
Harvest Feast part 2

Obviously I do not own any character or aspect of Game Of Thrones and ASOIAF. This is purely for fun

Outside of Wintercity 270AC


Continuing my Oprah moment we move closer to the main warehouse in my little industry hub along the White Knife. Lord Manderly really came in clutch finding all the animals needed for today. It took a little convincing and a few ravens but just like most problems in the world, throwing some coin at it usually can fix it.

"These magnificent hairy beats you see to your right are called Yaks. Basically think of them as an Aurochs but covered in hair. The hair can be used for lining cloaks and armor and the meat obviously can be eaten. The most important aspect is they can survive in the Winter as we found these north of Yi Ti in the cold areas. This will be House Starks gift to the Umbers as you have plenty of grazing land and they take to the cold well." I tell the massive Jon Umber who is looking at these hairy beats as a kid looking at candy does

"Next are these Turkeys. Basically an oversized chicken that can survive in the cold well. This will be going to House Dustin." I tell The Lord of Barrowtown. "Next up are there fine Zhorses and other horses from the plains of Essos and the Zhorses are from North of Yi Ti just like the Yaks. House Ryswell this is my gift to you. I'll also be giving you some insights on horse breeding from myself and the Dothraki. Savages they may be but their whole culture is focused around their horses so they definitely know how to get the most out of them. Raise them well and before long House Ryswell stead's will be winning every joust and Calvary charge throughout Westeros.

"For house Bolton we were able to find a few Unicorns from Skagos. They should thrive in the terrain around the Dreadfort as it is mostly rocky and mountainous. Grow your herd and they will be the only choice for any mountain warfare in the future." I quickly tell the Leech Lord. God his eyes just give me the chills. I need to make sure Ramsey Snow is never born or if he is, I need to curb him into my own personal tool. That is still to be decided.

"Thank you Heir Stark, we will do as you command" Lord Bolton replays in his trademark monotone voice.

Lastly was the Karstarks of Karhold. This one was hard and it took Lord Manderly pulling a few strings in Bravos to get this done. "Lord Karstark, while we could not find any new crop or industry for you, I would be remiss to leave out my fellow cadet branch brothers. Thus, me and Lord Manderly were able to secure a huge wood trade deal with Bravos that will surely bring great boons to your lands. Combined with a new 2 man saw, steel production, and the lumber mills you will be able to ship unseen amounts of Lumber to Bravos." I explain to Lord Karstark who thanks me with a huge grin. "Lord Manderly will give you a time to meet with representatives of the Sea Lord soon in White Harbor for you to sign the needed paperwork."

"Thank you Heir Stark I will coordinate with Lord Manderly and inform you of the deal once it is completed" the Lord of Karhold replies. He looks very satisfied as his lands have tons (literally) if un used lumber and forests so this is basically gaining free coin for him.

"With that, this concludes the first step towards northern prosperity. I hope you will be able to coordinate with your vassal lords to set up production and distribution of these new industries. Now LET US FEAST!! We have prepared new dishes with these new crops and animals for all of us to sample so please follow me back to Winterfell!" I loudly proclaim to the Lords of the North who gladly follow. The Lords of the North truly do love a good feast.

Winterfell a few hours later

Random Lords of the North POV:

Food was being served by servants to a collective group of shocked and jovial Lords. Exotic dishes and drinks being served to everyone, cementing Heir Starks image in the Lords mind as someone who can at least lead the North to prosperity through food and industry.


"This baked potato is heavenly Lord Stark. Adding butter and meat with it is a perfect meal. I can't wait to start growing these in Tallhart lands!" Lord Tallhart of Helmens square.

"This Vodka is also superb. You better ship me the first barrels you get Lord Tallhart. I'll trade you for some of this Syrup that is superb with these pancakes!" Replied Lord Glover happy to have a new industry as he has always wanted to upgrade his Keep but never had enough coin. Somewhere deep in his kind he is cursing his ancestors to have never tried the sap coming from the maple trees otherwise he may have been one of the richest lords in the north.

"My lords it gladdens me to see you all enjoying yourself so tonight. I ask that each Lord meet me and my Son tomorrow morning 3 hours after sunrise in the Godswood. We have one final announcement to make before we all part ways for the beginning of summer." Lord Rickard Stark says to every lord. Whispers of confusion and speculation on what else the Heir to Winterfell has come up with.

Winterfell the next morning

Rickard Stark POV:

I woke up this morning the happiest I think I've ever been, minus the birth of my three children. Young Brandon was everything I would want in a lord. At just 8 name days he is already showing he will be one of if not the best warrior in the North. He already can match most of my guards and even take points of some of the best in my service in spars. If he was just martially gifted I would have been happy, but these dreams or whatever he has that has given him this knowledge is nothing short of a miracle. After seeing everything yesterday, I have no doubt that the north will change unlike any Stark has seen in thousands of years.

