
Reincarnated Into Fantasy World by RedEagle

In the modern world, Prateek was a corporate worker, tired of the mundane life and longing for excitement. But everything changed when he was suddenly transported to a sword and magic universe. As he navigated this new world, Prateek quickly realized that he had been reincarnated as a powerful warrior with immense strength and magical abilities. But instead of using these gifts for power and wealth, Prateek decided to pursue a different path: love and lust. He began traveling the land, seeking out beautiful women and engaging in steamy romances. But his carefree lifestyle was not without its challenges. He had to constantly fight off jealous suitors and protect the women he loved from danger. Despite these obstacles, Prateek continued to live his life to the fullest, indulging in passion and pleasure whenever possible. But as he grew more powerful and his reputation spread, he realized that he would eventually have to face his greatest challenge yet: his own inner demons and the temptation of power. Will Prateek be able to resist the lure of power and continue his pursuit of love and lust, or will he succumb to his dark desires and destroy everything he holds dear?

red_eagle_original · Fantasy
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22 Chs

20 - The Journey Begins

Prateek woke up feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. He stretched his arms over his head and took a deep breath, feeling a sense of clarity and focus wash over him. He was excited to start his training with Master Lee and begin his journey towards becoming a powerful cultivator.

After getting out of bed and getting dressed, Prateek went through his morning routine. He started with some light stretches to loosen up his muscles, followed by some basic exercises to get his heart rate up and his blood flowing. He felt energized and ready to tackle the day ahead.

Once he was finished with his morning workout, Prateek headed down to the kitchen for breakfast. He was pleased to find his mother, Chhaya, already there, preparing a simple but nourishing meal of eggs and toast.

"Good morning, Prateek," Chhaya said with a warm smile as he walked into the kitchen. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did, thanks," Prateek replied as he sat down at the table. "I'm feeling ready to tackle the day ahead."

"I'm glad to hear it," Chhaya said as she placed a plate of eggs and toast in front of Prateek. "I'm sure you'll do well in your training with Master Lee. He's a very skilled cultivator and a good teacher."

"I hope so," Prateek said as he took a bite of his eggs. "I'm determined to become the best cultivator I can be and bring justice to those who have wronged us."

"I know you will," Chhaya said with a reassuring smile. "You have a strong spirit and a good heart. Those are qualities that will take you far in the cultivation world."

Prateek smiled at his mother's words of encouragement and continued to eat his breakfast in silence, feeling grateful for her support and love.

"So, what do you think Master Lee has planned for our training today?" Prateek asked after a few more minutes of silence.

"I'm not sure," Chhaya replied with a shrug. "But I'm sure he has something in mind that will push you to your limits and help you grow as a cultivator."

"I hope so," Prateek said with a determined look in his eyes. "I'm ready for whatever challenges come my way."

"I have no doubt about that," Chhaya said with a proud smile. "But remember, cultivation is not just about physical strength and power. It's also about inner strength and the ability to control and harness your emotions."

"I know," Prateek said with a nod. "Master Lee has already talked to me about that. He said that I need to work on my inner demons and not let them control me."

"He's right," Chhaya said with a serious look on her face. "The cultivation world can be a dangerous and tempting place, full of power struggles and political intrigue. You need to be strong not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally."

"I'll remember that," Prateek said, taking his mother's words to heart. "I won't let anyone or anything get in the way of my goals or compromise my values."

"I know you won't," Chhaya said with a confident smile. "You have the strength and determination to succeed, no matter what obstacles come your way."

With that, the two finished their breakfast and prepared for the day ahead, ready to face whatever challenges and adventures lay in store for them.


After finishing his breakfast with his mother, Prateek left the house and made his way to the training grounds where he was to meet with Master Lee. The training grounds were located just outside the village, in a clearing surrounded by tall trees. As Prateek approached, he could see Master Lee standing in the center of the clearing, his arms folded across his chest as he waited patiently for his student to arrive.

Prateek walked up to the martial arts master and bowed deeply, showing his respect and reverence. Master Lee nodded in acknowledgement and gestured for Prateek to stand up.

"Welcome, Prateek," Master Lee said, his voice deep and commanding. "I am glad you have decided to join me in your journey to become a cultivator. It is not an easy path, but it is a rewarding one. Are you ready to begin your training?"

Prateek nodded firmly, his determination clear in his eyes. "I am ready, Master Lee," he said. "I am willing to do whatever it takes to become stronger and protect those I care about."

Master Lee nodded approvingly. "Very well," he said. "Then let us begin. The first thing you need to learn is how to tap into your inner energy, or qi as it is known in the cultivation world. Qi is the life force that flows within every living being, and it is the source of your strength and power. By cultivating your qi and learning to control it, you will be able to harness its energy and use it to your advantage in battle."

Master Lee spent the next several hours teaching Prateek the basics of cultivation, starting with how to sense and control his own qi. It was a difficult process, and it took Prateek a while to get the hang of it. But with Master Lee's guidance and encouragement, he slowly began to make progress.

As Prateek's training continued, Master Lee began to teach him more advanced concepts in the cultivation world. One of these was the concept of the Qi Condensation realm, which was the first major milestone on the path of cultivation.

"The Qi Condensation realm is the first major realm that cultivators must reach in order to progress on their journey," Master Lee explained. "It is a crucial stage in your development, as it marks the point where you have fully mastered the basics of cultivation and are ready to take your power to the next level."

Prateek listened attentively as Master Lee went on to explain the various stages of the Qi Condensation realm and the challenges that cultivators faced as they progressed through them. He learned about the importance of consolidating his qi and building up his inner energy, and how to use various techniques to refine and purify his qi.

As he listened to Master Lee's teachings, Prateek felt a sense of excitement and determination welling up within him. He knew that reaching the Qi Condensation realm would be no easy feat, but he was willing to put in the hard work and dedication to get there. He was determined to become stronger and do right by his mother, and he knew that reaching the Qi Condensation realm was an important step on that journey.

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