
Reincarnated Into The Anime World

Just as I was all chill after buying manga from the store, until... A crazy woman broke in to my apartment and took me and my roommate. After running away from the escape room, I was about to get Isekai'ed by this shitty truck-kun driver who couldn't even kill me in one hit. He should've got fired from his job. I fucking swear to fuck your ancestors in hell once I'm through with this. ... What is even going on!? Did Gold Experience Requiem hit me, to have a death loop!? And what's with this yandere doing? How can she even follow me... ... After escaping the GER's death loop, a wise looking person could be seen... Are you God? No. I'm Shakyamuni, the present Buddha. You're also buddha... HUUH!? ---- Cover image isn't mine, artist: @KANOSE

Ctrlaltpgup · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

65 Fighting Gol—God, Reine Murasame

While the Toujou family was having a great time with their new family member, Otto, on the other hand, was troubled. Unexpectedly, a familiar individual, whom he had been wary of ever since their first encounter, reappeared, causing his anxiety to resurface.

"Haah— how annoying," Otto muttered, wiping the blood from his lip. He had a vague idea why the phantom was after him now, having dragged and isolated him from the outside world. It seemed to him that the plot of "Date A Live" was about to start, similar to other anime series like "Chivalry of a Failed Knight," "High School DxD," "Testament of Sister New Devil," and of course, "Date A Live."

"I've come to take Raisel back, where it belongs," the phantom's voice was undiscernible to anyone else, if there had been anyone else who could move, but to Otto, her intentions were clear.

"The Sephira Crystal?" Otto smirked, recognizing how petty she seemed. He surmised that the cause of this confrontation was Shido Itsuka, the protagonist of "Date A Live," who had now awakened.


"But I found it first," Otto retorted. In no world would he give it back; it was already his.

"You originally stole it. It was meant for someone else," she said, her tone growing increasingly erratic.

"But it's mine now. Finder's keepers, losers weepers," he taunted arrogantly. Though he wasn't confident in his ability to defeat the alien in front of him, at least not in a crowded area where he might accidentally break the barrier she had placed.

The being before him was an alien with the power to easily defeat the heroines of her series, and this wasn't even her final form. Some of those heroines had gained absurd powers from the Sephira Crystals she had split, including Rasiel, which Otto now possessed in his eyes.

"How dare you! I allowed you to keep Rasiel's Sephira Crystal for all these years, but you refuse to return it!?" Her form began to distort further as everything around them started to shift. In an instant, she teleported Otto to a deserted area.

'Great... Now I can go all out. I might just Ryoiki Tenkai your ass,' Otto thought, relieved that he was no longer hindered by his surroundings.

Seeing Otto's confident look, a stark contrast to the demeanor of the man she had easily defeated earlier, Phantom, also known as Reine Murasame, narrowed her eyes.

"Are you going to kill me?" His voice trembled slightly, betraying the worried undertone beneath his confident expression.

'Final boss? I've beaten those even with level 1 gear,' Otto joked internally, recognizing Phantom as the final boss from "Date A Live."

"If you're not going to hand me the crystal—"

"Never," he interrupted, resolute. The eyes were invaluable to him, and he wasn't about to surrender them without a fight.

"So, if you want it, then you'll have to take it," Otto declared, summoning the Blade of Tathagata and Kyoka Suigetsu (Murasame).

"But you already knew that," he added with a nod.

'I really want to get into the tense situation I'm in with some background music,' Otto thought, keeping his calm through internal humor.

"Tsk," Phantom clicked her tongue in annoyance before gathering her powers above her, intending to end the fight quickly.

'The boss is starting with the typical charge attack... How boring,' Otto mused, expecting her to unleash hyper-fast slashes or blasts with her speed, which was somewhat faster than his.

The only thing that had saved him from a fatal blow earlier was his bootleg observation haki, allowing him to dodge just in time.

"Moon Breathing: Full Moon," Otto intoned, carving the air with his swords and launching several moon blades in her direction.

