

AN: I hope everyone had a good couple of holidays. Now I am back, I know it seems obvious but I'd suggest rereading the last chapter or two, so you can remember what we left on. With that said, enjoy. 


I nodded to Primeape to jump into the arena, and he smiled before jumping into his area while flexing and showing off. Then my Dad nodded to Flareon who jumped out into the arena too. Flareon sat there with a regal look on her face as she was the more self-imagined concerned Pokémon out of all my Dad's Pokémon. 

"Begin!" the referee says seeing everyone ready. 

"Primeape, you know what to do," I say as Primeape using his starting moves, Leer followed by Focus Energy. 

"Flareon, reinforce yourself," Dad says as Flareon uses Calm Mind followed by Sunny Day. 

"Primeape close the distance use Poison Jab," I say hoping Flareon will be poisoned making this much easier for us. 

Primeape then rushes toward Flareon who is sitting still calmly waiting for Primeape to close the gap. Primeape and I are on edge seeing this, but Primeape has no choice but to close the distance since he is a close combat fighter. 

Right as Primeape leaped over a nearby rock and used it to help launch himself even faster at Flareon, she finally reacted. Flareon then used a quick attack to dodge the cannonball-like flight of Primeape. Primeape landed and quickly turned to land his strick, but right as he landed, Flareon released her second move.

With a sing-song voice almost like what someone would expect from a mythological Greek siren, Flareon released her Alluring Voice. This very nice and calm melody was pleasing to everyone, but Primeape who fell to his knees in pain. Primeape cried out while covering his ears from the super-effective move. 

Not giving Primeape a chance to recover, Flareon then released her heavily enhanced Flamethrower which washed over Primeape. Primeape cried out in even more pain as he flailed on the ground trying to put out the flames. 

'Shit! Primeape has fallen behind due to his lower stats and original potential. Maybe I should try to evolve him after this and then see what I can do about his stats afterward…' I think seeing Primeape be overwhelmed by a Pokémon at his same rank. 

Before I can withdraw Primeape, he jumps up pushing through the pain while still on fire, and wildly charges Flareon. Flareon quickly dodges the enraged Primeape, who then appears to quickly charge up his strongest move, Final Gambit. Seems even with his extreme anger and pain, he has improved his self-control. 

'You can do it Primeape!' I say to him through our link seeing his resolve to at least heavily damage Flareon before going down himself. 

"Flareon, finish this," Dad says seeing Primeape desperately trying to close the distance between the two. 

Flareon appears to be charging up a Fire Blast, while continuously dodging Primeape. Just as Flareon finished charging her latest move, she stopped for a second to aim her attack. This allowed Primeape the only chance to land his only strike against her. 

Primeape with a rage-filled battle cry put all of his remaining energy into his attack while launching himself at Flareon. Flareon then released the Fire Blast that exploded onto Primeape point blank right as he was inches from reaching her. With a huge fiery explosion no one could see anything, then a split second after the explosion, Flareon came flying out of it crashing into a nearby rock. 

Flareon slammed into the rock cracking it from the impact while slumping onto the ground, but stood up while looking heavily injured though. As the smoke cleared from the explosion we could see Primeape standing where Flareon was previously. He was unmoving and looked to be unconscious.

"Primeape–" the referee was about to say when we see Primeape glow with a light showing he is evolving. 

'Shit! Fuck!' I think as everyone looks on with surprise. As no one before knew Primeape's could evolve further. 

I ran out into the battlefield with the Haunter Orb I had earlier and tossed it to the evolving Primeape. Primeape caught it and at the same time, my Dad ran over also tossing an item to Primeape. I could see it was a fighting-type item that he appeared to have gotten for him. Primeape caught that item too as the glowing intensified now with the two items.

Everyone waited with baited breath seeing this as not only was it uncommon for Pokémon to evolve in a fight. But also very uncommon when they were thought to be unconscious. After a few tense seconds, the glowing died down and in place of Primeape was now Annihilape. 

Annihilape is covered in shaggy grey fur that streams upward and seems to evaporate. Its shaggy eyebrows usually hang down but tend to stream upwards while Annihilape is in battle. Unlike Primeape and Mankey's pink skin, Annihilape's skin is dark grey. The metal shackle on its left arm is broken while it appears to have no shackle at all on the right arm. It is also able to greatly increase the size of its unshackled arm. Annihilape has three-fingered hands and two-toed feet. There are multiple throbbing veins on the left side of its face. Its eyes are red as if the creature were in an extreme rage.

Right after evolving, Annihilape collapsed onto the ground with everyone staring at him with surprised looks. I then stabilized him with a potion before withdrawing him back into his Poké ball. I will check out his changes later, but from the looks of it, he has drastically changed. 

