

1 month later

"Concentrate, your movements are sloppy!" Yui yelled at Hayate who attacked her with a Kunai but was easily deflected by a slap from her and he was punched in the stomach soon after being sent flying.

"Coff, Coff why do I feel your Taijutsu is improving so quickly during our training." He spat some saliva and cursed, 1 month ago Yui didn't even know how to use fighting postures and was just as amateurish as he was defeating him just because of her superior strength.

Now she can count it without even lifting her right hand making him angry, "I have to get stronger faster, at this rate I can never beat her!" He mentally yelled and with the effort of rage he lunged at Yui again.

BAM! Puff!

A few moments later he was on the ground breathing heavily with Yui sitting on his back laughing out loud, "How weak, how weak, there are still many years to try to hit me!" She played with him and then got up.

"I swear that one day I will defeat you, you will see!" Hayate roared at Yui with an embarrassed face and prepared to run but remembered something and turned to her as he passed a paper and looked away.

"Hm what is this?" Yui asked Hayate that she looked a little embarrassed before saying softly, "Happy birthday." He said and forced Yui to take the paper before running away.

She who saw it gave a little smile and yelled out loud, "Thanks but what's that?" Hayate who was running quickly yelled back, "It's a summoning role!" And with that he left Yui's field of vision.

She smirked at the gift and sat down on the floor as she opened the paper that had a summon seal on it, "Hoho then it's summoning time huh, I wonder what you've got, a creature as old as existence, a demon from another dimension, there are so many possibilities." Symbiotic-style Saiken's head popped up on Yui's shoulder and began circling around her as she talked nonstop.

"You've been watching a lot of anime lately, it's just going to be a normal call to relax." Yui teased him and patted his head, "Hey don't do this I'm trying no threatening here!" Saiken screamed in rage and went back inside Yui's body.

"I'm still watching you can start the summons!" He said inside her mind causing Yui to let out a lazy sigh before looking at the summoning paper, "I hope nothing weird comes along." She muttered and placed the paper on the floor before letting a drop of blood fall onto it.

The stamp on the paper expanded and there was a puff of smoke before a dark aura began to leak, "It can't be, can it?" Yui said while making a tired face and Saiken inside her started to speculate what could be the aura.

"Who dared to summon me!" A sinister voice came from the smoke before the winds lifted and revealed a huge black wolf with a sinister and evil Chakra coming out of it, "A child?" The wolf muttered as he looked at Yui and salivated a little.

"Well, it's been a while since I've eaten human flesh, let's have a meal!" He said and jumped on Yui who had a disinterested look on his face and clenched his fist briefly, "Breath of the stone." She muttered and threw her fist at the wolf.


The next thing the wolf knew he was punched and stuck inside a rock trapped with the girl he was going to attack slowly approaching him with a murderous aura several times larger than her approaching her.

"I think I'll have to train this mutt." Yui muttered and raised his Earth Chakra covered fist, "Wait, wait let's talk!" The wolf cried for mercy but it was useless.


For the rest of the afternoon it was possible to hear the cries of a wolf in the distance asking for forgiveness as a merciless fist hit him.


Close to night.

"So what's your name and what kind of summoned creature are you?" Yui asked the wolf in front of him lying down and full of calluses as he shivered in fear, "My name is Kuro and I'm a wolf from the valley of darkness where our pack is, my father is pack leader and we've been in that place for hundreds of years..." The wolf began to tell everything he knew about his life and clan.

"We settled there hundreds of years ago when we were separated from the rest of the world by a natural disaster and used the summons to hunt for food." The wolf told leaving Yui a little surprised, "So how do I establish a contract with you?" She questioned and the wolf got a little surprise on his face.

"Even after hearing our story, do you still want to make a contract with us?" Kuru asked once more and saw Yui nodding, "What a weird girl, don't blame me if you do." He said and used reverse summons on him and Yui.

With a roar of smoke the two disappeared.