
Chapter 04: Count Wayne

"There, there…"

Petting the back of his Milord, George comforted him with a warmth smile on his face.

Witnessing such a pathetic sight, Alessandra sighed in all exhaustion, and opened her beautiful pink lips once more; "George, have u told him about the upcoming event?"

"Upcoming event, Milady?" Although George had the slight idea of what his young miss could be talking about, George decided to not speak out his thoughts and asked his young miss.

"Yes George, Alastor will be attending the academy in 5 years. As the only son of Count's household, tell him to do his best not to disappoint father and mother." (Alessandra)

And at that very moment, Alastor snapped out of his senses and yelled on top of his lungs; "WHATTTT?!?! BUT I'M STILL TOO YOUNG TO GO TO ACADEMY!!! I REFUSE! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO THE ACADEMY!!"

"What are you saying… Every teen goes to the academy eventually… And you're no exception. Besides, you're the Count's only son…!"(Alessandra)


With an arrogant huge smirk on his face, Alastor didn't even hesitate before throwing every reality to his furious sister.

"So what if I am? It's not like I'll be the one managing all of the Count's property?" (Alastor)

Although it may sound pathetic and all, but in truth, it is the reality. Only the talented ones can succeed for the rights over their household's property. Well, in the first place, Alastor has no plan on fighting her sister over it. 

They're already rich enough, to the point he wouldn't even have to work anymore in the near future.

Unfortunately, that's not how his sister sees it from her perspective…

Once again, out of nowhere… She seemed to be a bit… In tears..?


Alastor stared at her with confusion all over his face.

"Is… Everything okay…? Dear sister..?"

And without any warnings, Alessandra did the most unexpected, and placed both her hands upon his shoulders while looking at him with determined eyes.

"It's going to be okay, Alastor! Don't feel bad if you're not talented or anything! There's nothing to be ashamed of!" (Alessandra)

But it seems, instead of weirdness, why does it feel as if… Alessandra Misunderstood him instead…

In truth, he really just wants to laze around and enjoy this life while keeping everything in check to assure his survival…

"I will find the best tutor for you, that's why don't worry about not having talent Alastor." (Alessandra)


Although it sounds nice that she's looking after him, who's considered a failure when it comes to talents, but… In Alastor's mind… They're all just a bother….

 "I see potential in you and I believe in you Alastor."

No no no… There's no way this is real, right..? I MEAN I APPRECIATE THE THOUGHT OF IT AND ALL BUT… 


"I'm sure you will grow up into a fine man like our father, and surpass me one day." (Alessandra)

And at that one final moment, Alastor, despite the risk of his life being put in danger, still decided to complain about everything bottled up in his heart.


Studying for almost half of his life from Ryan's perspective… And even getting a proper job with the cycle of unending work until he met his own demise…

Why would he want to repeat the same scenario…

In the first place, in this new life, Ryan had it all. Riches and everything, something that he'll never be able to touch in his previous life even if he works until his hair turns white. And now… They're telling him to go to the academy and live his life according to their wishes, not his own will…

"I will never ever! GO TO ACADEMY!!" (Alastor)

Is what Alastor said from the bottom of his heart. Unfortunately, all of these words coming out of his mouth were nothing but just a pointless hope of dreams. 

"And why wouldn't you?" 

At the end of Alastor's speech, a cold yet familiar voice resounded behind him. Alastor immediately turned his body around to find the owner of the voice before his eyes landed upon an old man cloaked in darkness. Eyes as red as the blood moon, hair cloaked in white. The man in front of him was none other than his own father, Count Wayne.

Count Wilbur Wayne, he doesn't really play an important role in the novel, as he's merely been show as a backer of the characters like Alessandra, however, just by looking at his rough eyes alone, Alastor already knew how such a man was able to raise to the position of a Count. 

"F- Father..? Ummmm…. Let me explain…" (Alastor)

One after another, troubles kept finding their way to him. Alastor felt like a rat cornered, waiting for its demise.

And at the most unexpected, the man in front of him did something… Out of character?

With his large strong hands, the Count pulled Alastor into an embrace before holding his waist and raising him up to the ceiling.



Everyone except the count, looked puzzled as they watched the father and son have their moment. Only George and Alastor seemed to be a little surprised by his father's sudden action…

"I MISSED YOU A LOT, MY SWEETIEE! And-" In the middle of loving moment with his son, the count paused for a moment before turning his attention towards his daughter whom been away for ages from them, and with a smile on his face, he began to speak;"Alessandra, it's been a while, you've grown into a fine lady like your mom since you left. Why the sudden visit?"

"I greet before you father, the academy let us return for a break. Glad to be finally home I'd say. How have you been and mother?" (Alessandra)