

"no" dan said while rolling his eyes.

"huh?" miss all Sunday shows a bit of surprise about dan answer and without hesitation on top of it.

"I said no, not really interested to join some shady organization, beside I don't like being ordered around by somebody." Dan said and retracted his gaze to ace and said "let's go ace".

"you heard that Sunday nee-chan, look's like my friend here doesn't interested to join you, so.. see ya." Said ace with carefree attitude. And suddenly all Sunday says " are you sure Daniel?, this once in a lifetime chance to join baroque works ".

And when dan hear that question and look back at Sunday again " no.. even if I have a second chance, my answer still no, and besides…you don't look like really belong to that organization, right…nico robin?".

And suddenly when robin hear her name being called shows a startled eyes for a second and answer "how did you know?" while hearing that dan just shrugged his shoulder " I'ts not like you trying to hide your face or anything right?, and do you realize I never called you all Sunday since the first time you spoke."

When hearing what dan said finally robin realize since the beginning dan never called her by a her codename.

Ace when being left out from conversation started to confuse even more and ask " so dan, you said you never now this nee-chan and suddenly you know her name, my brain can't process anymore." When dan hearing that he start a chuckle a bit and answer " I'ts true I never know her and meet her, all I see is her bounty poster that says 'Devil child' nico robin total hanged bounty 79.000.000 belli and when she got her bounty is around 8 years old"

And after hearing that ace started to surprise a little bit. " whhhaaatttt….you mean this nee-chan have 79.000.000 million bounty since 8, wow… now that's some achievement, and nee-chan? What did you do at 8 that give you high bounty?"

" I'ts not of your business about what I do right?" said robin while clenched her fist. " well… I guess you right.. I just simply curious." Said ace while put two of his hands into back of his head.

"don't worry nico robin we don't mean any harm to you, the two of us just want to hit a bar nearby if you don't have business with me right now."said dan while looking at robin who fell scared and depressed because what ace question is. Because that's make her the most painful memory in her childhood where everywhere she sees just fire. And dan when he sees her like that feel a bit of guilt and said some encouragement word to her.

" before we leave nico robin?.. I just want to say to you is, in the future there must be people and friend where you can count on. And I'm sure they out there and you still running from your past, maybe you not found them now but surely. They will come to you and break the chain that contain you for all this year, mark my word ( how's that…my B.S skill)" and after hearing that finally tears fall down from robin's eyes but she quick to cover it when dan see that he feel a little guilt about his little bullshit, but he's right, in the future, maybe about 3 or 4 years from now to be exact she will find the best crew that she can relied on.

3 hours after meeting with nico robin in some bar in loguetown there we can see dan and ace talking about something.

" damnn….you really know smooth talking to a woman are you?" said ace while grinning. " not really, but I just have a felling she will find them later" said dan ignoring ace grin. " don't be so cold like that dude, I know you still have a few skill up your sleeve" said ace again with grinned face even bigger than before. " yeah yeah whatever, and didn't you tell me something before, that you have business tonight?" said dan while taking another beer.

" oh yeah, I almost forgot, thank's for reminding me. I guess this is time to go then, bye dan and nice knowing you, I hope we meet again in the future."said ace while taking his little bag. " nice knowing you too ace, well I'm sure somewhere in grand line we will meet again" said dan while smiling. " you better watch out because I still owe you 1 hit, so when we meet again in the future I will be much stronger." Said ace waving his hand and leave the bar. " I guess this 'business' ace talking about is when he snuck into a merchant ship and found his devil fruit" that's what dan thought when he hear word 'business' from ace.

And after drinking in a bar with ace dan finally go to his room in king's inn and remove all shoes, hoodie, and his leather jeans. Leaving him with only white t shirt and boxer. Finally dan laying in the bed and start to think.

" damn, I don't realize the 2 of us drink till night. Huuuuhhh now what am I gonna do now. Join marine? Make my own pirate grup? Being a bounty hunter? Or wait for about 4 more years to join strawhat crew. Gaaahhh I can't think of anything." It's what dan thought while holding his two eyes and rolling in the bed.

"hmmmm…wait a minute, if I want to adventure without getting someone on my back is either marine or….'shicibukai'. yosh… I made of my mind, if I want to become a shicibukai then I know 1 flashy way that make's me going to be accepted immediately. You better watch out shiki a few days later I'm gonna arrest you and give you back to navy." That's what dan thought while grinning, he just thinking about what shicibukai previlage is about."well I guess it's time to sleep then, better safe my stamina for a fight a tomorrow."

" yaawwwnnnn… good sleep, I guess I'm gonna stroll the town for a while, I still got to much money from the salvage at little garden." And when dan said that, dan immediately going to shower for a bit and wore the same outfit he uses yesterday and continue strolling loguetown till sunset and meet with ace again in the bar, but this time ace wasn't alone he bought his first crew mate.

"yo. Dan… I want to introduce you my first crew mate" said ace while slap a guy with a mask in a shoulder beside him. "damn… you don't need to do that captain. And my name is deuce, but people call me 'mask deuce'." Said deuce while showing a smug face think that his nickname cool." I'm dan, and nice to meet you to douche" said dan while giving a hand for deuce to handshake. " well nice to meet you to man, teeeee… who the hell you call a douche?, It's deuce." Said deuce finally realize he being mad fun of.

"gahahahaha…. I know someday people will call you that but I don't think it will be so soon, gahahaha" said dan while laughing his ass off the name." shut up capt, you don't have a sense of beauty, that's why you can't feel the manly feel in my name." said deuce smugly again.

" fuuuhhh… that was a good laugh, so ace?, did your 'business' last night success?" said dan when sit at the chair nearby ace. "of course It's success, here look at this." Said ace while showing his index finger, and immediately turn into fire." Whheeewww… so you eat devil fruit huh, fire type on top of it" said dan while pretending to be surprise.

"hahaha, and that fruit not just some fire devil fruit, it's logia type fire". Said ace smugly. " waaaawwww" said dan pretending to be surprise again." And..? ready for round 2 spar with me ace?". This time is dan who the one grinning again.

"don't be kidding, I know I fell tremendous power after eating this devil fruit, but if I accept your 2nd spar, I get the feeling that I will lose miserably again like yesterday, so no, not now"said ace feel a bit down."well…wise choice" said dan while grab a beer he order.

"so, dan?" said ace looking serious."what" answer dan." Me and deuce been thinking about going to grand line tomorrow morning, so.. are you sure you don't want to join us?"said ace.

"nope, I've got a plan on my own". Said dan nonchalantly. " yeah… I already know you said that, so what is your plan now?, I kinda curious about that now?" said ace. " well… for now.. I gonna join shicibukai" said dan while drink his beer.

"whhhaaatttt" said ace and deuce together, because they sound so loud made people in the bar looking at dan table."yeah, I'm seriously thinking about joining shicibukai". Said dan while drinking again." Are you sure dan, I hear if you have to join, you need to contribute something worthy of that title" said deuce while still surprise hearing dan proclamation. " don't worry, daddy got a plan, hahaha" said dan.

" well, if you want to become one then you must come with one hell of a plan" said ace while continue eating and drink. " of course it's one hell of a plan, you better wait a news about my success." Said dan. " well I'm gonna wait for the news, and if you really join shicibukai, it makes easy for me to contact you for another challenge hahaha" said ace with mouth full of meat.

And the three of them continue talking,drinking, and drinking until midnight.

hello guys, how do you like this chapter new writing, and i'm planning to do next chapter with this writing style to, or you guys prefer the old writing?.

oh... i forgot to tell you guys, please rate this novel honestly, i just want your honest opinion after all hahahaha.

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