
Reincarnated Into The World of Pokémon

A young man dies and gets the choice to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon. With this new life in this new world, he will carve his name into the world's history. The journey and choices he will make may just affect the world around him. The people he meets and Pokémon will either help him on his journey or hinder him. I do not own the cover or Pokémon.

Anomander_Adaar · Anime & Comics
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Pokémon Potential and Stats:

A Pokémon Potential determines just how high of a 'rank' it can reach, as certain potentials only allow it to reach a maximum level. Once reached there is very few things a trainer can do to increase the Pokémon's potential. With very expensive and rare items, trainers can increase their Pokémon's potential. Along with evolving a Pokémon, the possibility of it reaching another potential.

Potentials also determine the Pokémon's stats quality as well. The lower the potential the less stats improve with each level. Stats can be increased in Rank through a combination of training and items but are still limited by the Pokémon's potential. Overall, a Pokémon's potential determines if the Pokémon is even worth training or keeping in most people's eyes. As bad potential Pokémon are released, or in most cases, frequently used for food and other purposes.

Stat Ranks: (meaning the defense, attack, special attack, special defense, etc.)

F Rank - worst stats.

E Rank - below average stats.

D Rank - average stats.

C Rank - above average stats.

B Rank - good stats.

A Rank - very good stats.

AA Rank - great stats.

S Rank - amazing stats.

SS Rank - God level stats.


White - worst potential and usually food for other Pokémon or people. Can't level past 10 and Stats can't go beyond F Rank.

Yellow - most common potential. Plus, mostly found in common Pokémon like Rattata, Pidgey, and other very common bird and rodent Pokémon. Can't level past 30 Stats can't go beyond D Rank.

Orange - uncommon potential. Can't level past 40 Stats can't go beyond C Rank.

Red - very uncommon potential. Can't level past 50 Stats can't go beyond B Rank.

Green - rare potential. Can't level past 65 Stats can't go beyond A Rank.

Blue - very rare potential. Can't level past 80 Stats can't go beyond AA Rank.

Purple - almost never seen potential. Can't level past 95 Stats can't go beyond S Rank.

Black - one in a billion-chance potential. Can reach God Rank Stats can't go beyond SS Rank.