"Uhm… Lucas, what the hell was that?" Dad says to me as his researcher side comes out. 

"Can we talk about it after the battle?" I say to my Dad who nods his head but has a look of thousands of questions on his face. 

"Right… but we are gonna talk later," Dad says as I nod my head and we both walk back to our areas. 

"Primeape… Primeape is unable to battle… The winners are Gym Leader Blaine and Flareon!" the referee says with some uncertainty after just witnessing that. 

"Please send out your last Pokémon Trainer Lucas," the referee says quickly turning back to his professional self. 

"Leo, let's show them how far we've come," I say to Leo who gives me an excited nod before jumping into the arena. 

"Begin!" the referee says once Leo is standing in the arena looking over to Flareon who was his best friend growing up at home with me. 

'Leo, you know what to do,' I say to Leo as both my Dad and I don't say anything to our Pokémon while smirking at one another. 

Leo then uses Howl and Leer, back to back before charging at Flareon using Wild Charge to close the distance. Right as Leo was using his moves, Flareon used a copycat to use the same moves as Leo. 

Just as Leo closed the distance Flareon used Dig and quickly hid underground from Leo. Leo grunting in annoyance, Dug up the ground to follow after her. It seems to have helped Leo finally learn to Dig for free as the two disappeared underground. 

For a few tense seconds, we saw nothing or hear nothing as they were underground. Then Flareon exited the ground while sending a blast of flames toward Leo who emerged right after her. However, much to the disappointment of Flareon, who seemed to have forgotten that Leo is immune to fire, he pushed through it and landed a Head Smash onto her. 

Flareon was hit very hard as she plummeted back to the ground after quickly jumping mid-air trying to avoid Leo. With a crack, Flareon landed on the ground not moving as Leo landed next to her looking completely unharmed. 

"Flareon is unable to battle! Winners are Trainer Lucas and Leo!" the referee says seeing Leo completely overwhelm Flareon. 

'Leo is the perfect counter to Fire Types, which means only Magmar will really be able to challenge him,' I think as Leo really is the perfect counter to Fire-type Pokémon 

"Gym Leader Blaine please send out your last Pokémon!" the referee says as the crowd cheers even more excited. 

"Magmar, time to test these two to see how far they've really come. Don't hold back," Dad says as Magmar walks into the arena nodding his head while staring down Leo and me.

"Begin!" the referee says seeing everyone ready. 

'Leo buff yourself up even more,' I say as Leo and I have to take this seriously. 

Leo then immediately uses Howl and Leer again spiking his attack even higher. While Magmar uses a smokescreen making him disappear. I then reach out and make a connection with him before passing it to Leo who now knows where Magmar is exactly. Though from what we can feel Magmar buffed himself too though we are unsure how exactly. 

'Leo use Dig to disappear too, then charge up a Head Smash to land it on him,' I say as Leo uses this opportunity to disappear underground. 

The smoke screen finally disappears with Magmar standing still while looking at me calmly. Then he quickly turns and jumps back as Leo appears behind him. Leo launches himself at Magmar who quickly uses Protect to stop Leo from landing his strike. Then Magmar immediately drops the protect before using Brick Break. 

Leo cries out in pain as the strick makes him stumble back a few feet. Then Magmar quickly closes the distance looking like he is going to use another fighting-type move as the energy gatherers around him. Leo seeing this jumps back and dodges Magmar's low sweep that almost hits him. 

The two then stare at one another with determined faces for a split second before immediately using their next moves. Magmar quickly gathered enough energy to use Focus Punch as he launched himself at Leo. While Leo met the attack head-on. 

Leo then sidestepped the attack right as the Focus Punch blasted the air beside him sending out an explosive wave of energy. Just as Leo dodged the strike he used Crunch biting down as hard as he could on Magmar's other arm. We could all hear the crunching sound as Magmar cried out in pain with fire quickly bursting from him. 

Though the fire didn't damage Leo, the force behind it pushed him off of Magmar. We could all see a slightly bleeding Magmar, who grunted while giving Leo a look of surprise and respect. Then Magmar gathered even more fighting-type energy very quickly showing his mastery over the moves. 

Leo then gathered his rock-type energy around his head, intending to use Head Smash again. Magmar finished first sending out a large orb filled with fighting-type energy that blasted toward Leo. Leo quickly jumped out of the way, but the blast wave from the attack sent him flying into the lava and canceled his move. 

Leo grunted as he stood up in the mote of lava shaking off the some that covered him like a dog would with water. Lava flung everywhere as Leo growled in annoyance staring down Magmar who was looking over at him with a smirk. 

Next chapter