
Reincarnated into the most talentless body

Warning mature content ahead in the story!! =========== The world of magic. Where impossible becomes possible. Where humans do the impossible and become gods. Where life is one great adventure. "What bullshit is this?" "World of magic?" "1st and 2nd circle utility spells are talent here." "What gods?" "They can't even perform 10th circle spells!" "What Adventure?!!!!!" "What fucking adventure can I do with this talentless body??!!!" ============== Follow Alexander or Alex as he embraces his new life as John, an illegitimate child of a noble family. See how he becomes the greatest on the whole continent and beyond. Surrounded by schemes and dangers, John lives a life of power and debauchery. ============== This story is just an idea that I wanted to get out of my head. This is not my main project but if this works, I will definitely work on this too. Let me know what you think of it and whether I should continue working on it or not. Pay a visit to my main work "The Adventures of the Sex Demon." ============== Additional tags: Action, Adventure, Academy, Romance, Incest (Step), Netori, Magic, Politics and more to come. No Yuri NO! NETORARE! ============== Bonus chapter not decided yet

Dark_keeper · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Pamshire city

Chapter 11

I was in a carriage heading to the Pamshire city. The second biggest city of the Michelson city. The city was also the gateway to the forest of death along with a few small towns and villages on the edge of the city.

The city was at a distance of a day's worth of travel by carriage. At least seven hours by horses which was enough for me to disappear before the word of my escape arrived.

Oh yes. I had decided on the city from which I was going to escape. I was going to the forest of death. Even if my previous blessing didn't follow me into this world, I still had many ways to gain strength. And what better place to do that than a forest filled with magical creatures and resources?

A couple of decades and I will stand at my previous glory. That is if I don't have my blessing.

It took me a week to gain permission to travel to this city. Even if only for a day but a day was all I needed. I needed only a few hours to set up the array and then hide it.

It was difficult explaining the issue but after constant mention of curiosity, I was allowed to come here. Along with my trusted maid of course.

After a week of constant nourishing with spiritual energy and a lot to eat, my physique was no longer sunken. It was filled up. I was still thin though, nowhere near robust and handsome. But I was no longer a shriveled boy but fell into the category of thin.

My looks were still average though. But my biggest achievement was something else. Something I was very proud of.

Oh yes! My manhood had increased in size by a whole one inch. Of course, it was still average, but I was in my growing phase along with the nourishment of spiritual energy, it won't be long before I possess the biggest holy rod in the world.

I am eagerly waiting for that day when women will writhe in pleasure beneath me.

Anyway, snapping out of my thoughts, I saw as the sun fell and night took over. The carriage was entering the city walls. That would be a problem. I would have to find a way to get out of these walls.

The carriage kept moving to the center of the city. Slowly making its way to the area where the nobles resided.

Soon the carriage entered the vicinity of a mansion. A little less grand than the Michelson mansion but still grand. The carriage stopped and a man was standing near the door, I suspected ready to welcome us.

"Good evening young master John. Welcome to Pamshire City." He enthusiastically shook my hand and welcomed me with a bright smile. Since my coming here, this was the second person who didn't have any negative emotions for me in his eyes. The first one was the new boy who had directed me to the kitchen.


Viscount Joffrey.

Good guy. Clever guy. Must think I'm stupid though. There's no way he would be nice to me when he is a noble and knows who I am.

The only reason he can mask his hate and scorn for me when the duchess can't, is only because the duchess has lost her husband because of me or so I think.

Well anyway. His show has at least landed me a bigger and more luxurious room than my own room back in the Michelson mansion.

He's trying to make me lower my guard. The stay I have can only be of one day and the excuse is to see the guild which is not allowed to be built in the main city of Michelson duchy.

Guilds. A name for a group where those who have nowhere else to go end up in. There are many respectable jobs in this world. Knights, mages, warriors, guards of a noble family, and so on. But being a mercenary is not one of them.

That's what adventurers are. A good name for mercenaries. They are the people who venture into the forest of death or do jobs no one else takes.

But that doesn't mean they are to be belittled. Sure, knights and mages look at them like they are inferior, but there are strong ones present among the adventurers.

Such as the founder of the group. He was one of the overlords of this continent two hundred years ago. Even after him, his successors were no less. The current manager of the guild in this city is a seven-star aura master. The Duchess is a seven-circle magus.

The head of the adventurer's guild is known to be at the ninth circle magus. Same as the emperor of this empire who was a nine-star aura master.

I had considered being an adventurer, but I soon discarded that thought. They may be looked down on by others but in the end, they are humans. Humans have politics and greed among them.

The moment I start showing a tiny bit of talent which I didn't doubt I would as soon as I start my cultivation journey, I will also get embroiled in that battle of politics. Something I don't like at all.

