
Reincarnated into the most talentless body

Warning mature content ahead in the story!! =========== The world of magic. Where impossible becomes possible. Where humans do the impossible and become gods. Where life is one great adventure. "What bullshit is this?" "World of magic?" "1st and 2nd circle utility spells are talent here." "What gods?" "They can't even perform 10th circle spells!" "What Adventure?!!!!!" "What fucking adventure can I do with this talentless body??!!!" ============== Follow Alexander or Alex as he embraces his new life as John, an illegitimate child of a noble family. See how he becomes the greatest on the whole continent and beyond. Surrounded by schemes and dangers, John lives a life of power and debauchery. ============== This story is just an idea that I wanted to get out of my head. This is not my main project but if this works, I will definitely work on this too. Let me know what you think of it and whether I should continue working on it or not. Pay a visit to my main work "The Adventures of the Sex Demon." ============== Additional tags: Action, Adventure, Academy, Romance, Incest (Step), Netori, Magic, Politics and more to come. No Yuri NO! NETORARE! ============== Bonus chapter not decided yet

Dark_keeper · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Deal of heart

Chapter 16

"What was that?" She asked instead. Of course, she would ask. If she hadn't, I might have to change my opinion of her, but it seems she is not power-hungry at all costs.

"As my lady is aware, I cannot wield mana or aura due to my physique. So, after extensive research, I have discovered a method that would reinvigorate me. Make my cells and body stronger to hold both powers. It was unfortunate that I lost my memories, but I guess I was wise enough to leave instructions to myself." I made up a story. Though it was true that it would make my body stronger, it would take years to reach that stage.

The reason I didn't tell her that is because it is of no concern to her. She can wield mana just fine. The most spiritual energy does for her is to keep her young and energetic, and also increase her mana pool slightly.

It is better to increase the capacity of mana with breathing techniques than spiritual power.

The reason I had to lie was because I couldn't just tell her I was an otherworldly entity. She would think I'm lying then. Lying was the only truth I could tell her.

She contemplated my words for a while I crossed my legs, not trying the least bit to hide my erection. She raised her eyebrow at my action but said nothing else.

"So, what will it do?" She asked next.

"For you, a slight increase in mana pool," I said, and her eyes went wide. Of course they did. There was no way to do that unless it naturally happened according to one's talent. Or so I had read in books but considering her reaction, it might be the truth.

She was about to say something when I interrupted her again, "But that is not the most useful thing that would happen to you. It's more like a secondary effect."

"How can you say it's small." She said loudly. My lazy tone must have angered her. I forgot. This was a primitive world. Even a slight increase in the mana pool would be amazing.

I wonder what her reaction would be when I tell her I could increase her mana pool by double in a few months. I refrained from that thought. She wasn't still an ally yet. At most, she was a collaborator, and even that would depend on her answer.

"It is small compared to the other effect," I said with a smile which only angered her more but also made her more curious.

An old merchant trick. Rile your customers and make them more curious about your products. They are likely to buy them more.

"What would it be?" She asked sitting back down and lowering her voice. She couldn't hide the anticipation in her voice and eyes though.

"Age. It will preserve your age for a very long time." I said and enjoyed her eyes widening even more and I almost laughed at her next reaction which opened her mouth as well when I said, "Of course, your youthful appearance is also a part of it."

Her reaction was expected but there was another reaction of her that I expected, and it appeared not long after. Doubt. Now such a thing said by a powerhouse would have been believable but by a fourteen-year-old, it sounded more like a work of imagination.

But the seed of faith has already been planted. She has experienced the effect although to a very low degree, it was still a difference nonetheless and the fact that she could maintain her beauty for a long time is a very enticing weapon against a woman.

Which was exactly why although there was doubt on her face, her voice was laced with anticipation. "It sounds great."

I chuckled at her words. If she wanted to sound like she was doubting me then she should have masked her anticipation better. All I hear is 'No harm in trying.'

It was true. Whether my words were true or not didn't matter much to her. If they weren't true, it's not like she had anything at stake and if they were true, she would gain more than anyone else. There was no harm to her either way.

"The process is ten percent complete. The process takes a few years. First, you will have to get used to the changes right now. You will also feel some disorientation but that is mostly because your senses have enhanced lightly. Better hearing, better sight. Skin glows and smoother than before. Oh, and also, no alcohol of any kind for a few months. this is important, no alcohol." I started the pitch.

Only at my words did she notice these slight changes as they were really small. But these things can't be increased through aura or mana breathing. Sure, your battle senses increase after experiencing some battles but that and this are slightly different.

"And what do you need in return?" She asked cautiously. For such a thing, the price would equally be enormous.

And she was correct. My price indeed was enormous. At first, I wanted her support or her as an ally, but I changed my mind after figuring out her nature.

