
Reincarnated into The Kardashian/Jenner Klan

I get re-incarnated into the Kardashian/Jenner Clan. How will I make my mark on the world? Watch as I try to balance school, family, friends while growing up in Hollywood.

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About Bruce Jenner | My first NBA experience

Watching KUWTK over the years. One thing became clear to me. As the years went by, Bruce became more and more neglected by his family. No one really shared the same interest as him.

It's not really surprising considering most of the Kardashian children were girls so they would most likely model themselves after Kris.

Most of my siblings on the moms side had a healthy diet and made sure to work out at least 3 times a week. However, none of them were athletic at all.

As a young kid, Bruce was involved in all kinds of sports; basketball, football, baseball and of course Track & Field. I planned to model myself after my dad as much as possible. I was determined to become his favorite child.


My first opportunity to really bond with my dad was during the end of the 1999/2000 NBA season. Everytime the Los Angeles Lakers had a game I would sit on my dads lap and watch with him. Of course Kendall and Kylie did join us a couple of times. I suspect they got a bit jealous by how much attention I got by dad. Nonetheless more often than not but they would get bored at some point, and wander off to hang with our older sisters and mom. It was fine by us. I could see this becoming a routine of ours in years to come. Just me, Rob and dad hanging out in the living room watching sports and bantering among ourselves.

My dad managed to get tickets to the 2000 NBA finals. It was The Los Angeles Lakers against The Indiana Pacers. The Lakers had homecourt advantage which ment that the first two game would be played here at the Staples Center. I was very exited. I was about to go to the Staples Center for the first time and I would have the chance to see Shaq and Kobe with my own eyes. I already knew how this season' NBA finals would end but seing prime Shaq and Kobe was just something else.

(If you're curious you can find clips and highlights on Youtube)

Just like in my past life, the Lakers ended up winning the series in six games and Shaq became the MVP. It seems like some things never change. That made me think for a bit. Just how much could I change the future. At what point would my future knowledge become irrelevant? What would happen if I tried to prevent 9/11 or tried to prevent Madeleine Mccanns disappearence? I figured that similar events would happen sooner or later. You would be shocked to see what Airport security was like prior to 9/11. Some type of hijacking or terrorist attack was just waiting to happen. All I knew was that changes was bound to happen in this life. I just didn't know what.