

I assume you realize that the experiments we do here, in Auschwitz and many other KZs are very important for the German Army and can give us results that would be impossible otherwise." He said, already justifying the terror that Werner would soon experience. "As I aid before, it's a doctors paradise. We are allowed to do anything we want with anyone." He said it with a gleefull smile. "I've done various experiments on adults, chlldren, men and women and so on and so forth… Werner was diagnosed with brain cancer at year sixteen, and at twenty-two, his fight was almost over. His plane crashes on his way to Germany...to his surprise he wakes up in The Third Reich. After recovering he is immeditally forced to join the German Army and is stationed in Auschwitz. There, he meets a polish doctor who can cure cancer. Will Werner-O'Leary be able to free the doctor, and help him publish his research?

MaydayMarko · History
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78 Chs

Usefull German Words and Phrases

Military / KZ

Wehrmacht - Military

Menschenversuche - human experiments

Arbeit Macht Frei - Work sets free (inscripted over the enterence of Auschwitz)

Jawohl Herr General / Leutenant - yes sir (general, lieutenant)

Lagerführer - Head of camp

Sonderkommando - a group of jews who had to take care of the bodies and the cremation 

Gleichschritt - marching in step

Leichen - corpses


herein - come in

Aufstehen! - Get up

Other words 

Deutsches /Drittes Reich - The German / Third Reich

Fräulein - Ms. (no longer in use)

Abendrot - Evening red (describes the sky in the evening for example)

Kippe - cigarette

Nutztiere - livestock (animals to use)

Gestell - framework

Entschuldigung - excuse me

Prost - cheers

Spaziergang - walk / stroll

Einwandfrei - perfect

Bursche - boy

Alle Gute Dinge sind drei. - all good things are three 


Wichser - Insult (I'm not going to translate it, do that yourself dankeschön)