
Reincarnated into Favorite Game World

Yex was a person who had rich parents, but they died. Afterward, he just stayed in his house and never went outside. With the money left by his parents, he had an easy life and played games all day. He was so invested in the game that he ignored the warnings and died. The next time he woke up as a newborn baby, and his new name was Asher. Reborn into his favourite game world with all the skills and stats of his game characters, made new beginning of his journey in this new world. --- First 10 chapters are short but after that every chapter is more than 1000 words. Novel has smut, but very late in novel, so if you don't like smut chapters then you can skip thus chapters. if you like then wait for it.

Yasoi · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Received Title

After finishing breakfast, Asher changed into formal attire and had his mother check it.

"Ash, it suits you well," Carla said, setting his collar.

"Thank you, Mother."

Drake knocked on the door and entered, dressed more nobly than usual.

"It seems the carriage has arrived. Shall we, Ash?"


Zeal waited at the inn's entrance, wearing a finely decorated robe.

"Sage Zeal, my apologies for the wait. Let's go," Drake said, and they boarded the carriage parked next to the inn and set off for the royal palace.

"Heh, even a prodigy seems nervous," Zeal softly smiled and said.

"I'm worried about making any mistakes," Asher sighed.

"Ash has good manners, and if he behaves as usual, everything will be fine," Drake said, looking at his child.

The carriage passed through upscale residential areas, entered the noble district, and arrived at the royal castle.

They were greeted by an elderly man in a butler's uniform and escorted to the reception room.

While waiting for tea, two men entered the room.

"Prime Minister Fanel, it's been a while, Your Majesty," Drake got up and greeted.

"Apologies for summoning you. Is this the third son, Asher? And who might this gentleman be?" Fanel asked.

"I am the Sage Zeal. Currently, I serve as Asher's private tutor," Zeal also stood up and introduced himself.

"I've heard rumors about Sage Zeal," the King said as he sized up Zeal before his eyes fell on Asher.

"Your Majesty, is this summons related to the Goblin Lord incident?" Drake asked.

"Yes, the Goblin Lord is a powerful monster, and a five year can defeat him is a shocking," King said. Then he looked at Asher and asked, "Asher, may we see your status?"

"Understood. Status open," Asher nodded and said. Although King uses polite language and asks for permission, it's just language.

Fanel and the King checked his status.

"With these stats, solo subjugation might indeed be possible," Fanel said.

"Confirmation of the ability to subjugate acknowledged. I will now explain the upcoming process. During the audience, Asher will be granted a title. Considering his age, we plan to confer a knight's title to quell opposition. Drake, how do you envision Asher's education?" The King looked at Drake and asked.

"Like other children, once he turns ten, I plan to enroll him in the capital's academy," Drake said.

"We could enroll him now, but considering potential conflicts, it might be prudent to wait," King nodded.

"With the sage as his private tutor, we'll leave Asher's education to them. Now, if you'll excuse us."

Prime Minister Fanel and King left the room.

Zeal stayed in the reception room, so Asher, accompanied by his father, headed to the audience chamber.

Numerous nobles attended the audience, and they blended into the front row with Asher's father.

After a while, Prime Minister Fanel, standing beside the throne, announced the entrance of King Theodore de Elmora.

"All hail King Theodare de Elmora!"

Everyone kneeled and bowed in unison, mimicking the gesture.

"Everyone, thank you for gathering. You may rise."

Upon the king's words, they raised their heads.

"We've gathered today to reward the subjugation of the Goblin Lord in the dungeon managed by the Yarlow Marquis. Asher von Yarlow, step forward."


Called by name, Asher stepped forward, kneeling and bowing before the king.

"For your central role in the Goblin Lord's subjugation, I confer upon you the title of knight."

"I gratefully accept."

The king drew his sword, placing it on Asher's right shoulder, then the left.

"Asher, this is for you."

From Prime Minister Fanel, Asher received a scroll proving his new title and then returned to his position.

"With this, the audience concludes."

They bowed again, waiting for King Theodore to exit.

Noble reactions split into confusion over why a title was given to a child and those trying to decipher the meaning of this audience.

A knighthood is the lowest among noble titles and is usually a one-time, honorary title. The formality might even be delegated to a royal family member.

Yet, the king gathered nobles to publicly acknowledge this.

Some astute individuals tried to approach, but Drake, sensing the tension, left the audience chamber promptly, heading to the reception room where Zeal awaited.

"Sage Zeal, I kept you waiting," Drake said

"It seems to have ended safely," Zeal smiled.

"If we linger too much, we might be accosted by other nobles. Let's go back."

Leaving the reception room, they boarded the carriage provided by the palace, retracing their steps.

The carriage returned to the inn without issues. Asher changed from formal attire to his usual clothes, then headed to his mother's room.

His siblings were also present, enjoying tea with their mother.

"Ash, welcome back. How did it go?" Carla asked.

"Just as Big Brother Eris said, I was granted a title and became a knight," Asher said as he sat on the chair.


"Thank you."

"To celebrate Ashu, let's go out for a meal. I know a recommended restaurant," Ava said.

The family left the inn together, strolling through the streets while considering various shops until they reached their intended restaurant.