Simultaneously, his Dharmachakra appeared above him, offering a chance to adapt to this stronger opponent.

Otto knew he was in deep trouble, fighting a reality-warping god like Reine Murasame without adequate preparation. Yet, he was determined to hold his ground, his mind racing for strategies and his body poised for the impending clash.

"..." Phantom easily dodged all of the moon blades by continuously teleporting.

"That's cheating," Otto stated, frustrated by her ability to spam teleport.

"Hand it over," she demanded, appearing in front of him and attempting to forcibly yank his eye out.

Otto backed off, kicking her in the process, though it did no physical damage.


"God mode too!?" he muttered incredulously.

In the next instant, Phantom was behind him, trying to clutch his head.

Otto unconsciously summoned his stand, which turned to Canis Lykaon's page, immediately surrounding him with black swords for protection.

Taken aback by the sudden appearance of the malevolent swords, Phantom thought it dangerous to touch them.

'Right, these swords are anti-god and anti-concept,' Otto thought, seeing Phantom quickly back off.


"???" Phantom distanced herself from him as blades constantly shot up from the ground around him.

"Shinee," Otto muttered, nearly slicing her arm with the Kyoka Suigetsu.

'Should I try to divine divide her power?' Otto pondered, considering the risk of overloading due to her immense power.

"Stop your struggle, child," she said softly.

"I'm not just going to hand over my eyes to you. Imagine being blind, unable to see, unable to see the ones you love," he stated passionately.

"Do I care?" she replied with indifference on his opinion.

"That's..." Otto had hoped he could change her mind with some convincing, but he expected this response.

'Damn, those words hurt... But why is she still holding back? She could have instantly teleported and ripped my heart out. What's stopping her from doing that?' Otto silently wondered, suspecting she was toying with him.

"I've been watching you, Otto—"

"Yeah, no shit. I've always noticed your gaze," he retorted, glaring at her as he recalled the uncomfortable feeling of being watched from time to time.

"..." Phantom felt that Otto was purposely taunting her and decided to maintain her composure, refusing to be provoked.


"Still not hand—ing it..." Otto suddenly felt something emerging from his eyes.

"Daf—!?" He cried out in pain, feeling a stinging sensation as blood trickled down his face.


"What did you do!?" Otto roared.

"If you had let me finish my sentence, you would have known," she stated calmly.

"Why didn't you say so!?"

"You didn't let me finish," she replied blankly.

"Then what did you do?" he asked, attempting to sound composed.

Phantom looked at him, surprised by his unexpected calmness. She had overloaded his Rasiel with undecipherable information, knowing it would absorb any knowledge it encountered and achieved it. This meant she could flood Otto's mind with complex, incomprehensible knowledge at any moment, knowledge that could take years to decipher.

"Did you put weird shit into my head?" Otto guessed, aware that she could still exert some control over Rasiel.

"In a way, yes."


'What did she even give?' he wondered, leaving the adaptation process to Mahoraga.

Moments later, Otto started to experience nosebleeds, feeling like his head was about to burst.

'What the fuck did she do? I can't see anything nor feel any difference, other than pain...'


Observing Otto, who stood still, Phantom slowly approached him.

"So, would you hand it over now?" Phantom asked, disappointed, having thought Otto could be the one to end her misery.

"..." Otto's mind wasn't working properly.


Phantom eyed the Dharmachakra above his head, trying to figure out what it was doing.

"..." Phantom reached into Otto's eyes, digging out his left eye. The process felt repulsive, even to her, despite showing to be cruel.


"Kah—" Otto's body trembled as the Dharmachakra turned once again.

'I'm close...' Otto muttered as he lost his left eye.


"???" Phantom, unsure of what he was doing, moved on to his remaining eye.

Otto's mind was racing, struggling to adapt to the influx of information and the intense pain. The Dharmachakra's rotation indicated it was processing and adapting to the new data, but he wasn't sure how much longer he could endure this.

