
Reincarnated into Naruto with Madaras Prowes (CANCELED)

One day a normal naruto fan dies and gets reincarnated into the world of ninjas (NARUTO WORLD) with the power of the strongest uchiha to ever exist Madara Uchiha and this is the story of how he used those powers to get to number 1 villain , hokage , rouge , mercenary ???? what route will he take ? This is my first novel/fan fic ever so its propably not so good and im free to crticism so go ahead if you dont like something and im doing this on phone so it will be hard to do great on the gramar. thanks and enjoy!

Aleksorks · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Monster??Alone?Brother


Just as i was about to hit these shits again with a kick, someone appeared and stoped me.When i looked at who it was i actualy got a bit scared!It was an ANBU

"Arn't you taking this a bit too far kid" He looked at my and said

Then as if i came back i looked around and saw what i had done in my furious state, i had almost killed the kids and then i looked back at hinata and sasuke who were looking at me in fright, when i saw that look something inside me felt like it had a crack, as that was happening i was thinking inside my head

'This, What have i done? How could i do this? Am i a moster!!'

As the thought of me being a monster hit me i got a bit of a fright from myself but i decided to not say anything as if they would consider what i said after i did this. As i thought that i ran away with anger, anguish, sadness, sorrow in my face all showing at intervals.

I ran so much that my legs started to hurt and when i looked around i saw that i had arrived at the forest i usually trained at without thinking about it

From that day it felt like im loosing my emotions as the days went by and i thought about my actions and what had happended [A/N You may think its not a big thing but if you were 3-4 years old and almost killed someone i wonder how you would react]

In the first week or second i thought about going to apologise but as the first month went by i started thinking i was in the right and so the times went by as i grew colder and colder and as my emotions for loving and caring for others started to dissipate.

- And so 3 more years have passed and Jun is now 7 and is planing to attend to the academy -

(3rd Person Pov)

It was a sunny day and Jun was walking out of his house and going towards the academy while thinking if the academy would be fun. He arrived before the doors of the academy and went in, today was the first day so the hokage was going to make a speech for the younger generation.

Jun went to the roof where the speech was going to take place and as he got there he felt the eyes of almost all the kids fall on him with most girls looking at him with sparking eyes while the boys looking at him with disdain.

He went to a corner of the roof and waited there until the hokage arrived.

When the 3rd Hokage arrived he started giving his speech about the will of fire and how they should allways love and care about the villagers and help them in times of need and that they are all comrades that are going for the same dream of helping the village and its citizens but when Jun heard this his face didn't show admiration or any kind of liking to such a speech, his face only showed that he was not caring at all and even a speck of disgust as he was thinking

(Jun's POV)

"Huh?What is this gramps even saying? Caring and helping the weak and protecting them with our lives in the line? Is he crazy or something? Why should i care about such weaklings? After all its theyr own fault that they are weak and so simple minded in this age of war and blood.It seems they are truly naive and this academy is just going to be as boring as one can be but i need to complete this so i can become a genin and take some missions to earn money"

This world truly has changed Jun as he has become way colder and even emotionless but he still has the memories of his old world so he knows almost all of the naruto plot and he knew that it wasn't long until Itachi Uchiha killed the whole clan and only let his little brother sasuke live, so he was planning on going outside the village and hiding for a few months until Itachi finishes his work and then going back just to do the graduation exam.

After he finished listening to the old man (Hokage) he went home and packed his few things that he needed like some clothes and shoe's since he didn't need money for living in the forest since he could just kill some boar and eat it, but he also knew that it would not be easy leaving the leaf since he knew that there was an Anbu watching him but he also knew that the anbu left when he thought that Jun was asleep so he waited until night to make his move.

It was 3 Am and Jun got up and took his backpack and put it in his back and went outside the village walls and into the forest.

Since then 3 months have passed and it was time for him to get back since itachi should have already completed his mission.

After He got to the gate of konoha he got past the guards and went to the Uchiha complex when he was there he heard no sounds just the winds pressing against the walls of the houses that once were filled with the uchiha, after he stood there for almost half and hour taking everything in he went to his home and got to sleep in his bed after 3 moths of living in trees, caves and all kinds of places.While he was in the forest he never forgot to train and now his chakra control was almost perfect and his chakra has risen by almost 3 times and he also forced open his 2nd tomoe sharingan by putting himself in dangerous situations, he also learned the Chidori beacuse he had seen kakashi train sasuke in the anime and now he was at the level of a high tiered Chunin and almost that of an ordinary Jounin.

After he woke up he did his normal training and went for a bath after that he started walking around the village as most people didn't know him they didn't realise he was an uchiha and beacuse most of his clothes were destroyed by training and hunting he only had a black t-shirt and pants so he didnt have any sign of the Uchiha clan showing.

After going around for a bit he returned home and slept and the next morning he went to the academy to see what was going on and that he was never part of class since the first day but he knew witch his class was beacuse it was the same class naruto and sasuke were in.

He went inside the class and all of them stared at him and when Sasuke saw him he got to his feet in an instant and ran towards him and gave him a big hug and to Jun's suprise the look in his eyes wasn't that of fright that he thought others would have of him but that of loving and caring for a brother and family.

Jun nervously looked at sasuke and said

"Hey sasuke, im back"

Sasuke was still 7 years old so he started tearing up beacuse he once thought he was all alone but now he had someone else of his clan and it was his childhood friend at that.

Sasuke said "Hey Jun!You know what happended to the clan right? I was soo worried i thought i was all alone!"

Jun looked at sasuke and now he began to think of sasuke as his own brother beacuse when they were children they were almost always together and now that sasuke said he was worried about him with crying eyes it was like the last nail in the coffin and he replied to him with eyes full of care

"I know what happended Sasuke and i am also sad but we have to move on and become strong enough to bring back what we lost and take our revenge and im sorry i wasn't there i was in the forest training for months so i didn't see it happend"[A/N im not gonna try making sasuke be a good guy that forgives revenge cuz thats boring so we gonna be the evil and revenge dudes mwahahaha]

Then Jun and Sasuke went and sit down together and started talking and informing eachother of what has happended and how Itachi has killed the clan and all with someone named Madara Uchiha and about the eyes that he had and so the days went on until they were now both 12 Years old contray to what Jun wanted to graduate earlier but he then started helping sasuke and they just went to the academy so they didnt take too much attention

(To be continued)

[A/N Hope u liked it]

1500+ words a bit longer then the others