
Reincarnated now what(Naruto SI)

UnknownSuns · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"I think I'm ready!" I said and then the world around me went pitch black

Blink. My eyes could barely open. I felt so weak, I could hear a fire going nearby. Some people were talking above me. They sounded tired like it had had been a long day for them.

"Congratulations on giving birth to a handsome boy, he's so cute." One of the nurses said to the lady who was my mom.

'That means I'm a baby' I thought to myself. Talking was beyond me right now but I could still understand them and think to my full extent."

"He looks just like his father, his eyes are so precious." My mom said carrying me while Lying on her bed tired from giving birth.

I was trying to see if I could recognize the world I was in. I was hoping to know the world I was going to so that I could be prepared, just in case.

I noticed there was no electric lights in the room only candles along the wall. And looking at the wall you could see there were patterns on the wall like the walls in the pyramids in Egypt. The room itself told me that this world wasn't very technologically advanced.

"Thank you doctors I am in great debt to you," my mother said frowning from her tired state.

"Oh no worry's it's for the good of the nation, nurse close up her wounds." At that moment the nurses hands started to glow green and my mom started to heal.

My eyes went wide. I had hit the jackpot I was currently in the world of Naruto. Now don't get me wrong being in this world is dangerous but if your smart and play your cards right you could survive pretty much anything.

After a while my mom fed me and I lazily fell asleep. When mom was finally allowed to leave the hospital or whatever that place was mom brought me to what would be my home for the next 18 years. It was a nice flat with three rooms a kitchen a living room two bathrooms and some storage. She brought me to my room and lied me down in a cradle and started rocking it, slowly and gently. She started singing nursery rhymes themed on Konoha so I guessed that I'm at least in the land of fire.

I admittedly was a pretty big nerd in my last life I had seen hundreds of anime and knew much about a lot of them. One of which just happened to be Naruto, lucky me. I was contemplating on what I wanted to do with this life. After all it's better to have goals set. Just look at Naruto he had the goal of being the Hokage and he ended up being one of the most powerful characters in the series. I decided I wanted to be a ninja but it wasn't that easy. How does one become a ninja? I asked myself. Deciding to answer that later preferably when I can walk and go outside and explore. So instead I started searching, inside me there was a feint trace of chakra the power source of Naruto. It wasn't anything special just a small thing because I was a baby I'm sure it will grow as I get older but right now things are pretty boring.

Now that my eyes had adjusted I could see my mom she was a beautiful young lady probably 19 20. Definitely young to have a child but considering the life expectancy in Naruto, that's probably normal. She had blond hair and green eyes, and about 5'6 as far as I could tell. An absolute catch for sure she tried her best to sing, but unfortunately it seems she wasn't blessed with such a talent.

Im only going to say this once but being a baby sucked. you can't walk, you can't talk, you basically lie around all day and haft to rely on your parents to clean your nasty body every ten seconds, it's awful.

After a few weeks I had gotten used to having chakra in my system but I was putting effort into feeling my chakra even though I'm used to it. Because sometimes people loose the ability to sense chakra. Why would you give that up it's such a good ability and you get it for free, don't mind if I do.

Training my chakra is a necessity if I want to be a ninja. The chakra I have right now is microscopic compared to my moms, and she seems to just be a civilian. So I have a lot of work to do.