
Reincarnated into an Otome Game as the Heroine's sister

In her past life before reincarnating, she was a test subject where they fused an ancient, enchanted demon katana with her soul and became the World's top assassin and War machine. Now given a new start, she is determined to live a life with no regrets. ~Details~ Updates every Wednesday Still ongoing Hope you guys enjoy it!! Any criticism, feedback or advice welcomed and appreciated!

MoonlightFireflies · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

The Villainess?

*Lilith POV*

Early in the morning, after the first two classes of the day. The rumour that had spread around about myself, was trashed aside by many students at the academy.

Because for 1, I ended up coming first in entrance exams.

And 2nd after introducing myself in my classes, rumours again started to surface saying that I was not only beautiful but intelligent and humble.

Clara was the one who told me about this during our break in between classes. Hearing the humble part made me laugh, it was completely ridiculous. Sure, most of the time I'm quiet or silent but that doesn't mean I'm humble.

Anyways it's currently our break, so Clara and I were just relaxing in the gardens again. Peacefully sitting on the grass with a basket of snacks and sweets and just enjoying each other's company, before it was interrupted by a sweet call. "LILY! There you are! I was looking all over the place for you." Leona's sweet voice gradually came closer and as I turned my head into her direction I see that my older sister wasn't alone. She was surrounded by the supposed capture targets of the game, but what gave me a shock when they got closer was that the main villainess was also with them, smiling and clinging on to Leona's arm as a best friend would.

This raised alarm bells in my mind but I chose to stay calm and hear the situation out first. I had to remind myself that this isn't a game! This is real life! Just because things are similar to the otome game back in my previous life doesn't mean that it will be the same.

So as they walked over to Clara and me. I remained silent but gave a small hello to acknowledge their existence. Leona was already used to my behaviour when around strangers so she didn't mind and just came and hugged me, spinning me around and squealing, "I'm so proud of you little sis, you did so well on your entrance exams!"

Sighing, I remain silent at my dear sister's affectionate actions of picking me up and spinning me around like a doll.

*No-one POV*

But to others, their sweatdropped as they looked at the sister duo. Watching as the older sister happily smiles and spins her quiet, "lifeless" little sister around and the younger sister's body just going along like a broken doll. It definitely was a weird sight to behold, with one phrase coming in their thoughts, "how can two sisters be so different? Yet so perfect?"

It took a few tries from Leona's friends to finally place Lilith back on her feet. To which she just patted her and Leona's dress removing any wrinkles, dirt, and dust that may have gotten on them. From this action, Leona just smiled and patted Lilith's head gently with a simple, "thank you, Lily."

Nodding her head with a small smile Lilith turned to her friend Clara and introduced her, "Big sis this is my new friend Clara from the Hawkins household."

Leona then tilted her head to look behind Lilith, to see her little sister's new friend. Seeing, her she recognized that Clara was one of the most prestigious students at the academy, but she felt glad that Lilith had made such a good genuine friend. Leona waved towards Clara and sweetly said a "hello, there Miss Clara it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Lilith's older sister, Leona."

Clara responded with a simple hello and just remained unfazed at the crowd of people behind Leona.

Seeing her actions she immediately introduced her friends, "Lily and Miss Clara, these are my fellow student council members and good friends. First, we have, Victoria Delia Mason, the only daughter of Mason's household from the Azrael kingdom..." she gestures over to the cute girl clinging to her arm, who shyly greets with a small smile "Hi, I'm your older sister's best friend. It's nice to meet you."

Continuing Leona then gestures to the two boys beside Victoria, "this is the Crown Prince of Azrael, Kai Rogers Azrael, and his twin brother Daniel Wilber Azrael who's also a Prince of Azrael."

They respond with a slight nod and continue to remain silent, which then lead to Leona smoothly finishing her introduction, "and then we have, Bryon Peter Giles who is the crown Prince of Gloria and Lorance Grazer Clementine whose the eldest son of the Clementine household from Floris kingdom, he actually has a younger sister attending the academy who is also the fiancé of Daniel."