Phantom's indifference masked a growing curiosity. She wondered why he wasn't completely broken yet. As she reached for his other eye, Otto's remaining vision blurred, and the pain intensified.


'Come on, hold it together...' Otto thought, desperate to maintain his consciousness and control his brain properly.

Phantom's hand closed in on his right eye extracting it, as the Dharmachakra completed another rotation, emitting a faint glow.

Otto felt a surge of power and clarity. His mind, now somewhat adapted to the flood of information, began to piece together a plan. He had one last chance to turn the tide.

"You should've handed it over willingly. I would've given you a pair of eyes in exchange," Phantom sighed, thinking the boy in front of her hadn't matured at all. He was still the stubborn kid she had encountered seven years ago.

"Mahoraga," Otto muttered, as Mahoraga's sword emerged from his shadow, slashing at Phantom.

"???" Phantom couldn't dodge it properly; Mahoraga felt different than during the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival. She noticed the change in her body just before realizing Mahoraga had managed to cut her right arm.

"Surprised?" Otto said, launching several moon blades at her without needing his eyes.

'Mahoraga has now adapted to her transcendent body. Now I can damage her,' Otto thought, feeling a sense of pride despite the high cost.

"Is that its ability? Adaptation?" Phantom concluded, recognizing Mahoraga as a threat. A question lingered in her mind: Could Otto's summon adapt to all of her godly abilities and actually win?

"Yes. Now that you know, you'll have to be put down," Otto announced, appearing a meter away from her, ready to mutilate her into pieces.

'Hesitation is defeat, hesitation is defeat, hesitation is defeat, hesitation is defeat,' he silently recited like a mantra, his movements becoming faster and wilder than his usual elegant styles.

Phantom easily dodged his attacks, but the real threat was Mahoraga, standing menacingly with a smile.

"Mahoraga!" Otto commanded. Phantom tried to transport them to another reality, but Mahoraga disrupted her attempt, causing her a small backlash as they zipped through the landscape.

"Repulse, Falling Moon, Dark Light," Otto chanted, making his surroundings slightly darker as several moon blades moved toward Mahoraga and Phantom.

The blades closed in, forcing Phantom to focus on defense. Mahoraga capitalized on this distraction, launching a fierce attack that pushed her further back.

Phantom, having already recovered, was determined to evade Mahoraga's sword of extermination, which relentlessly pursued her, continuously thwarting her attempts to escape.

"Fine. We'll do this the hard way, shall we?" Phantom sighed, before completely vanishing. This sudden disappearance confused both Mahoraga and Otto.

In that moment of confusion, Phantom reappeared and shattered Otto's protective barrier with ease, swiftly taking his left arm.

"Shheeshh—" Otto muttered through the pain, swinging his remaining hand with the Blade of Tathagata at her.

Phantom effortlessly stopped the attack and then used a repulsive force to throw Otto away.

"I'm blasting off—?" Otto thought, his mind racing as Mahoraga caught him mid-air and commanded him to return to his shadow for protection.

"You still have the guts to joke around?" Phantom asked seriously, her tone devoid of humor.

Otto, now in Mahoraga's shadow, assessed his situation. The pain in his missing arm was excruciating, but he knew he had to stay focused and calm.

"It's how I cope," he replied, his voice strained yet defiant.

"You're tenacious, I'll give you that. But this is the end." Phantom watched him closely, her patience wearing thin. 

"Nah. I'm not even using 40% of my true power," Otto chuckled dramatically, blood streaming from his wounds.

"Is that so?" Phantom commented silently, noting his effort despite his injuries.

"Want to know a fun fact?" Otto asked.

"?" She didn't want to hear it, but he continued regardless.

"This is my first time sustaining an injury this major, you know?" He stated.

"No one in this world can beat me—hehehhehe," he added before giggling maniacally, his body wracked with pain.

"You've lost it," Phantom stated, observing his erratic behavior.

"Ie, don't you know who I am?" Otto gave her a wide, unsettling smile.

