
Reincarnated into the sickly villain

looking at the white ceiling, Apollo was dazed at first but slowly sat up he looked around the world dazed Where is he..? And why.. why does it look so...expensive? Oddly enough Apollo was in a dazed before it snapped into him He.. he can't... _ He was reborn as the sickly villain of a children's book but he has a secret in his first life he was the villain of that some story in that book one day he woke up in his previous life and he is not happy

lilac_the_lazy_one · LGBT+
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12 Chs

princess birthday party (2)

The room was filled with beautifully dressed woman and men chatting and laughing, the large dining table was fill to the brim with food admitting savory sents making the Gluttony guest mouth drool

The room was big and was decorated beautifully with soft pink flowers and white ribbons

In overall it was beautiful

On a large stage sat a beautifully woman with beautiful eye catching sliver hair and pricing golden eyes

She sat on her throne admitting a cold and overwhelming pleasure, she watched the people on the ball ground and her eyes narrowed even more

Her red seductive lips frowned and she patted her long white nails against the thrones arm

She was very inpatient! She wanted to start her dear daughters birthday already but she can't until that damn boy comes

She was about to signal the guards to come to her when the door of ballroom opened and the announcement of someone she was waiting for rong out


The crippling voice of the announcer rong out catching everyone's attention and her heated gaze fell on to the two figures walk through the door

Her gaze also fell on the two figures to find a young boy with long white waist length hair that was tied in a ponytail hugging a slightly old man tightly The man slowly and elegant walked on the red carpet towards her taking soft a gentle steps and when he reached her he tried to put now the child in his arms

But unfortunately the child refused to let go, Gabriel's eyes narrowed as her cold eyes fell onto the child in the man's arms the man tried coaxing the kid but the prince didn't let go instead his grip tightly as if he wanted to tear of the butlers clothe

And as the butler continues to coax loud whispers started to full the room

"Prince Apollo don't you no how to greet your mother?" Gabriel said her voice filled with coldness and slightly mockery, the turn silence as she spoke

The boys body froze but quickly calmed down, he then reluctantly let go of the butler and the butler placed him down gently then started to bow towards her

The prince turned to her and bowed his head with Perfectly angled bow with one hand behind his back and the other on his chest and his legs slightly crossed

Gabriel didn't speak but waited, the boy pursed his lips and spoke with a ice cold tone that made everyone in the room cold sounded out

"I greet your majesty the queen" his voice was very clear with a slightly hoarseness to it but one couldn't deny the coldness in his tone, the boy slightly rise his head to reveal his pricing golden eyes with a coldness very similar to her own

She was surprise! When did this child ever spoke to her this way!?

She frowned and lightly waved her hand dismissing them

Anyways it was fine She didn't care as long as she can now start her daughter's party

Soon a beautiful melody played out

Now she just have to wait for the 1th princess to make a entrance


As he bowed in hus mothers presents all he could feel was indifference and coldness, ever since he felt the love of his mother in his previous life he didn't need others love after all with his previous mother in his life back the he was loved and loved not hit at all so remembering what this woman did to him in hus first life he only fell indifference and coldness

After the woman waved her hand dismissing them he turn to Luis his cold eyes dispelling as he out stretched his arms towards Luis and Luis hopelessly took him in his arms and started to walk away

The whispers and mutters of the people started again but honestly he didn't care

Luis carried him to a  corner of the ballroom and started to speak to him

"Your highness was that a really stressful encounter?"

He nodded and Luis give a sweet bur gentle smile

Apollo was daze for a moment, Luis really looked much like his previous daddy.. and that made Apollo feel a bitter sweetness, he didn't remember much of his first daddy in his first life but he remembered his second life daddy

Apollo opened his mouth and unconsciously said

"Luis you look and act so much like daddy.." Apollo froze and Luis understandably stiffened but soon his smile widen and he tentatively asked

"Is that so? What makes you think so?"

"Will.. two of you have brown skin that is very smooth, you two have big eyes which is black and you two carry me around when I ask and both of you are very warm.." Apollo said slipping into his mind set of a child his age

Luis gave a helpless laugh as he patted the fluffy ball in his arms

"Am happy I reminded you of someone dear to you"

"Mhm..i-" Apollo was going to say something when a loud voice spoke out


So long ass names you got there

I got all of these names off Google it was  that were hard to think anyways. Almost every name that I give has a meaning so you can check it out if you want Um.. ya.. bye bye!

I looked at my contract his og was Apollo Alexander Glucksburg ha! but I forgot-

here's a quick reply!

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ok bye bye!

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