
Reincarnated into Daiya no Ace

P.S. English is not my first language. I'm also using my phone to update this so please pardon me if there is any wrong grammar or spelling mistakes. Akashi Seiji is a sickly 15 year old teen who absolutely loves baseball. Unfortunately, Eiji is born with a congenital heart disease. Thus making it impossible for him to play. As he is slowly loosing his hope, he happen to stumbled upon this baseball anime, Daiya no Ace. Its about a pitcher named Sawamura Eijun and his dream to be the ace of the powerhouse school, Seido. This anime gave him hope. As it is by his side when he is on he's lowest and apparently up until his death. So what happen when this sickly boy happens to catch the attention of a certain God's interest?

MayonakaNoSora · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

A boy around the age of 14 can be seen lying in a gigantic luxurious bed in the middle of a large black, white and grey room.

The boy has silvery white hair, pale jade-like skin and cerulean jeweled eyes. The boy is rather short for his age. Reaching only the height of 5'1.

Its all silent inside the room up until a scream broke it. The boy in the bed is the cause of it. His holding his head tightly as a rather large amount of memories and knowledge enter his mind.

The silver-head's scream is getting louder as it soon attracted the attention of maids and butler inside the castle-like mansion.

And soon enough, maids of various age enters the large room and hurriedly go to check the boy on the bed. One of them takes out a phone and dialed someone on it before hanging up shortly after.

As for the boy, due to the intense headache, he soon enough pass out.


Akashi Seiji opens his eyes slowly. The events from earlier entered his mind as he finally remembered that he pass out due to the intense pain he felt as his memories and this body's memories merged together.

He sorts out the Informations that he received before carefully going through them once again.

'So what God said is true. My name is still the same and my wish for an extremely rich family comes true. As for the body suitable for sports especially baseball also come true except for the fact that I lack height. Maybe its because I'm still a 14 year old kid that's why. Oh! My apparently also changes. Instead of my normal black hair and eyes it changes to Silvery white hair and cerulean jeweled eyes. My eyes is cool though as my family is the only one in the world with it.

Anyway, so Mother's name in this life is Akashi Kaira. Mom is an American and her name before she marriedy Dad is Kaira Hills. Mom also have the same silvery white hair that I have and vibrant pink eyes. Soft and pale jade-like skin, hourglass body and is quite tall standing at 5'8.

As for Dad, his name is Akashi Seijuro. Similar to that captain from Rakuzan with Emperor's eye. Moving on, Dad has Golden-blonde hair and cerulean jeweled eyes. His skin is also pale and it may not look like it but he has an extremely good body. Its just that its not visible since he mostly wear loose clothes. Dad is tall too! With the height of 6'4.

As for my Maternal Grandparents, they were in Greece. While my Paternal Grandparents were in Switzerland.

I'm also happy that me and the original body owner has the same personality. Cold with strangers yet playful and mischievous with friends. Were also lazy' Seiji narrates as he slowly makes his way to the black door which leads to the bathroom according to his memories.

And as he was about to open it, a loud bang was heard as the door to his room flew open. And it came a pair of gorgeous people, which apparently his parents.

Akashi Kaira's eyes search the room frantically. Hoping to find her dear baby son. She then saw him looking at them dumbfounded, his hands still raised to open the door to the bathroom before they barge in unannounced.

Deciding to ignore the expression of her son, Kaira made a beeline towards Seiji before engulfing him in a tight hug.

And as Seiji is quite small, he only reach the chest of his Mother. So as soon as Kaira hugged him, his face went straight towards her huge breasts, trapping him in between.

Seiji's face erupted like a volcano as he feels his Mother's soft large bosom rubbing in his face. His face is so red that you can even compare it to a tomato.

Akashi Seijuro upon seeing his son's red face roared with laughter as he too experience it before many times while they were...*cough* well that's a story for another time.

Moving on, Seijuro soon stop laughing as he saw his only son glaring at him. It may have been able to intimidate normal people but who is he? Well, he's just the Emperor of Asia as they call him as they, the Akashi Family, is the richest one in this continent and only second to the world. And having been experienced being glared at a lot of time twice or maybe thrice the amount of fiercer than his son, this naturally not affect him even a little bit.

Instead Seiji looks really cute in his eyes. With his silvery-white hair, cerulean jeweled eyes, slightly chubby cheeks and reddened face it is indeed a sight to see.

Deciding to take a picture of it for blackmail purposes in the future, Seijuro takes out his phone and started snapping pictures of him in different angles.

Seiji knowing what he was planning to do widen his eyes in horror as different kind of scenario starts playing in his mind on what will happen if his Father succeeded on what he was planning to do.

Gently pushing his Mother, he hurriedly make a run for his Father in order to snatch his phone but who is Seijuro again? You already know the answer for that so obviously he failed, quite miserably as well.

Author: You guys can imagine Akashi Seijuro as Claude from Who Made Me A Princess