
Reincarnated Marvel Gunman

A unlucky bastard gets reincarnated into the marvel universe with a gunfighter system. Will his luck turn for the better in his second life? ----------------- If you have question's or such ill try to answer them when i can! And feel free to point out Engrish (grammar mistakes) if you see it! ^^ Last thing, im trying to improve my irl situation a bit so if you have a spare coin or two, you can support me at https://www.patreon.com/ordinarywriter

NickTheStone · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs


Next morning, me and the kids had arrived at the hotel hotel where the two of them would be staying. 

The owner of this place turned out to be yet another old man in his fifties, who after skipping all formalities directly showed us the room where they would be staying. 

Black floorboards covered the entirety of the hotel rooms floor, and together with the pristine white walls thay worked together to create a dramatic contrast.

The two modern beds inside of the 30 square meters room were also quite pleasant in the eyes. And considering this was the 6th floor of the hotel, the view you obtained from the large glass window was mesmerising. 

 The new model of the TV installed on the wall and the all access Internet would be more than enough entertainment for the two of them, especially considering the two of them would each get one of the laptops due to my absence. 

Another nice thing was that there was a wheelchair in the middle of the room, the old barkeep having helped me find one. 

Now then, as the hotel owner left the room, I threw the duffel bag under Elizas bed in case she ever needed something. For example, while I did take a few thousand bucks of the cash with me, there was still more than 250 thousand left there for them to use freely, together with all of the guns and the stiletto. 

Needless to say, while I did want to take, at the very least, the Desert Eagle and the knife with me, I wasn't quite sure how to smuggle that aboard a damn plane, so I guess it had to stay here. 

Having reserved my flight, I was going to be leaving this evening for Afghanistan. 

So, right now there was one thing left besides spending a few more hours with the kids. Going to the rooftop alone, I started surveying the area to make sure there was nobody nearby. Seeing the area is clear, I looked at my skills window. 

Throwing my skill point into shotgunners armor, I braced myself to be in a world of pain, knowing how this usually goes in movies. Yet after 5 minutes, nothing happened

<Pffff. >

'Uhh... Isn't this how it's supposed to be?' 

<Dumbass. It's usually done for the amusement of system that such transformations hurt like shit, or do you really think super powerful beings who can interfere with reality would be incapable shutting off your sense pain?>

"...I...okay... So now I'm bullet resistant? That easily?" 

"Got it, got it. Thank you for the explanation." as I said that, I threw the point into strength as usual. 


13 STR




Looking at my pretty uneven stats, I didn't mind it one bit, knowing I was probably at the level where I could beat up most trash-level supervillains easily. 

Following that, I spent time together with the kids, watching movies together and treating them with the sweets I bought previously. 

Shortly before 5pm, when I was supposed to leave for the , I gave the two of them a hug. 

"Boss, do you really have to go?" Bruce asked, slight tears visible in his eyes. 

"Yeah, I have to, I'll come back stronger than ever and then I'll get us a proper superhero cave or some sort of hideout, not just a hotel room."

"Mmm... Boss?" Eliza suddenly called out to me. 

"Yeah, Eliza?" 

"Come back safely." she said with faint tears in her eyes. 

Patting her head, I said gently. 

"Don't worry, don't worry, you know me by now, I won't do anything too stupid or too risjy, right?" 

"Okay." nodding her head, she replied. 

Going to the door and opening it, I turned around with a slightly devious smile on my face. Opening my mouth, I started firing off word after word. 

"I'll be back in two months, take care of yourselves and don't only eat fast food junk or sweet things, when you take a bath it shouldn't be too hot or too cold as that can damage your skin, brush your teeth at least twice per day, dont rot too much in front of the internet or TV as that's unhealthy as well. Don't stir up any trouble either for now, as we can leave that for when I'm back, an-"

"BOOOOOOSSSSSSSS!!!" the annoyed henchmen yelled at me. 

With a smile, I turned around and left the apartment. "Okay okay I'm going, see ya in two months at most." closing the door behind me. 

Phew, henchmen annoyed, job accomplished. 

Leaving the hotel with only a backpack to my name, I was confident I was prepared for anything. Sattelite phone, a bunch of water canteens and energy bars. Should be good enough to last me a week without issues, and as for the rest, I had some survival skills already so I would probably be fine. 

Getting to the airport, and going through the usual proceedings I was a bit nervous, expecting something to happen. Luckily, none of the sort happened and I boarded my flight without any hickups. 

Seeing almost no one on the flight, and the plenty of space in the economy class, I picked one of the seats in the back and leaned it back as much as I could, getting comfortable for the hours long flight. Like that, I spent the first few hours of the flight reading the pamphlet, trying to see if there was anything interesting. 

Surprisingly, the 15 hour flight, albeit boring, ended without any issues, and I fell asleep at the latter half of it. Not having any further odd dreams, I woke up as the plane touched down, feeling relaxed. 

As I left the plane, I sent a message to the two of them that I arrived safely, and with that, I exited the plane. 

Stark, here I come!