
Reincarnated Into The Anime World

Just as I was all chill after buying manga from the store, until... A crazy woman broke in to my apartment and took me and my roommate. After running away from the escape room, I was about to get Isekai'ed by this shitty truck-kun driver who couldn't even kill me in one hit. He should've got fired from his job. I fucking swear to fuck your ancestors in hell once I'm through with this. ... What is even going on!? Did Gold Experience Requiem hit me, to have a death loop!? And what's with this yandere doing? How can she even follow me... ... After escaping the GER's death loop, a wise looking person could be seen... Are you God? No. I'm Shakyamuni, the present Buddha. You're also buddha... HUUH!? ---- Cover image isn't mine, artist: @KANOSE

RenamedOnesAgain · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

71 Clues of Vincent Fabron From Issei

Issei groaned as he slowly regained consciousness, the light in the room initially blinding him. Blinking to clear his vision, he found himself back to his room, which seemed oddly normal given the intensity of the situation he'd just been through.

As he began to sit up, he noticed someone sitting in a chair by the foot of his bed, casually eating snacks and watching him intently. The sight of his junior, Koneko Toujou, made him feel confused and unease.

"Ummmm, you are first-year Toujou, right?" Issei asked, curiosity and a hint of nervousness in his voice. He had heard about Koneko from his perverted friends, who often talked about her striking appearance and mysterious demeanor.

Koneko Toujou didn't respond, her expression remaining stoic as she continued to eat her snacks. The silence stretched, making the atmosphere increasingly awkward.

"Uhh...thanks for watching over me, I guess?" Issei tried again, scratching the back of his head, unsure of what else to say as Koneko was still silent.

"Can you tell me how I am back at my house?" Issei tried to ask again, his voice tinged with confusion, he was certain that he was still in the alley when he got attacked.

Koneko finally looked up, her eyes meeting his with a steady gaze. "Rias-senpai asked me to make sure you were okay," she said, her tone devoid of any friendliness or hostility. Her expression remained unreadable, giving Issei no clue as to her thoughts or intentions.

"Now that you're awake, I can now leave." She said, picking up her snack litter before turning and walking towards the door with deliberate, measured steps.

Issei watched her go, a sense of urgency building within him. He needed answers—desperately. The memory of being impaled by the black-winged individuals was still fresh in his mind, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something monumental had changed within him.

"Wait, Toujou-san," he couldn't help but call out, stopping her just as she was about to leave.

Koneko paused, turning her head slightly to look at him over her shoulder. "Why did you mention Rias-senpai?" Issei asked, his curiosity and confusion evident in his voice.

Koneko sighed softly before fully turning to face him again. "Rias-senpai is the one who saved you," she said, her tone neutral but carrying a weight of significance.

"She found you after you were attacked by the fallen angels and asked me to bring you here, that's all. Bye," Koneko said before leaving entirely.

"Fallen angels?" Issei repeated, his mind struggling to process the information. The memory of the attack resurfaced, vivid and terrifying.

"So it wasn't a dream... But why would she save me? I'm just a normal guy, without an ounce of magic..." Issei muttered to himself, trying to make sense of the situation. His thoughts raced as he considered the unsettling feeling he had been experiencing. It must have been the fallen angels watching him all along, since there was no way that one of the Onee-sans of the school would ever watch him, right?

He lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. The reality of what had happened was beginning to sink in, and with it came a flood of questions and uncertainties. Why him? Why would Rias Gremory, a beautiful woman in his save him?

His mind wandered back to the moment of the attack, the fear and helplessness he felt as the light spear pierced his abdomen. The pain had been so intense, so real. And yet, here he was, alive and apparently healed without a scar, which was rare for even the most skilled magic healers.

"She must've bought something expensive just to heal me," Issei muttered, marveling at the absence of any wounds. As his thoughts drifted, he found himself fantasizing about Rias's ample chest, a blush creeping up his cheeks.

"Does Rias-senpai secretly have a crush on me?" Issei whispered to himself, his face growing hotter at the possibility. Why else would she save him and go to such lengths to ensure his complete recovery?



Daytime came, and Issei had never felt so good in a long time. His usual dread of another school day was replaced by an unshakeable grin that stretched from ear to ear.

"What's with that grin, man? It's creepy," Matsuda said to Issei, his face scrunched up in disgust.

"Hehehe, I think I got myself a—" Issei began, then caught himself. "Heh. Nope, not telling ya."

"Come on! Bro, don't tell me you found a really good porn on the internet!?" Motohama chimed in, sounding both excited and indignant. In their group, it was an unspoken rule that any hot stuff found online had to be shared among them.

Issei chuckled nervously, shaking his head. "It's not that. Trust me, it's something way better."

Matsuda and Motohama exchanged puzzled looks, clearly intrigued and annoyed by Issei's secretive behavior. "Pfft, Way better than porn?" Matsuda asked skeptically.

