
Reincarnated into Genshin Impact

This is my first story so it may not be so great. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dying one night from being electrocuted. Our main character Alex is reincarnated into the world of Genshin Impact. What path will he make as he makes his way through Genshin Impact. Or Teyvat which ever you prefer. This story will be a au. As things in their childhood was not explored that much in the game. Also the system will not have shop function. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Genshin Impact nor its characters

Yuu_Tamari · Video Games
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14 Chs

Interacting with my parents

Time skip 6 months later


[Alex Pov]

My parents come to play with me daily. This means I will sometimes have to take some time off figuring out how to increase my harnessing of the elements. Cause if I don't respond they make a big deal of me staring into the void.

I mean like you wouldn't yell and fuss over your child staring off into the Abyss right?

So this means I will have to respond and giggle at whatever they do just to entertain them. Sometimes they just worry too much even though I'm not going anywhere with my unusable limbs.

There seems to be Mana in the air as well. The Mana can't be used as it does not have an element. It would seem the Mana in the air is missing something needed to react. Just need to figure out what. After I do that, then I'm golden. I will be able to learn why I can't seem to absorb the mana in the air and what it's missing.

Speaking of family I wonder how my old one is doing. And how they are reacting to my death. Sigh, i wish I could see them one last time.

[Amanda Lux Pov] For those who forgot she Alex Mother

My child seems strange. From time to time he seems to focus. Something a child should not be. As I heard from Frederica that her child seem active and playful.

Could there be something wrong with my dear son? Oh no, I get anxious just thinking about it. But it seems that lately, he became more active. I should properly meet up with her soon so our kids can bond as we did in our childhood. Ah, it's been so long since then.

-My dear Amanda let's go play with our son a bit more. If we leave him for too long he may stare into the Abyss again- Said my husband while laughing with his mouth open

-Coming dear just give me a second I need to write a letter to my friend. So you can go on without me for now- I said why getting some ink and paper

-Ok then, I will see you in his room. You should come quick or he may become a Daddy's boy- Shouted my husband with joy

-Dear you shouldn't say such things. You can't be his favorite if you can't interact with him anymore right. I mean what will have if you suddenly break your legs for some odd reason- I said with a smile on my face.

[No ones Pov]

As soon as Amanda said that the whole atmosphere turned dark. If you look closely behind her you can see the devil incarnate. You would be able to see it waving at Keith with a creepy-ass smile. It did not speak but you can tell it was saying something to Keith.


I.F. Y.O.U. D.O. T.H.I.S. Y.O.U.R. L.E.G.S. W.I.L.L. N.E.V.E.R. W.O.R.K. A.G.A.I.N.


But too bad no one else was here to see it other than Keith himself. This is how the legend of missing with your wife can summon a demon when in need.

[Keith Lux Pov]

I went to my wife to tell her to come with me to meet our son in his room. But what I got in response to what I said was terrifying. I was only teasing her a bit, oh god what has turned my lovely wife into this.

Maybe I shouldn't bring up the subject of the kids loving me more than her. It was so easy to tell that Alex likes me more. When he stares at me with his loving eyes. I mean they seem to be focused on my expressions.

Now to see my son help me feel better.

[Alex Pov]

As I was thinking more on the subject my dad burst into my room without warning. I don't understand the need to jump while opening the doors to my room. He's also really loud as well. Sometimes I find this really annoying.

Like does he really have to do burst in the room shouting all the time? Every time I stare at him with my annoyed eyes. He just gets louder the longer I stare. Maybe I should just stop staring at him all together.

At least my Mother understands that I don't enjoy it. That's why she's my favorite. This may also be related to the fact that I have a title called Mama's Boy. Or maybe it's the fact that she feeds me my daily need for nutrition. Maybe it's both, but Mom is for sure my favorite hands down.

-Hello little Alex your papa here. Come on say papa.- my dad said while looking at me with pleading eyes.

"My father's eyes almost convince me to try but he's a man. A grown man, my own father. So it shall not work on me. Is this how he convince my mother to marry him. As I don't see someone as loud as him catching my mother's affection. As she's a refined lady from a noble house of Lux."

-Look do you see this shiny thing in my hands. Do you want it if so say Pa-Pa. Looking it glowing purple as well.

If you're wondering what he offered me. You guess it's his Vision. My god using a Vision to get your child to say, Papa. I shouldn't even know what that is. But it would have worked on any other baby but not me. I'm a refined young man that does not give in so easily to temptation.

But it could help me with the research of absorbing mana if I can get my hands on it. The offer is so tempting that I just may agree, but it was ruined when my mother came into the room.

-DARLING.... what on Teyvat are you thinking about doing. Give my precious child something so dangerous.- my mother yelled with worry and anger clearly in her voice. While holding me in her embrace

-But I was trying to get him to say his first word. He should learn how to say, Papa. So he can call me when he needs me.- my father said

-His first word shall be Mama, not papa. And when in need in shall call me not you. Do you understand?- My mother said as she seems to stare into my father's soul. I don't understand why he seems so scarce my mother. Mother is a nice and elegant lady.

-Bu... But- my father stutters with his words. Not able to speak a sentence as if someone threatening him.

-I ASK YOU DO YOU UNDERSTAND- my mother said with a certain cold tone like reprimanding a child after they do something wrong.

-Yes I do. Yes, I do- my father hurriedly said while nodding his head up and down.

-Good this is the last time we shall speak about giving my son pointy objects while he's a child- my mother said why sighing.

So these are my two new parents. My new family. I shall not forget my old one but it's time to move on and let go.


A/N This was one of my longest chapters yet. Also, can anyone guess who Frederica is? I will be changing Alex and Amanda's eye color to green. Amanda's will be dark green. And Alex will be emerald green. Also, it seems I never told you how Alex looked. He will look like King Auther from fate stay night.

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