
Reincarnated into the Naruto Universe as Akame Uchiha

A soul that loved anime dies. She had a tragic life. She was abused by her parents for as long as she can remember and at the age of 18, she enlisted in the military to escape the torture. And she was forced to kill herself as she had valuable intel that the French Soldiers wanted. She spent billions of years in the void as a punishment for taking her own life. Her willpower was the only thing that let her keep her memories and prevent herself from going insane. And along came a goddess of Chaos that gave her a second chance. If the artist wants me to take down the cover please email me at lumine.stan@yahoo.com and I will take it down. As usual, All song's characters, naruto, and stories are not mine except the OCs

Crimson1997 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Madara, Ansel's Advice and weary Ansel

Over yonder, a man in his late-40s was crying with tears flowing from his EMS.

(A.N: In case people are wondering why Madara is so young now compared to Tobirama... It's because I had Tobirama become older than Hashirama in this fanfic; therefore, Tobirama is actually Hashirama's elder brother. Though that should be pretty obvious...)

'She looks just like Hikari...' Madara has been traveling the world and only sometimes returns to his hideout. Madara hasn't gotten the Rinnegan yet despite already using Hashirama cells however it's already showing signs of awakening. Madara sneaks into Sunagakure to get a closer look at Akame and his lips tremble already knowing the answer...

'My...My... Granddaughter...' Madara knew it instinctively... It's not a maybe it's a definitely... He even used a jutsu to see if she was his direct line sneakily, confirming that she was indeed Hikari's Daughter.

(A.N: Madara is the same Madara we all know and love don't worry... However, it's always different when with family and knowing you have family yes? I don't care how powerful someone is be it Madara or anyone else... The normal reaction is to be moved to tears.)

"You will serve me?" Akame tilts her head.

"I already destroyed most of the land of wind... What use is a single village?" Akame slowly makes a grabbing motion and Shamon grunts and coughs up blood. Akame just used a Dark Release Jutsu that works just like Ainz's Grasp Heart.

"My Demon Queen... This land is suitable to be colonized... These humans lost... They have no choice but to submit to you, my Queen... I can also see that you don't truly want to wipe them out... So how about accepting my aid? You will use all of your strength to release Miasma and mold this world's Chakra with the Demonic Chakra so that both sides can coexist. While I will make sure any Demonic Chakra doesn't invade the bodies of these humans..." Ansel puts forward a suggestion that benefits both sides.

"..." Akame clenches her fist and her eyes glow a resplendent red behind her Black Shalltear Mask.

"ARH" Shamon coughs up a lot of blood and falls forward dead.

"He dies... But the rest of the village is spared... I will come back after the war is over and turn this land into something more inhabitable instead of endless sand... If you cross me... I will wipe out Sunagakure... You will serve me... There is no going back on your words..." Akame turns her back and walks away.

'YES! This is how my Granddaughter should act! Such power and ruthlessness I like her... Truly worthy of being my Granddaughter!' Madara disappears retreating from the alleyway and heads back to his hideout to have a chat with his 'will' Since it said his daughter and granddaughter are both dead... Clearly, it lied!

"I'm confused, Ansel... Why did I spare them? They have no worth... I have no need of them... And yet... I had a headache and decided to spare them..." Akame walks alongside Ansel.

"My Queen... You are a former human... Deep within you, you are still very much human despite being a full-fledged pureblooded demon... The remains of your humanity are still burning brightly within you... I would say that makes you even more qualified to be my Demon Queen...

The Kings and Queens of the past had only conquest and world domination on their minds while drowning in their power... You on the other hand show restraint when exercising your great power... But that restraint slips when you become enraged and you become... Dark... But you do show restraint since you don't use your full power against the people in this world...

I know full well you could have used even more power when you were razing villages to the ground and yet you held back... Though using 60% of your power while destroying civilization in the land of wind is still overkill... So I can tell you have great restraint when using your immense power even when you are indulging in your demonic state of being...

All you need to do is work on controlling your emotions... A demon isn't some mindless beast as portrayed in your human mythology We are very similar to humans but our emotions are much more uncontrollable than that of humans so it takes great mental effort to control them... it doesn't help that our nature as a species is mainly violent and cruel" Ansel spoke more than usual this time.

"Thank you for your counsel... I needed that..." Akame continues heading in the direction of the land of fire.

"Anytime my Queen" Ansel smirks.

'I could teleport to Konoha but I enjoy the scenic route... This world is more beautiful than planet Earth... The anime and Manga don't do it justice...' Akame has a smile behind her mask.

'My Demon Queen seems to truly love this world... She has no thoughts of conquering it at all... I admit this world so far is quite beautiful... I can only imagine how beautiful it will become when my Queen makes the world inhabitable for both our races... I am very tired... But I still want to see what kind of world my Queen will create before I decide to perform the Burial Ceremony...' Ansel shows an aged and tired look... He has been alive for millions of years and it has taken its toll on his mind.

Ansel has been waiting for so very long for a worthy ruler for his race... He even sacrificed the peace that death would have granted him... The Burial ceremony is a sacred ritual for demons so that they may die. Their spirits will guide the next generation while they spend time in the Shadowlands.

(A.N: Shadowlands Is the Heaven meant for demons... a paradise similar to the Pureland but for demons.)