Those two actually spoke as they were being introduced, first was Bryon "Hi there Miss Carter, it's nice to meet you."

And next was Lorance, who playfully stated with a sweet smile and a wink, "Hey there Leona's little sis, you're sure cuter than all the rumours I've heard. It's such a shame that your already engaged cutie. If you weren't I would sure be already courting you."

To which Victoria came behind him and whacked him upside the head with her book, quietly but angrily telling him off for talking to Leona's little sister that way, which resulted in laughter from all of them besides a sad Lorance who was whining and begging for mercy from Victoria who was trying hard not to giggle.

*Lilith's POV*

During the introduction, I was studying each one of them closely as they were going to play a big role in my big sister's life. Mainly my concern was with Victoria, the main villainess, with her sweet, innocent, and cute persona.

Scarlett already had informed her on the matter with Victoria and the other capture targets. But it looked like something's where different to the original game, for example, the two twin princes acted slightly different to their game character counterparts though with the same appearance. With the older one being supposedly nice and kind but if you looked closely his smile and everything about him seemed fake. Whilst the younger twin had a sly and calculative glint in his eyes yet he was shrouded in mystery. But in the game, the older twin was cold, aloof and indifferent to everyone but the heroine and his younger brother was a silent, smart, responsible but helpful character who would stay neutral and calm unless it came to the heroine.

Though those two were different, the other two capture targets were more closer to their respective game counterparts. As Lorance seemed to be the very playful, nice yet flirty type though he did seem to not show any affection or interest in my sister which was weird I really couldn't care less as it was his choice in the matter, not mine. But then we have Bryon, who on the other hand has a respectful, mature, silent, and strong commander type of feel, and it seems that he deeply cares for Leona as I keep catching soft glances at her during the whole time they have been here. This leads me, to my other theory that the twin princes have other motives besides winning my sister's heart...

But that theory has to be put away for now as I need to focus on the so-called 'main villainess', Victoria. She is the main villainess of the game and was the most similar to her in-game counterpart, she, like in the story was the heroines best friend when they started the academy as they were the top students in their fields though Leona bested her multiple times they grew fond of each other.

Though Victoria was engaged to Kai, the Crown prince of Azrael, it didn't last long as someone dug up past records on Victoria's mother. Apparently committing a crime by poisoning someone of royal descent, leading to the engagement being broken. Victoria Delia Mason, being the main villainess is pressured by her father to fix her mother's mistake and win the prince's heart no matter the cost.

So in the story, she will try to defame the heroine secretly and if she does succeed then, she'll marry the prince and the heroine will be either killed or expelled from the academy, ending the game. But if the heroine succeeds in proving Victoria's misdeeds and stripping her off from her pure, gentle, sweet image. This then leads to the Victoria being either expelled, socially outclassed, or disappearing completely from the game, whilst you win Kai's heart and resulting in the good end of a cut scene of them getting married.

This leads me to worry about Leona, as the villainess acts exactly like she is supposed to and on top of that, I keep catching Victoria's short uneasy glances at Kai. It looks to be like she's monitoring him with slight panic and anxiousness slightly visible in her eyes. Though her facial expression says otherwise, I do feel slightly bad for her as she is very talented and bright but sadly like most villains or villainesses, she's misunderstood and it's sad to see such potential being wasted just because of her pressuring father.

My inner thoughts and feelings may have surfaced on my face as Clara nudges me and quietly whispers an "Are you okay Lilith? Do you feel uncomfortable around them?"

Hearing her concern I turn and give her a smile before reassuring her that I'm fine and that I was just lost in thought and that she shouldn't need to worry. She relaxes and sighs in relief after hearing my words, making me giggle at her actions. 'It's only been less than a day yet she already cares for me, how sweet' I thought.

Our moment was broken by screams of frightened students coming from the east side of the building, "SOMEONE HELP! There's a rampaging demonic beast at the taming grounds!"

"Someone help! We need a teacher!"