
Reincarnated into the world of MHA

This will be a mature novel containing sex, inappropriate language, ect... (I did not list more because I'm lazy and would rather you just see for yourselves) I suggest you don't read this if you are a impressionable mind or are under the age of 18. now let me start off with a rundown of what will happen. 'huh what happened I was just entering my bedroom and now I'm here...' 'wait where am I' "looks around" 'it appears I'm in a sorta void or something similar' 'HELLO MORTAL!!!!' says a unfamiliar demonic voice 'there is no need to yell I can hear perfectly fine' 'I AM NOT YELLING THIS IS MY INSIDE VOICE' says the unfamiliar demon voice 'if you say so... now can you tell me what is going on' I say in a annoyed voice 'YOU WERE KILLED BY THE GOD OF DEATH BY ACCIDENT' says the demonic voice what does this demonic voice want and is held in the future for me? Find out by reading the novel

Gohan_1984 · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Chapter Two Thrust into A New World

A church somewhere in Musutafu, Japan. a woman who is wearing a hoodie which combined with the darkness makes her unrecognizable.

'I'm sorry that I'm leaving you here, but if you will have a better life without me in it." the woman says in a soft sad voice

"the woman kisses the baby on the forehead knocks on the church door and runs away"

the church door opens after a minute and a nun sticks her head out

"the baby crys to get her attention"

'huh aw a baby' the nun says in a sweet and cutesy voice

"the nun picks up the baby and goes inside the church"

*5 Years later*

"so what I have learned from the time I have been in this world is that the nuns name is amber I found this out because she has not wanted to leave my side ever since she found me on the doorsteps of the church. I think she feels close to me because she was abandoned on the doorsteps of the church aswell. personally I'm glad she was the one to find me because she has been so nice to me. she is the only one I'm telling you about because I'm usually with her." says Shinku in his head

I'm sorry the chapter wasn't longer in just can't think of any to do as a kid for him so next chapter will start when the anime starts I mean same age so around 15ish because in Japan the age of consent is 13.