"Otto Apocalypse?" she replied, confused.

"That's right I'm Otto mother fudgin Apocalypse... Now give me my other sword back," Otto demanded, referring to his Kyoka Suigetsu.

Phantom, feeling a pang of pity, threw the sword near his feet.

"I've lost my eyes, arm, and my, my..." Otto breathed heavily, feeling the effects of his blood loss as his Code: Unknown tried to stop the bleeding. But kept the wound open regardless using his magic.

"Damn it, work already!" he frustratingly muttered, focusing all his remaining energy on learning the Reverse Curse Technique.

"???" Phantom watched him closely, puzzled by his actions.

Otto kneeled, retrieving his Kyoka Suigetsu and placing it back in his space storage along with the Blade of Tathagata.

"Are you done?" Phantom asked, seeing that Otto appeared to have given up.

"Mada," he shook his head slightly. "Mada, Mada, wait for a moment will ya?" Otto concentrated on everything he knew about the Reverse Curse Technique, drawing on his experience as a Jujutsu Sorcerer.

"Let's end this, child," Phantom said, sick of waiting after four minutes had passed. She teleported behind Otto, aiming to knock him unconscious and send him back to reality.

"Yo," Otto turned, his injuries gone, his eyes and arm restored.

"Didn't I say to wait for a moment? It hasn't been that long, after all," he smirked with a crazed expression.

"Seriously? How?" Surprised, Phantom backed off, uneasy at the sight of his instant recovery, something she thought only she could do.

"Aren't you glad I'm alive and kicking?" Otto flexed his restored left arm and flashed his emerald eyes.

"Is that part of your ability?" Phantom wondered if Otto had developed ultra-fast regeneration during their fight.

"Bingo!" he replied sarcastically before launching into a yap session. "When I was down on my knees, I realized no one would pick up my reboot card since I was on solo queue, so I gave up on that thought and focused entirely on the Reverse Curse Technique."

"Ordinary Curse Energy is negative energy. While it enhances a sorcerer's body, it can't regenerate it. So, in Gojo's terms, multiplying that negative energy on itself creates positive energy. That's how I learned the Reverse Curse Technique."

"Though it's easier said than done, because up until now, I haven't been able to do it. Despite having seven years to practice with Curse Energy, I couldn't understand anything that the one person (Satoru Gojo) who could do it said!"

Phantom, increasingly uneasy and confused, watched him babble on.

'He's babbling on and on. I don't even know what he's trying to say. He's finally lost it,' Phantom thought, eyeing him warily as Otto proudly demonstrated his mastery of the Reverse Curse Technique.

"But I also have to thank you," he said expressively, bowing to her with genuine gratitude.

"You will always hold a special place in my heart for helping me; you gave me the chance to learn it by putting me through such a tough time. And finally grasped it on the verge of death—the true essence of Jujutsu Sorcery!" Otto exclaimed, a big smile spreading across his face. As the undecipherable knowledge she forced inside his head managed to be the canvas for his Reverse Curse Technique.

(A/N: I can't seem to fit the "You are my specialz".)

"And now..." He calmed down, his expression turning serious as the air around them grew thin and tense. "The reason you're going to lose is that you didn't kill me fast enough when you had the chance." He grinned menacingly.

"You told me to wait..." she muttered, her voice barely audible as she prepared to end this fight.

"You think you've won just because you've healed? This fight is far from over," Phantom's eyes narrowed.

"Maybe," Otto replied, his voice steady and confident. "But now, I have something more than just healing."

Phantom summoned a palm-sized flower, preparing to release something, but the surroundings suddenly changed.

"Domain Expansion: ..." Otto coldly said, making a praying gesture.

The air around them grew dense, charged with an ominous energy. Phantom sensed the shift in the atmosphere, her unease growing. Otto's domain began to take shape.


-Chapter End-

(A/N: lemme think of a name for a domain expansion🤔, also I've omitted the original 30% of this chapter to make it slightly sense and shorter.)