I start walking towards the Godswood and I can't not smirk at the final 3 topics to be discussed today. No doubt the biggest three boons to the north ever seen and I feel guilty but I can't wait to see the looks on my vassals face as we explain everything.

"Good morning son, are you ready for the final part of your plan?" I address my son as we leave the main castle and begin our walk to the Godswood. I will be explaining the last 3 things today as they are a little more important than yesterdays demonstration.

"Yes Father, today is the most important day for the North since the Long Night ended. Tomorrow is the start of the rise of the North." He says back to me

Normally I would be nervous at all these new industries and ideas flowing out of Winterfell as it will obviously attract way to much attention from those damn southern cunts. They think of us as barbarians barley better than the wildings north of the wall. However thanks to whatever blessing my son has from the Gods that little problem was fixed a year ago.


Winterfell 269 AC


It was just another day working with Mikken and the other craftsmen on the furnace, sawmills, and farms that just started being planted. I was walking back into my room to write a few letters to Lord Manderly and settle in for the night when I noticed a shadow move out of the corner of my eye. I quickly draw my dagger from my waist and take a defensive stance as a man walks out from the cover of the shadow from my desk light.

"Who the fuck are you, take one more step and this balde is going to end up in your throat" I quickly tell this mystery man wondering how in the hell did he get past all the guards.

"This one means no harm to Lord Stark. This one comes with a message." He says back. Why does that syntax remind me of someone or something? Then it quickly dawns on me. He is a fucking faceless man. Now I quickly realize that it was the God of Life and DEATH that sent me to this world so maybe he told them to serve me or something?

"Who send you and what is your message faceless man. Speak fast if I will scream and every guard in this castle will be here in seconds." Obviously a bluff as these walls are thick and there's only a few guards outside.

"The many faced God bid us to serve you one who is touched by our God. This one is here to serve you how ever you instruct this one." He replies back and now I'm putting everything fully together and a small smirk starts to grow on my face. I have been worried about spies and assassins eventually infiltrating the north as we will eventually grow and prosper but with the house of black and white behind me, we'll I just gained the equivalent to ninjas in Westeros as my vassals.

"How many of your kind can you bring to the North? And what can I call you so I don't have to refer to you as 'no one' or 'this one' or whatever third person reference you go by." I say to the assassin.

"This one can go by Jaqen H'Hgar if it pleases you blessed one, Jaqen can get 50 fellow members to the North by next year to serve you" Jaqen replies and I start to fanboy. I mean this guy was the like the coolest character of seasons 1-4 and now I have him as my spy master?! Fuck yes

"Pleas make the arrangements and please meet me in the Godswood tomorrow morning at first light" I instruct Jaqen as he nods and disappears from the window. I don't truly understand their powers but if they are serving the north then we have nothing to fear from assassins and spies. I quickly walk to my fathers solar and ask to enter. The guard motions for me to enter, "Father I request for you to meet with me and an associate tomorrow at first light in the Godswood, can you fulfill my request?" I ask my father who looks up from the report he was reading with a confused face.

"Can I ask what who this 'associate' is son?" He asks back as I shake my head and he just gives an understanding nod. "Very well I will see you there tomorrow." As I walk out to get ready for bed I rack my brain trying to figure out how to explain this to my father.

The next morning.

I walk into the Godswood with Jaqen behind me as the guard motions for me to enter. Sitting under the tree just like my little brother Ned does in the show is my father sharpening Ice. I guess that runs in the family huh.

"Father good morning, please meet my associate Jaqen. He is a member of the House of Black and White and has pledged himself to my service." I just decide to rip the bandaid off and tell him upfront. He looks at me shocked and then runs to my side with Ice in hand and gets between me and Jaqen.

"Son get behind me that is a many faced assassin. Why the fuck did you let him into the Godswood and what the fuck are you talking about him being In your service!!!" He stammers out trying to put distance between me and Jaqen.

"This one serves Lord Brandon Lord Stark as does all of my brothers and sisters. This one was instructed by the many faced God to serve the blessed one Lord Brandon." Jaqen calmly informs my father as he starts to slightly let his guard down. After a few moments I guess he puts two and two together and whispers in my ear "tell him to leave and we are having a nice long chat here"

I motion Jaqen to leave us as me and my father begin what ended up being a 2 hour conversation that ended up with the House of Black and White and Jaqen as the new spy master for House Stark.

Flashback ends:

Looking back at that fateful conversation in the Godswood I still have a sour taste in my mouth at the fact that we are employing spies but they have already proven useful. Already have Jaqen and his associates found 3 'little birds' and spies from the Lannisters, Tyrells, and even one from Dorne. With the revelation I'm about to present to the Lords we will need every last one of my sons 'associates' as no doubt the number of spies in the north will increase. Posing as my sons attendant I'm sure his work is going to triple In the coming years. At least I don't have to worry about a dagger in my back at night with all these 'associates' around.

Until next time