"What could possibly be better than... that?" Matsuda and Motohama's eyes widened as they realized something.

"No way! You didn't get yourself a girlfriend, did you!?" Matsuda looked at Issei as if he were a traitor to their perverted fraternity.

"Maybe~" Issei replied with a smug grin, walking ahead as they neared the school gates.

The murmurs of the girls around them became louder and more pointed. "Ew, who would even go out with that pervert?" one girl in their class muttered in disgust, glaring in Issei's direction.

But for once, the usual disdain and insults didn't faze Issei one bit.

After class...

Issei watched with a mixture of envy and annoyance as the girls in his class flocked around Yuuto Kiba, the blond-haired "prince" of Kuoh Academy. Yuuto's blue eyes sparkled as he politely interacted with the girls, his charming smile causing their hearts to flutter.

"Oh my god, is that prince of Kuoh!?" one of the girls exclaimed excitedly, drawing even more attention to Yuuto.

Issei couldn't help but roll his eyes at the sight.

"Tsk, Mr. Prince Charming is just passing by. It's not a big deal," he muttered to himself, feeling a twinge of jealousy. Unlike Yuuto, who seemed to effortlessly attract attention and admiration, Issei struggled to make an impression on anyone other than his perverted friends.

Issei decided to try and slip away as he couldn't help but feel inferior to Kiba's charms, and didn't want to stay in the same room as him.

"Ah, wait up, Mr. Hyoudou," Kiba's voice carried through the bustling hallway, drawing curious glances from those around them.

Issei stopped in his tracks, turning back with a mix of confusion and caution written on his face.

"Wha—?" he began, unsure of what Kiba wanted with him.

Issei's mind raced with thoughts. Was Kiba going to mock him for not being as popular or charming? Or perhaps he had something else entirely in mind. Either way, Issei braced himself for whatever was about to come.

Kiba approached Issei, not minding the curious gazes of the girls that seemed to follow Issei's suspicious moves.

"What do you want?" Issei's tone was unfriendly, clearly not in the mood for small talk with him.

"Oh, are you busy perhaps?" Kiba inquired, his expression calm and polite.

"Yeah, so buzz off, and don't bother me," Issei replied bluntly, as his irritation evident.

Kiba's demeanor shifted slightly, a hint of disappointment flickering in his eyes.

"Then that's bad timing, I guess. President Rias wanted to speak with you in the club, but sinc—" he started to explain, but Issei's abrupt dismissal cut him off.

"Never mind what I said, I wasn't busy!" Issei quickly backtracked, his interest piqued at the mention of Rias. His sudden change in attitude caught Kiba off guard, but he nodded understandingly.

Issei followed Kiba obediently, his mind racing with thoughts and nerves about meeting someone as attractive as Rias.

'Is this her way of confessing?' he wondered, his heart rate picking up at the prospect.

As they arrived at the Occult Research Club room, Issei took a deep breath and waited patiently for Rias, his anticipation growing.

His eyes widened in surprise as he noticed something unexpected.

'Oh my go—ouch... Is that a shower in the club room!?' Issei thought feeling a tinge of pain in his head but didn't mind as he was more interested in peeking at whose was inside the shower.

"Pervert," a familiar voice stated, glaring at Issei from across the room.

"Toujou?" He wasn't surprised to see her there, but he couldn't help feeling embarrassed and looked away.

"Ara ara, it seems like you two already know each other," Akeno Himejima appeared seemingly out of nowhere, serving tea to Issei with a playful smile.

Issei felt a rush of excitement upon hearing Akeno's playful tone, causing him to become aroused almost instantly.

"Ahem, excuse me..." He struggled to maintain his composure, attempting to discreetly hide his reaction from everyone in the room.

Observing Issei's sheepish actions, Akeno couldn't resist a teasing urge, although she refrained from doing so as they were supposed to be having a serious discussion.

Moments later, Rias emerged from the shower, looking refreshed in her fresh uniform. Issei couldn't help but feel speechless at how beautiful she appeared up close.

"Welcome, Issei. How is your body feeling?" Rias asked, taking a seat while Akeno poured her a cup of tea.

"Oh, ah—right... I'm f-fine," Issei nervously replied, his mind racing with thoughts of what Rias might say next.

"So, I'm sure you've already noticed that your body has undergone some changes, correct?" Rias took a sip of her tea, her gaze steady on Issei.

"Now that you mention it..." Issei glanced around the room, noticing how clear and bright everything looked despite the minimal lighting.

"Yes, it is quite bright in here... And I've noticed that my body feels... stronger than before," Issei said, his hand instinctively going to where he had been impaled during the attack.

"I know this may be difficult to believe, but the reason for these changes is because you are no longer a human, Issei," Rias revealed, dropping the bombshell of his reincarnation as a devil.

"W-what?" Issei's voice wavered with confusion and disbelief, his mind struggling to comprehend the revelation.

Issei's eyes widened in disbelief. "Huh? I think I've lost you," he said, needing clarification as he tried to process the information.

