
Reincarnated into Ben 10

Ben 10 a very successful franchise. Loved by all, but some feel like it could have been better. Our MC is one such man who thinks that if he were Ben how he would have done certain things. What if some higher power (Cough*author*Cough) hears his wish and grants it?. Will it be easy being the hero, self-sacrificing. Come with me as I take you through the journey of a not so Heroic hero. Reminder:Ben 10 is owned by man of action and I am just borrowing their great legacy for some time. ENJOY

atharva_saraf · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Grandpa I've got a watch on my wrist

*The moment I saw Omnitrix I knew we had trouble coming. I had to find a way to either remove it or secure Ben to the fullest*

- Max Tennyson on Seeing Omnitrix


"Shit," Gwen said in a baffled tone. Just then the bushes behind her rustle and comes out a panting max.

He looks at the creature and thinks 'What's a pyronite doing here, is he here to terrorize earthlings. But then he shakes away this notion as Pyronites rarely ever left their home planet pyros and they had a peace treaty with the universal union'.

Just as he was about to tell the rogue pyronite his identity Gwen spoke "Grampa Look Ben's turned into this monster-

"Alien" Both Heatblast and Max simultaneously say.

Gwen appears startled and looks quizzically at grandpa.

"It looks like an alien from some faraway planet don't you think?" Max says trying to cover up his slip.

He then turns to look at the pyronite who Gwen identifies as Ben and says "If you are really Ben, then what did I gift you at your 5th birthday".

Heatblast looks exasperated and says "You gave me a condom that you intended for dad and I blew in it thinking of it as a balloon". The pyronite turned a little brighter as if showing his embarrassment.

There was a burst of laughter from Gwen who was suddenly on the ground clutching her stomach.

"Gwendolyn stop laughing, we have to know the reason that he changed and possibly convert him back to a human". Max said in a somewhat stern voice.

Gwen stops laughing and deflates a little but nods her head.

Heatblast speaks "As much as I want grandpa to scold you I think I know the way".

Grandpa looks astonished and says in disbelief "You have a way, to turn back into a human. How?" By looking at her face I deduct that Gwen had a similar question in her head.

"Like this" Heatblast says and taps at the oval green/black symbol on his chest. There was the same flash of light and the fiery alien turned into your eleven-year-old Ben.

"Woah" There was a gasping squeal from Gwen and Max looked like he had seen something preposterous.

"So, how was it?" Ben asks them. But grandpa doesn't answer and marches towards Ben, he takes a look at the Omnitrix and gasps "It's real".

But only Ben hears him. He doesn't comment on it and max probably forgot to ask in his shock.

Max comes back from his trance and looks at ben with a complicated gaze. Many things were going through his head at that time, but the most prominent was worry and fear for Ben's life.

He stands up from the squatting position and turns to

walk towards where RV was and says " Come on kids let's first get to the RV and then we will think about it.

Somewhere in outer space in a damaged ship

In a glass container that was at least 8 ft tall was an octopus-like creature whose body was blasted to smithereens and there were tubes of nutrients supplied to him. He seemed to recover, but its speed was very slow

He looks at a subordinate and commands "What is the position of Omnitrix" a raspy and deep voice comes which made him even more terrifying. The subordinate quickly pushes some buttons and says "The Omnitrix was last operated on a nearby planet called earth. It is a grade 1 planet with a rudimentary organization named plumbers. And the only noteworthy incident was the accidental arrival of an Anodite.

Vilgax 'humms' at this information and says "Send the retrieve unit Delta €¢¥ to the last location and give it a specific command to not damage the Omnitrix".

The subordinate nods and pushes some buttons and says Team Informatica operation "Eliminate". in a microphone. As soon as he says that a battle pod launches from the ship and deploys in the orbit. It would take only a few minutes for it to reach it's the destination.

Vilgax gets a red flash in his eyes and thinks 'Now it shall be mine, after all those years of searching. When I saw it that day with that chronosapien while I addressed to his distress call. I never thought I would see something so fascinating'

What he didn't know was that a few minutes earlier his ship harbored the same person whom he was finding. Just the difference was that it was a more mature Ben and with him he had Paradox. Who started all this shit.

They walk towards the RV in awkward silence. Max had many thoughts running through his head. Gwen didn't know what was happening and Ben was trying to come with a theory of how he ended up here.

He knew it was not Truck-kun as he never got hit by it. If he remembered correctly it was something like a bat smashed on his head.

As he was lamenting his fate they reached the RV. The three sat down on the portable chairs and Max offered them water.

Gwen greedily drunk it as she was thirsty. Ben took some small sips and asked "Grandpa I tried to take it out, but it doesn't and I somehow know that it will not. So, can I keep it?"

Max looked conflicted as Omnitrix was not some toy to play with, but as Ben said it will not come out. Max thinks that's because of DNA imprint lock.

He opened his mouth to say something but his answer was delayed by a whirling sound of motors.

A drone-like robot whose head was shaped like an ant approaches them and says "Target locked Wearer of Omnitrix Operation Eliminate commencing"

Saying that he morphed his ant-like robot hands into blasters and aimed them at Ben. And shoots.

There occurs a huge explosion and Gwen shrieks because where ben was sitting was now vapourised. Not even ashes of Ben were to be seen