
Reincarnated into Eragon

Reincarnation into Eragon with a dragon egg but nobody knows who or where. What would you do? Would it work out the way you want it to or would you fail?

FallenEnt · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

Blood-Oath Celebration

Everything went just like canon, except for eight extra dragons being present. Until Eragon woke up from his transformation and started wandering around, watching everyone celebrating.

"How are you feeling Eragon?" I asked as I walked up behind him.

"You can recognize me?!" Eragon asked, shocked.

"You think becoming a half-elf would make you unrecognizable? You aren't THAT different." I said.

"Huh. I feel amazing. I feel like everything is so vibrant and bright." Eragon said in wonder.

"That's how we see the world, Eragon. This world is so full of magic, but humans just can not see it." I said.

"I understand that now. By the way, have you seen Murtagh? I haven't seen him at all today." Eragon said.

"Ah. He's with his newborn Dragon. She hatched just before the Blood-Oath Celebration began and we decided he should stay with Oromis and Glaedr to begin their training." I said.

"Really? I guess I should congratulate him later. But for now, I'm enjoying seeing all the different Elves. I didn't know you could change yourself to look like a wolf or Dragon." Eragon said enthusiastically.

"Yes. But you will learn more about that from your teacher. Until that time, stay out of trouble." I said with a smile.

"I will. Thank you Senior Brother Evanyar." Eragon said with a bow of his head.

The rest of the celebration went off without any issues, including Eragon hitting on my wife.

After the Blood-Oath Celebration

"I'm happy to see you finally able to keep up with us Elves, Eragon. But don't get overconfident. Do not forget that it's only after you gained this power that all of you working together can finally make me sweat...even though you are all puddles on the ground." I said with a smirk.

"Yeah. But you have more experience than I do with a sword." Eragon tried to defend himself.

"Eragon. Besides you, I am the youngest Rider!" I said.

"WHAT?!" Eragon shouted.

"Arya is only one year older than I am, but everyone else here has at least more than fifty years on me." I said pointedly.

Eragon could only lay there with his mouth open, causing the other Riders to burst our in laughter.

"Yeah. Now what is your excuse? You have been sparring against me with Elves that have a combined age close to that of Oromis, and y'all STILL lose. So come on, guess again." I said as they all started to stand up, shaking.

"...are your blades enchanted to aid you in fights?" he asked.

"No. In this context they are the same as yours...have you been storing energy into your swords gem?" I asked.

"Huh?" Eragon asked.

"That's a no. I'll let Oromis explain that to you, it eill help you with your magic and stamina. It's talent. My talent with swords, dual wielding to be specific, is insanely high." I said.

"...talent..." Eragon contemplated.

"That will be all for today. Return to Oromis and have him finish your lessons on what we talked about today." I instructed.

""Yes, Senior Brother!"" was all I heard before everyone left.

'I guess I have to make my own version of the belt. Both of my sword gems are almost full of energy.' I thought to myself.

'Yes. Your other passive spell to put one percent of your energy into any gem on your person whenever your energy is full was genius. I only with you had thought of it sooner. That spell has been active for less than a year and your swords are about to start glowing from the overflow of energy.' Ēborisk said.

'Hmm, what to do instead of a belt? I have all the gems I need, but...I wonder if I could make small pocket dimensions inside my body, just big enough for a gem? Not the folding space kind. But since there is literally ZERO distance, the drain of energy will be reduced by a lot.' I thought.

'Just be sure to use every safety precaution and take it step by step.' Ēborisk warned.

'I promise.' was all I answered before I left to test my theory.


"How did you come up with this idea?" Oromis asked me after I successfully 'implanted' gems into myself and tested the effects.

"It was just an idea. But according to my calculations, I can store ten sword gems before I start to lose more energy than I produce. And my reserves are still growing thanks to my first passive spell. Of course I'm only keeping it at one until this new gem is full." I said.

"Good. I think this should be another high table only spell." Oromis said.

"Agreed. But only after the first spell has been in use for over a year. I don't think any regular Elf can sustain this spell without it." I said after some thought.

"Hmm. Agreed." Oromis said.

"Do you have any plans tonight?" I asked with a knowing smirk.

"...just a date with..." Oromis started to say with a smile.

"...my mother!" Arya interrupted while walking over.

"How you both knew that I won't ask. Yes. Glaedr has agreed to fly us over the lake for a couple of hours while we have a picnic in the moonlight." Oromis said happily.

"Good. By the way, we have news." I said.

"Oh? What news?" Oromis asked.

With a smile, we both answered "We're..."