She is beautiful, powerful, and most importantly has a strong and good character. I have seen women offering me their bodies and everything else in their lives for this kind of power. After a simple taste, they would throw themselves at me.

Yet she set boundaries in the beginning and if not for my seduction, I doubt she would let other men touch her. Even now she has tasted the power, yet she is asking for a price. Meaning if it is too much or against her rules, she will reject it. No chance or hesitation. She will reject.

This is why my next words had to be as sincere as possible because this time a woman wasn't giving me her body but on the contrary, I was the one asking for it.

"You," I said softly. No hitch in my voice and it was my sincerest word until we met.

She didn't miss it either as many women would have felt offended as my words weren't actually nice. My words could also be seen as me trying to buy her which would have been the case if my actions wouldn't have been sincere since we met.

I could have taken advantage of her many times, but I didn't which reassured her that I wasn't just interested in her body.

"When you say me, what do you mean exactly?" she asked me to elaborate with a calm tone.

"It means I want your heart." I simply said.

Something my master taught me. If you want to use a woman, use her body, if you want a woman to give you her everything with happiness, aim for her heart.

I learned to abhor the former from him and mastered the latter. This was why women who had abandoned everything when I gave them power were not the women for me and I never loved them. I stopped right then and there just like I would have if she had made the same choice.

My answer was simple but vague. But she was a woman. She perfectly understood what I wanted.

"I'm the same age as your mother." She argued. I chuckled at her response. I guess she is worried about the aging thing.

"And what part of aging slowly you didn't understand?" I countered to her silly question.

She remained silent. "What if I say no?" she asked after a few moments.

"Then there is nothing I can do. We can conclude our business with the compensation the duke promised you." I replied shrugging my shoulders but there was no laziness in my tone, so I didn't come off as I didn't care.

She contemplated again. I was asking a lot from her. Asking for something under her influence or protection would have been easier. Because that's how women are. They won't easily become yours but once they do, they will do anything for you.

The only thing they ask in return is that you do the same for them and treat them better.

"Very well." Two words escaped her lips softly with a slight blush creeping on her face. I smiled and stood up. She flinched at my action.

I chuckled. To think some time ago she would have glared and threatened me and right now she flinched like a mouse.

"Don't worry. I don't intend to do anything right now." I said softly and moved closer to her and before she could figure out my motive, I had already taken her soft lips.

Her eyes widened as I savored her soft red lips which tasted like sweet cherry. I didn't turn it into a hot kiss and kept it limited to lips on lips.

I separated my lips and said, "There. Agreement complete."

She was still shocked and a little lost at my action and it took her some time to collect herself. She blushed even more which I suspected was partly because of the kiss and partly because of how embarrassed she was to have easily lost herself in a kiss initiated by a child a third her age.

"There is something I need you to do for me," I said, helping her move on from the subject.

"Yes." She replied, a little flustered from embarrassment.

"When I am gone, I need you to inform them about those books. Tell them it was a treasure my father had managed to obtain and had left it for me." I said my instructions in one breath.

She forgot all her embarrassment at my words. Leave? Books? Lie to whom? And most of all why?

I could guess her questions easily.

I told her my intentions before she could ask, "The duchess will try to do something. What is it, I don't know. But I might need to leave for a few years."

My earlier plan was to leave and hide in the forest for about a century and then return as a powerhouse. Cement myself as the most powerful being, find women like the lady before me, have many children, and live the rest of my life for them.

But now I will have to change all those plans. I wouldn't have to if this woman hadn't made all the right choices but now that everything was decided, changing my plans was inevitable.

"Whatever Morticia is planning, I can help you with it," Amanda said, referring to the duchess Michelson.

"Of course you can but we cannot ignore the fact that she is the emperor's daughter. Though the blowback wouldn't be severe, it would still be harmful to you if you show any support for me." I explained while returning to my seat, finally putting on my trousers.

"What do you mean?" She asked. Of course, right now it was just to the extent of the duchess' hate but once she joined, the others would band together and try to diminish her power and I wasn't strong enough to protect her.

The second reason was that this case was still unpredictable. Anything could happen and the whole empire could get involved. Standing by me at that moment would be dangerous for her.

"All you need to know is that you better not let your husband touch you after today or I might have to kill him when I return." She was surprised at my different answer and blushed when I said the whole thing.

"Remember," My expression turned serious as I said, "You have to tell them exactly the story I have said. In return, you were promised the authority to run trade through Pamshire city."

She nodded at my instructions. "Good. And be on alert. After a few months when you have adjusted to your changes, I will send you a book which would contain a method for mana circulation."

I grabbed a quill and a note and wrote something on it.

"The language it would be in wouldn't be understandable so keep this with you to understand." She was stopped in one place.

No doubt lost at my words.

"What do you mean again?" she asked to confirm my words which sounded impossible. I smiled and thought, 'I wonder if she would call me crazy after this.'


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