Moving on, I was led to a room. My trusty maid with me of course. I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. I wouldn't bother with what was going on behind the scenes and what was the viscount's objective.

He was an irrelevant person in my plans. One of many irrelevant people. No matter what he pulls, it wouldn't matter.

Two weeks are all that's left.

I stood up and headed to the bathroom attached to the room. Losing my clothes as I walked to the door.

"Shameless." I heard my beautiful maid mumble so I smiled and did what any gentleman should do in this situation.

I turned around to give her a show. A frown instantly formed on her face. Of course it would. It was hard. Really hard. I think it has something to do with Spiritual energy. I'm too energetic these days.

"I might need your help to properly scrub my back," I said with a so innocent face that even someone who could read my mind would doubt me. I mean I was somewhere around thirteen, I didn't know, no one told me, but I couldn't possibly know about the matters between men and women. Or so she thought.

"I, I have to discuss something with viscount Joffrey. I will let another servant tend to you." She said, stammering about half the words she spoke. One thing is clear though. She isn't knowledgeable about the matters of men and women too.

I smirked as she left, her generous behind moving with her steps somewhat visible even through her skirt. It was that big. I will have to check that once before I leave.

Finally! I thought she would never leave.

I entered the bathroom and turned on the water in the bathtub after plugging its drain. After a few moments when it was filled, I unplugged the drain to let the water drain.

I focused on the noise of the drained water. Its passageway. I soon found a small drainage beside the fireplace. I picked up the metal lid to see the drainage. It was small. Small for even me to enter.

This was out.

Next, I jumped out of the window after turning the water on. I didn't worry about someone as I knew that no other servant was coming. She wouldn't tell anyone to tend to me.

Landing on the grass behind the mansion, I followed the drain system making sure no one spotted me. Finally, once I had reached the back wall of the mansion across many bushes and trees, I found a lid to the sewer. Only bigger. Big enough for me to enter.

I returned to my room. I waited.

"My apologies young master, I forgot to assign a servant to you as the matter with the Viscount was quite urgent." My beautiful follower came in after some time and apologized for her clumsy mistake.

I smiled at her and nodded saying nothing in return. I couldn't give a bollock for what it was or what it wasn't.

All I wanted was for her to leave and don't return. She did but I doubted she would be spending the night in here which is when I would start the main phase of the objective I had coming here.

I waited patiently. None of us said a word. Dinner was already done, and she wasn't going to stay here for much longer. She would run out of a reason to be here. Right now, she was here to tend to my needs supposedly. But once there is no need for her, she won't be able to stay.

That moment soon came. She left once it was time to blow off the candles. I still waited though. I suspected there was still someone keeping an eye on me. I waited for the candle by my bedside to run out.

Once it was out, there was complete darkness in the room. I stood up slowly. Made my way to the bathroom. I didn't exit from the bedroom window as whoever was keeping an eye on me would be positioned somewhere in the trees behind the room.

I took the bag of mana stones with me. It wasn't difficult to obtain these. I asked and my faithful maid delivered. No questions asked. They were useless to anyone and there was no harm in giving them to me.

I made my way to the lid of the sewer and opened the lid to enter. It was smelly in here and this untrained nose couldn't bear being in here. I needed some serious training.

Ignoring all that, I started drawing blood from my finger and started drawing the magic circle. I had to draw eight circles overlapping with each other. Since it was only an eighth-circle spell so there were no interconnecting three-dimensional matrices involved.

I drew the first four matrices opposite each other. I then connected the matrices with four more circles, intercepting all the circles in a chain, and interlinking them as well. The interlinking was what would keep the matrix stable otherwise the circles would just collapse on each other.

I put a mana stone in each of the circles, directly in the middle of them. All the stones weren't equal in power, so I had to draw secondary matrices for each circle and put in extra mana stones for each circle.

Once I was done with all of this, I started drawing the array for the spatial conversion of mana. I had pure mana. I had to convert it into spatial mana for it to be functional. That is how spells work in reality.

Once all of my preparations for the array were done, I started drawing many first and second-circle spells surrounding the array. Camouflage, a second circle spell. Stealth, a second circle spell. Perception inhibitor, a second circle spell. Waterproof, a first circle spell.

All of these were necessary. These spells would keep the array protected from people and other things. Finally, I drew a five-circle array around everything, a dome spell, another space spell to keep the mana inside, preventing it from leaking.

I didn't know if the mana stones would start leaking mana at some point or not. I haven't observed for long and there were still two weeks left since the main event.

But one thing was sure. I now had an escape route through which I could escape at any time regardless of the tight surveillance I was under. But I will still wait. I was curious about the ploy of the duchess and now that I have a way out, I don't fear the consequences that surround me.


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