
Reincarnated Into Another World With... Myself?!

What would you do...if you met a copy of yourself, but they're the opposite gender? Well their thought process was "We're both lonely, so why not fuck?" Alex & Alexa

UWinzumULosezum · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 4


Alexa said as he pumped her first into the air and did a cute anime girl pose, Alex snickered at her actions as he also did a pose to join in.

"God we're soooo cringe" Alexa commented as she put a hand on her hips. "That's basically the cornerstone of our personality so we can't exactly get rid of it-" She nodded sagely at his words "I guess we could just embrace it then, our life here is going to be alot more weirder then before"

They hummed in silence for a bit before Alex clapped his hands together "Okay! Isekai 101 do we have a system-" Alexa gasped in surprise, forgetting that they might have a golden finger "Oh right! like those fanfictions- we didn't meet a R.O.B though, we just kinda appeared here when we died cooking spaghetti for mom-"

"Oh right! mom- I bet she's happy she doesn't have a shut-in dissapointment of a son/daughter like us" Alex laughed...Alexa did too...BACK TO THE ORIGINAL TOPIC

"Let's just say out loud the usual trigger words and see if we have a system. Maybe you try to feel if something feels different in the air or something... there might be magic here, atleast a hope so-" Alex suggested as Alexa nodded in agreement.

Alexa then closed her eyes and started to concentrate in feeling anything different in her body or in the air around her...failing to do so

Alex was busy muttering out words like "System!" or "Status!" basically everything he could think off... but none of it worked as well.

they spent about 5 minutes trying to see if they have a cheat, Alex didn't have any idea what else to say so he just decided to say random system names and Alexa got bored trying to feel something in the air at the 3 minute mark so she also joined in

"Self-Cest System!"

"Uh- Lewd System?"

"Sexual Undertone System?!"

They were solely guessing the name of the system regarding the context of the reincarnation since (1.) They both got Isekai'd with the opposite gender of themselves and (2.) Their sexual organs got upgraded and cum tastes better then it should so their bodies must be affected by something!

"Companionship System!?!"

"Companionship System?!!"


A hologram-like panel appeared in front of them with words on it "Holy shit we got it!" "Fuck yeah man!" The two similar individuals celebrated as they hyped themselves up by jumping! Even hugging eachother tightly as they watched the number go up...a minute goes by and nothing... another minute-


"Okay this is going to take way too long"

"Okay this is going to take way too long"

they both simultaneously said in sync as they started to rapidly tap at the panel...like it was going to speed up the process. Dull clicks was the noise they made, like they were tapping their nails on glass.

Funnily enough they were still hugging eachother, although with one arm and around their shoulders since they were at similar height of 5'3. Short for girl standards and DEFINITELY short for guy standards, well atleast Alex got his pistol turned into a magnum

They sighed as they watched the panel slowly download. Alex took a look at the position of the sun and concluded "I think it's still late in the morning. I'm not sure though since all my survival knowledge is from watching short clips and videos on the internet...and we're not even sure if we're on the same earth-"

Alexa hummed as she leaned her head unto his shoulder, really enjoying the warmth and touch of another person's body...even it was her, she didn't care in the slightest since that means she has someone that truly understood her and wouldn't judge her for the way she acts. Hell she could even confidently state that she loved him.

Alex's thought process was also the same and that he could say that he loved her already... would it be narcissism? nahhh it's 'Self-love' that's what the therapist always says to do at first. Or something, how would they know? they couldn't afford to even get a mental diagnosis!

"Want to cuddle romantically under the tree?" she offered as she pointed at a nice patch of grass under a big tree, Alex gave her a grin in response "Oh my~ how'd you know, are you a mind reader?" he said with such a dramatic and ridiculous tone that she laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek "I'm you dumbass of course I know" "You just insulted yourself by insulting me!" "I know... heheh~"

They giggled for a moment as they made their way to sit down on the base of the tree trunk. Alex leaning his back on it while Alexa sat in between his legs, leaning her back unto HIM. The Hologram panel thingy followed closely behind as it displayed it's progress


Alexa groaned at how slow it was going and pushed it out of the way since it was blocking their view of the grassy plains...

The wind blew the grass, showcasing a mesmerizing motion of the grass blades waved in the wind. Off in the distance they could see the castle and walls, if they could I see it from all the way from here then it must be a huge kingdom. They could also faintly see a a path with carriages getting pulled by some sort of creature.

"It's good that we're near a civilization no?" Alex commented with a quiet voice into her ear. She nodded as she took a hold of his arms and made him wrap around her stomach...it made her feel safe inside "If there's people going out, then there's going to be people going in. We can probably hitch a ride if we act like children...and we're lucky and don't meet a fat pedophilic bandit or merchant or something like that"

Alex smacked the back of her head lightly as she snickered "Don't raise any flags! Besides we just got here in this worlds, so surely the R.O.B or something that brought us here wouldn't let something bad like that happen this early on- OOF-"

Now Alexa was the one who jabbed him on the stomach using her elbow "No you're the one tempting fate! Just shut up and enjoy the feeling of the grass, you probably haven't touched genuine ones in years"

Alex winced with a smile on his face as he rubbed the place where he got hit.

"Okay okay I'll shut up now...that actually hurt though" "Oh shit up and be a man~" "Oi now your being sexist" "Uh I think you mean the sexiest~" "Okay narcissist"

Their banter against one another made them feel an odd sense of warmth inside their stomachs. While they embraced eachother under the treetop, the Hologram slowly ticked.