
Reincarnated into Milf's world as Prince.

Check out my new work! Click my profile > Original works [ Bad grammar, totally fucked up ] .................. Milfs? Yes Queens? Yes Princess? Yes Maid? Yes Sex? Yes Tons of Sex? Yes Adventure? Yes Action? Yes Netori? Yes Supernatural power? Yes Evil protagonist? Yes Hypnosis? Rape? Yes. War? Hell yeah! World conquering? Yes, yea, yea, Fucking the enemy queen? After killing their husbands? Hell yeah! A big yes ~~~~~ A hentai novel with War and actions. Read with your own terms!

Cultured_Daoist69 · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Eldoria...II ( Matriarch Society )

" Your Highness... Let's run, hurry "

" Yes, Your highness... There is a safe underground place there "

Few figures were Running... All of them were women and among them was the Royal Highness of Eldoria, The Rular of Eldoria " Elara Mistwood "

She had A long Pink hair, A light jade blue eyes and a beautiful face with Fair white skin with a light Glow... She had a Mature body and well-developed curves.

Currently, They were being chased by demons... Ince they were pretty powerful with light magic but now they can't even defend themselves from Demons...


" Humans.... Resistance is futile... Bow to mighty Might of Demon God " a demon said...

" Run.... Take Her Highness, and run.... We will handle the demon " one of the knight said...

Two girls nodded and they take the Queen, Away from there While the knights fight.






They attacked the demon but it didn't cause the Single Injury, their word couldn't perish through the hard skin of the demon.


The sun blazed in the sky, casting long shadows across the rugged terrain. Lady Seraphina, a formidable female knight with a heart of valor, stood at the head of her fellow knights beneath the ancient oak tree.

The call to arms had sounded, echoing through the land, and their duty was clear – to face the relentless demonic horde that threatened their kingdom.

"Brave sisters of the Order of the Silver Crest!" Seraphina's voice rang out, her eyes aflame with determination. "The day has come when our kingdom's very soul hangs in the balance. These demons, these abominations, shall not desecrate our lands any longer!"

With clinks and clangs, the knights adjusted their armor and tightened their grips on gleaming swords and lances. Their horses pawed at the earth, sensing the urgency of the moment.

The ground trembled beneath the pounding hooves of the knights' steeds as they charged toward the battlefield, their battle cries echoing like thunder. The demonic horde, a writhing mass of grotesque creatures led by the towering demon general Malgrim, awaited them in a desolate wasteland.


"Swing!" Seraphina's lance struck true, trying to pierce the heart of a demon but it was meaningless... Her Lance Couldn't penetrate the Thick Skin of Demons.

"Clang!" Seraphina's sword met that of a demon, their blades locked in a fierce struggle. She could feel the creature's vile breath on her face.


" Arghhh.... " She screamed low as her wrist was attacked and she was bleeding rapidly... She looked at her wrist but continued to attack the Demon in front of her... While the Main demon, demon general was watching from back...

The battle raged on, an orchestra of clanging steel and roaring flames. Knights and demons clashed in a frenzied ballet of death and valor.

However, Malgrim was bored... And he grabs his Spear and takes Aim... The target was out mighty seraphina.




The Spear perished her Heart while she vomits few blood before she finally sleeps for Enternity.





Seeing this, Other knights were horrified but they also meet their End... On the hand of Feirce Demons.

" Search the key of Light.... " The demon general Malgrim said, The key of light was the Queen of Eldoria. She was not valuable as the the Mystic Eye they were searching but, Finding the " Key of light" is also somewhat useful... As the child she produced... Will have Extreme power that is capable of saying demons. However, the Child must be Male... In order to activate the Holy power because... It's the power that only a Man can wield.

So, it's better to kill her. For future benefits. Otherwise, ignorance will result in a demon Extinction.



" I can Smell them...." A demon says... Ashe can smell the scent of the woman... They are here...



A female knight shows the hand gesture to stay quite.... And 3 women were all silent, One was the Queen and the Other Two were Her Knights...





Alex Figure reappeared in the Eldora Continet and Frist thing he saw was demons, with a snap of his finger a larger Vortex appeared and swallowed all of the demons killing them instantly.

" Wh- Who are you " The females knights asked alex as they couldn't Hear the voice of demon.

They could see the Handsome man with proper clothing...beautiful and high quality material which obviously made them jealous.

" whose Boy-Toy are you? " one of the knight points her sword to his neck and asked...


But her Head blasted....and she died just like that, which cause the another Knight and queen to panic.

Toy? Does Alex look like he is a toy? A boy toy?

And pointing her sword to neck of absolute Alpha? Bitch was seeking death.


"Wh-Who are you " The Queen asked... About his identity first because he doesn't look like average man of their continent. Because role are reversed here...

" Hello... Beautiful. I am Ultimate Chad... Will you bear my Child? "

"... "

"... "

" N-No " She replied.

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" too bad...."


He snapped his finger again and killed the Another Knight... Blasting her head... It was Ruin's Embravce ability. The ability whose very trust victim was Merchant... Who had virgin wife.


Alex then put The queen to sleep and his figure once again Vanishes... Into thin air with the Queen.


[ Model pic of queen on comment ]

[ No seegs next chapter... Segs will continue after more Chaps ]