getting that..."

As he said that, a screen appeared saying

[Bug System activating...]

[Identified as a fire ant...]

[Ant System Activated]

[You have gained 10 EXP]

Gamo was confused and said "Huh?"

[You have leveled up Once]

[Reward for first level up as an ant is the skill sight]

Then Gamo was able to see the messages

Gamo quickly took note of this and knew it was...

Gamo has read about these before. The novels about getting a game like system

"A system? Just like the comics and novels... it will allow me to survive as a... what am I? Wait, where am I? I'm in like... a cave? A dirt cave?"

"But I miss my mom.. she probably didn't die but I hope she didn't get too hurt..."

He ignored it since there was nothing he could do, after all, his mom would most likely be alive because she wasn't in the back seat. But instead of pondering on it he just tried his best to ignore it

"But what is this thing?"

He also looked at the red figure since the material he was stuck in was ripped open and he started looking at it, identifying it...


"W-what the hell... Am I dreaming or something? I was knocked out after hitting my head after all. Ah whatever, Reality isn't cool anyways."

"I kinda forgot ants can pretty much NOT, see stuff. I think that's why I couldn't see and it was kinda blurry to the max. Luckily I got the sight skill but, if it's a system, I should be able to say status window right?"

He said "Status window" and when he said this a large status window was opened

[Status Window opened]


Name: No Name

Race: Red Ant Larvae


Exp: 0/15

Exp Needed: 15

HP:15/15 Stamina:100/100






"I knew it, so there is exp and normal stats... except for luck... well Its not like I can move as of right now because I'm just a larvae so I guess I have to wait and be fed, disgusting liquid guts... Meh I can't taste them anyway, the thought however... UGH"

So he waits for the worker ant to give him food to level up, after a while a different worker ant comes and feeds him sugar, mouth to mouth... again.

"Although I don't like the thought... I gotta eat something and become stronger and also live in what is most likely another world..."

DING! [You have gained 20EXP]

[You have also gained a level]

[Exp 9/20]

"YES another level"

[You are close to turning into a full ant so you have grown a little mantle and it allows you pick up things or bite enemies]

[Skills Bite And Grip were made]

"Woah.. Bite and Grip, maybe I can be a worker ant, Anyways Check description of the skill Bite"

[Opening Info of skill Bite]


Active Skill: Bite (Lvl 1)

0/200 Exp

Allows you to bite using no stamina, It deals damage equivalent to half the user's strength.

If maxed out it could deal damage 2x the user's strength


"Maybe I could evolve it, and maybe I'll check out Grip later for now let's wait for more food"



"The red worker ant had the same food again when he came but it tasted better"

[You have gained 22 EXP]

[You have gained a level]

[EXP 11/25]

"I Leveled up again which is nice, I guess I'll check it now."

"Status Window"

[Status Window opened]


Name: No Name

Race:Red Ant Larvae


Exp: 11/25

Exp Needed 14

HP:10/10 Stamina 110/110






"Sigh... Still a long way to go till I... Supposedly evolve? Probably most likely. Wait aren't worker ants girls? Oh crap, I guess I'm gonna have to be a girl because being a male in ant colony means you die after you make more babies... oh well, I just gotta hope there is some magic I can do."

After repeatedly getting fed liquidus bug guts and sugar he finally gets to evolve.

[Max Level, Please choose option for evolving.]

[You will obtain skills when chosen]

[Worker Ant or Male Ant]

"As I said before, I'm going to choose worker ant ONLY because I don't wanna die early, all I can hope is that I can transform into a humanoid ant dude... maybe that's too far."

[Worker Ant chosen]

[Are You Sure?]

"Yes I am"

[Evolving into a worker ant...]

"Woah, this feels tingly."

[25% Done...]

"O-Oh I'm not a larvae anymore, I got a torso now"

[50% Done...]

"I-I can see my legs, well... ants leg rather, BUT I can walk now."

[80% Done...]

"My-my jaw grew bigger, now I can really bite and chomp"

[100% Done...]

"I got antennas now, kinda useless now if I can see though so I don't see the point of them... Whatever I can feel stuff now so that's good"

[New skill obtained]


[Displaying info of the skill Carrying]


Passive Skill - Carrying (Lvl 1)

0/100 Exp

The level of carrying affects your pain tolerance of carrying stuff, allowing you to sometimes be immune to immune to pain and be able to pick up stuff bigger than your size


"Hmm, well yeah definitely useful especially when you are a worker ant having to carry stuff back to the anthill"

[Bite Evolved into Strong Bite]

[Grip Leveled up]

"Strong Bite? maybe I should train that, and I haven't checked the skill info of grip have I?"

"Skill Grip info"

[Displaying info of the skill Grip]


Active Skill - Grip (Lvl 2)


You have a tighter grasp when Biting. Enemies will have a little struggle getting you off of them


"This goes Hand in hand with the strong bite But I'm pretty weak for ant because I'm pretty sure ants are able to pick up stuff like 100x their mass? or body weight? So it shouldn't be a struggle for me to grab them. Something like that, Ugh, whatever."

[Quests Unlocked]

[New Quest Given]

"Oh, well yeah I should have expected it because I'm a worker ant after all. With that being said, I should probably have a quest popping up shouldn't I?"

[Displaying quest info]


Daily Resources For The Hill - Common Quest

Bring back tiny pebbles or other small materials to the anthill to build for the ant queen and colony.

Bring that amount by the end of today.

0/100 Materials

[Reward: +2 to all stats except luck and 30 Exp]

[Failure: -4 strength and -2 def]


"Yep, of course resources but the failure penalty is quite brutal, last time I checked I had 2 defense stat, speaking of which... I should check my status Window"

"Status Window"

[Opening Status Window]


Name: No name

Race: Red worker ant

Level: 1/10

Exp: 0/100

Exp Needed: 100

HP: 22/22 Stamina: 115/115

Strength: 7

Defense: 4

Speed: 4

Luck: 0


"What a big amount of exp to gain, Sigh... What ever, I'm gonna be strong and I'm going to be the best ant species, SO THAT NOBODY LOOK DOWN ON MY BELOVED ANTS!"



"I am an ant though... Whatever, I'll protect my colony and make it known."

To be Anticipated

This is my first novel so expect this novel to be bad but have a good concept also don't hate please I know nothing about making a novel but it's a good concept though

Ants_n_MMORPGscreators' thoughts