
Reincarnated Into The Pokémon World

Want early access to my latest chapters? Join my Buy Me a Coffee page and get exclusive sneak peeks before anyone else! Your support helps me keep creating great content. There are already 10+ Chapters in it ahead of WN. Link to my page where you can read advance chapter: https://buymeacoffee.com/godlymadara *** Synopsis; Izana Kurokawa, a 35-year-old war veteran who survived the world war 3 was enjoying his retirement while watching the last episode of the series, Pokemon. And after that, he walked up to the bathroom and was about to enter the bathtub when he slip on a soap and bust his head in the edge of the bathtub, killing himself. But that wasn't the end of his story as he unexpectedly found himself staring at the unknown ceiling and upon much reaserche, he found that he has been reincarnated into the world of pokemon, in Ash's timeline as a 1 year old unknown side character of the series. Now, armed with the knowledge of the future and the knowledge to train his pokemon perfectly, how will he bring changes to the original story and become the one and only true pokemon master of all time. And how did he become that? To find out, read the story further for it. *** Chapters a week: 4! Advance Chapter available on buy me a coffee: 11+ *** It will be a wishfulfillment since it's a fanfic so, do not complain later saying that this is fanfic blah blah blah... --- I do not own pokemon as it is the work of the original creator, I'm justing writing "What if" type fanfic.

AlmightyTRX · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 18: Serena!

In the morning, I woke up at 8 AM and then I freshened up nicely and dressed up as today, I have to pick up someone.

It took me about 30 minutes to freshen up and dress up, and then I messaged her about what time she'll arrive here.

[Vchat] [Me: When will you arrive at the Viridian Airport?]

It took a few seconds before the reply came, and it was from her.

[Her: Hm, I think the plane will land at 10 AM] [Me: Okay! I'll be there at the airport.] [Her: Okay! I'm excited to finally see you after so many years] [Me: Me too!]

Closing off my phone, I went out of the Pokémon Centre and then called out Charizard.

"Hey, today, we've got to pick someone up in Viridian City, let's go there! Shall we?" I said as Charizard nodded its head and turned its back to me, indicating that I should sit on its back.

And I sat on its back comfortably before it started to levitate as it flapped its wings, and we headed to Viridian City.

It took us 1 hour to reach Viridian City by flying as we flew there at maximum speed.

Arriving at the city's Pokémon Centre, I called Charizard back to its Pokéball and then headed to a restaurant to eat as I hadn't had my breakfast and I was damn hungry.

Choosing a restaurant randomly, I went there and sat at the back of the restaurant where I waited for a few seconds before a waiter came with a note in his hand elegantly.

"Sir, what will you order?" He asked me as he opened his note and readied his pen to write my order.

"I'll have the avocado egg toast and a light wine!" I said as he took note of my order and went to fetch/make it.

I didn't have to wait long as he came back shortly after taking the order and placed all the dishes I'd asked for.

"Please! Enjoy," he said as he went back to taking orders from the customers.

I also started to eat my breakfast without any care for the world.

It took me 20 minutes to eat all of that, and after eating, I wiped off some of the stains I got when I ate the avocado egg toast and then went to the counter where I paid my bill and then headed to the airport, which was about 5 minutes ahead of me.

After arriving at the airport, I went to the place where all the people come to welcome their family/friends and stood there.

[10 Minutes later]

After 10 more minutes, I saw a figure in the distance with a suitcase. She was wearing her signature outfit that consisted of a knee-length pink dress with a white collar and matching white stockings.

Her honey-brown hair flowed down to her shoulders as she looked around with a confused face.

I didn't have a signboard, so I messaged her to tell her where I was, and only then did she look here and found me.

After finding me, she dropped the suitcase and came running toward me and then enveloped me in a tight hug.

"I missed you a lot!" She softly said as she hugged me.

"Yeah! Me too," I also said as I hugged her softly.

"You must be tired from the journey to come here, right? Then let's go to the Pokémon Centre and talk there," I said with a smile.

"Okay!" She said as I walked toward the place where she left her suitcase and grabbed it before taking it with me.

We both then went to the Pokémon Centre where we booked a room and then went there as I placed the suitcase in the room.

"So, which starter Pokémon did you choose?" I curiously said.

Even though I know she might have chosen Fennekin, in real life, she might have chosen something else.

"I chose Froakie!" She said with stars in her eyes as she took out a Pokéball and threw it lightly, and streaks of red light came before it formed a blue Pokémon.

"Froakie!" It said as soon as he came out, and then looked around confusedly before turning back to her.

"So, this is the starter you chose!" I said with a smile as I knew how strong a fully trained Greninja would be.

"So, you're also planning on challenging the gyms in Kanto and the league, right?" I asked for confirmation since she was not a trainer in the series.

"Yeah! And I'll also battle you there!" She said with a determined face.

The reason she didn't outrightly challenge me was that she knew I had a Charizard that I've trained since I was a kid, as we were always in contact with each other.

"Then, do you want to rest for some more time or head straight to Pewter City and challenge the gym? I've already won the badge there!" I said as I showed her my badge case.

"No, let's head to Pewter City! I will challenge the gym as well!" She said as she got up, and then she took out a special bag from her suitcase and then packed all of her things in there before we headed for the Viridian Forest.

Well, I could have let Charizard carry us there, but it could be dangerous for Charizard to hold two adults, so we headed to the Viridian Forest.

In the forest, we met a lot of trainers, but I didn't fight them and just let Serena battle them as she needed some experience fighting.

After some time, we both got out of the forest and went to a restaurant for her to eat since she was hungry from all the battles she faced, and we got there.

I also took her to a Poképuff store as Froakie was also hungry, and Poképuffs are good for Pokémon.

And after that, we both headed to the gym!


(A/N: Throw your stones! The goal is 555)

And if you want to read advance 11+ chapter, please head over to my page in buy me a coffee.

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