"No, you didn't hear it wrong. You're no longer a human but a devil like us, Issei," Rias stated matter-of-factly. As if to emphasize her words, she and everyone else in the room showed their devil wings. The sight of it took Issei completely by surprise as this was his first time seeing one.

It took a while for Rias' group to explain things properly to Issei, who was confused about the whole situation.

"So you guys were the ones who were watching over me, and those fallen angels I encountered were just a coincidence?" he asked, seeking confirmation as they nodded in response.

"And then you used three pawn evil pieces to revive me, which turned me into a devil and in turn became your servant?" Issei continued, trying to process the information as they once again nodded in confirmation.

"But why did you revive me...?" Issei couldn't help but ask, his curiosity piqued. He wondered why something as valuable as an evil piece was used on a normal person like him, especially considering that he took three instead of just one.

"Now that your questions are over, let's move on to the purpose of why I reincarnated you as a devil," Rias said, her tone serious and focused.

"That's because we have something to ask of you..." Her words hung in the air, creating a sense of anticipation and mystery. Issei leaned in, eager to hear what Rias had to say next.

"We want to know if you know someone with the name Vincent Fabron," Rias asked, her expression serious as she awaited his response.

"Who's that?" Issei replied, his confusion evident as he racked his brain for any memory related to that name.

"Think about it deeply, perhaps there's someone you've encountered in the past," Akeno suggested, trying to prompt Issei's memory. The possibility that Vincent Fabron had used a Japanese name made it more likely that Issei might have encountered him.

Issei frowned, feeling troubled as he struggled to recall anyone with that name. It was like trying to remember something from when he was two years old—it felt nearly impossible.

As Rias observed Issei's reaction, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. She hoped Issei would have some clue or lead to help them. After all, she had initially saved her evil pieces for individuals who could assist her in her matters, including the marriage her father had arranged for her when she was just a child.

"Let me think..." Issei focused harder, determined not to disappoint Rias. He could feel the weight of their expectations and the tension in the room.

"Take your time~," Akeno said sweetly, but her tone only served to distract Issei, making it harder for him to concentrate.

"Hmmm..." He pondered, trying to understand why they seemed so fixated on this person. Whoever Vincent Fabron was, he clearly mattered a great deal to them.

Five minutes passed, and Rias's expression grew more disappointed with each second. Issei could sense her frustration, which only heightened his anxiety. He knew he had to give them something, even if it was a long shot.

"I think I got it..." Issei finally spoke, causing everyone's faces to light up with anticipation.

"Otto Apocalypse," he said, naming a random famous person he had encountered in the past. He remembered meeting Otto with his childhood friend, Irina, and it was the only name that came to mind under the pressure.

"Otto Apocalypse?" Rias repeated, her brow furrowing in thought. "Are you certain about it?"

Rias scrutinized Issei, clearly skeptical about his mention of Otto Apocalypse. Otto was well-known and powerful, hardly the type to steal Sacred Gears. But Issei's story piqued her interest, so she decided to hear him out.

"It's kind of a long story..." Issei began, fidgeting slightly under their intense gazes. "Well, I met him a while back. He was... different. But I don't know if he's connected to Vincent Fabron. Sorry..."

Rias gestured for him to continue, her curiosity piqued despite her skepticism. "Go on," she urged, her voice softening.

Issei took a deep breath and started recounting his encounter.

"It was a few years ago, back when Irina and I were still close. We used to play together a lot, and one day, we stumbled upon this strange guy who spoke tarot card nonsense. But eventually, he introduced himself as Otto Apocalypse..." Issei began, trying to remember every detail he could think of.

Issei glanced at Rias and the others, noting their attentive expressions. He felt a mix of nerves and determination, wanting to provide something useful.

"I remember he mentioned the moon or something," he continued, searching his memory for more details.

At this point, it was evident that Issei was trying his hardest just to provide every single crumb of information to them, as they asked him to just stop.

"Alright, alright..." Rias sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and pity as Issei's statements seemed hardly believable.

"President... Should we investigate Otto Apocalypse?" Akeno asked, sensing that there was a small possibility Issei's answer was true. Otto was indeed strong and had always seemed to hide too many things from the world.

"It's worth a shot..." Rias nodded, considering the potential lead. "Even if there's only a small chance, we need to be thorough. Otto Apocalypse might be Vincent Fabron or know him even..."


Meanwhile, back at Hagun Academy...

"Achoo—!" Otto suddenly sneezed, an unusual occurrence that caught even him off guard.

"Wow! That's a first!" Brynhildr exclaimed happily, assisting him with his research of new power.

"I bet it's Stella Vermillion thinking of you~ like wanting to have sex with you~" she joked, a playful grin on her face.

"Must you joke at such a critical moment?" Otto sighed, almost losing his concentration. As the power he had been working on using his authority.

'I wonder if Nene could help me with this...' He thought as it was related to gravity.


-Chapter End-