
Reincarnated Magical Girl

Daniel Aurora is an average boy who just lost all his friends, but he gets killed by a truck, only to wake up a magical girl in the other universe, magical girls are the guardians of the universe, the ones who protect it from magical creatures.

Light_Weeb · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Daniel was a 14 year old boy with short dark brown hair and green eyes.

He laid on his bed and looked up at the ceiling, he had been unable to get good sleep the whole weekend. He had just lost the people he thought was his friends.


Daniel was talking to his 5 friend at school on Thursday in the hallway with a big energetic smile.

His friends had tired expressions and one of them had an annoyed expression.

"Daniel, could you for once just shut up and leave us alone?!" The friend with the annoyed expression yelled at him.

Daniel's smile disappeared and his expression turned shocked.

"W-what?" He asked nervously.

"You're always so goddamn annoying and you're so damn stupid. None of us want you here with us, okay?" The friend responded in an annoyed voice.

Tears began forming in his eyes and he ran away.

He went outside and sat down on a bench and began silently crying.

End of flashback

He slowly got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

He brushed his teeth and put his pajamas on and then laid down on bed.

The next morning.

He got up and put his school uniform on. He went downstairs and took a bowl and began pouring the milk in and then poured the cereal in.

He sat down and began eating.

His mom, who was on the other side of the round table, noticed he seemed sadder than usual and less energetic and cheerful.

"Hey, what's wrong? Did something happen?" His mom asked in a concerned voice.

"It's nothing." He said, not wanting to talk.

"I know something is wrong, please, tell me, maybe I can help you." His mom responded with.

"I said it's nothing." He responded, hiding his annoyance.

"Please tell me, I'm worried about you" His mom responded with.

"I said it's nothing" He responded with, now it was a bit more clear he was annoyed.

"Please tell me-" His mom responded with before being cut off.

"I said it's nothing, damn it! How much do I have to tell you?! It's nothing, okay?! Stop being annoying." He yelled at her.

She looked at him with a shocked and sad expression as he then got up without finishing his food. He picked up his backpack and left the house to go to school.

His mom sat there and began crying.

When he got to the school, he began to realize how horrible he was to have yelled at her like that when she just cared about him.

He sat down on a bench and began crying, he couldn't believe he had yelled at her like that, she was the only one left who cared for him right now. He began to hate himself now.

"I'm so stupid… why would I yell at her like that? I… I'm a horrible son now, aren't I?…" He said to himself.

He got up after wiping his tears away.

"I'll have to apologize after school when I get home.." He said to himself as he entered the school.

He went to his class and sat down at his desk in the very back of the classroom.

After class, he walked up to the roof of the school. The sky was gray and it was raining. He had forgotten to bring an umbrella due to have left the house too quick.

"I'm starting to wonder.. what if my mom hates me and just acts like she doesn't to be polite…" He said to himself, if the ones he thought was his friends didn't like him at all and he didn't know, maybe his mom didn't love him and just pretended to.

He was now beginning to question, what if everyone he had ever seen as friends in his entire life never liked him? What if they all just pretended to as to not hurt his feelings and that the ones who were his high school friends were just the first ones that were willing to tell him that they didn't like him?

He stood there, on the roof, in the rain, looking down at the ground below through the fence, thinking.

By the time that he was done thinking, the break was over. He then headed down to his classroom again.

He was barely able to pay attention to anything the teacher was saying. All he could think about was about how his friends had hated him the whole time and he didn't even realize it, how maybe everyone hates him and he doesn't know it and how he needed to apologize to his mom.

After school he went outside the school and just sat on a bench in the rain. He just sat there, thinking about the past few days.

After 20 minutes of quietly sitting there, he got up.

He looked at the road both ways before crossing it. There was only one thing on his mind now, apologizing to his mom.

He began walking on the sidewalk, right next to a forest.

This forest once had rumor when he was child. The rumor said that in the forest, a black unicorn lived there, and if you walked close enough to the forest, it'd come out and impale your butt with its horn. A child had spread the rumor around to scare other children. Looking back at it, he wondered how he and other children believed it as kids, were little kids really that dumb?

He came to another road he needed to cross. He looked both ways again. There was no cars around. He began crossing the road, but all of a sudden he heard the sound of a moving car and there was some sort of light appearing from one of the sides of the road.

He looked at where the light and sound was coming from, he noticed a truck coming right at him. How? There was no cars around, there was no way he wouldn't have noticed it before, it didn't make sense, did it just spawn in?

Was this end? The end of his story? Just like that? Was he going to die?

Before he could do anything, the truck crashed into him and sent him flying.

He crashed into the hard concrete multiple times, his fingers, legs, and arms were completely broken as he landed on his legs, then his arms and then his fingers. He vomited out a lot of blood and his skin scraped across the surface, leaving bruises and a trail of blood. He began to scream and cry in agony.

It would have been better if he had died on impact, but this, this was much, much, much worse.

He then saw the truck driving towards him again. He realized something. This wasn't an accident, this had been planned.

"WAY! NO!! PLEASE!! STOP!!! I'M BEGGING YOU!!" He yelled and pleaded in desperation, but whoever or whatever was driving the truck wasn't listening.


The wheel of the truck completely crushed his head and drove off.

He was still conscious, but he didn't feel any of the pain, he felt as if he was floating in an empty void. It was strange, he should have been dead, maybe he was? Was this the afterlife?

He then felt his body again, and he opened his eyes, he was now on a grass field, something felt off, after all, he should've been dead, but there was something else that felt off.

I’m nervous that this novel might not be well written enough, and that my writing style and skills are lacking, which obviously they are, since I’m a beginner, maybe I’m not detailing enough? Well, I hope this story will be well written and interesting to all of you later when I publish more chapters.

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