
Reincarnated into an Otome Game as the Heroine's sister

In her past life before reincarnating, she was a test subject where they fused an ancient, enchanted demon katana with her soul and became the World's top assassin and War machine. Now given a new start, she is determined to live a life with no regrets. ~Details~ Updates every Wednesday Still ongoing Hope you guys enjoy it!! Any criticism, feedback or advice welcomed and appreciated!

MoonlightFireflies · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Redthorn Isle

Drinking the cup of tea, she looks up to meet his eyes which were watching her in interest. "So, how is it?" He politely asked setting down his empty cup.

"Taste fine," Lilith responded plainly, without taking her eyes off the rippling tea in her cup.

"hmm..." Rowan thought looking intently at her while contemplating something.

"What?" Lilith asked looking up but once she had lifted her eyes to face him she was left in shock.

"What the- Who are you?" Lilith asked confused at the handsome man in front of her, he had short slightly messy black hair with beautiful amber eyes, his skin was a light pale tone, and had a perfectly carved face though his expression was one of boredom.

"Hmm, do you not like my human form?" He asked bluntly leaning his face on his right hand and cocking his head to the side.

"oh, so this is your human form. Well, it looks good you have a nice face." Lilith said honestly giving her approval while sipping her tea, no longer holding any emotions of shock or confusion. She had a look at him and was initially surprised by him as his whole temperament had changed, there was no longer the charming, mischievous, flirty demon from before now who sat before her was an elegant, aloof, serious yet still charming man.

To her reaction, Rowan just chuckled and shook his head with a what am I going to do with you smile before speaking what he had wanted to say to her, "I bet you have some questions for me. So, I'll give you a deal, how bout for every question you'll have to do me a favor?" He said looking at her with his eye's gleaming. Without hesitation, Lilith agreed as she really did have a lot to ask him though now that she would owe him a favor it was a better option than having another missing lead to the unknown boss.

Seeing her agreement he waited for what was going to be her first question, though he knew what she was going to ask.

"I have three questions for you, the first What is this place Redthorn isle?"

"Ah, starting off easy, huh." He said smirking before answering her question, "The Redthorn isle is a secret country hidden from the rest of the world, lurking in the midst of a thick poisonous fog where if anyone tried to enter their fate would only be death. This isle belongs to the lost and forbidden clan, Redthorn. And as so the only people who can enter are those who the members of Redthorn wish to let enter. Your next question?"

"Who are you, Sir Rowan and what business do you have with your boss of yours?"

"Who am I?" He repeated surprised at her words his eyes slightly widening from shock but then returning back to normal and answering, "I am the clan head, Rowan Redthorn and I'm just one of the bosses backers though I have no business with him directly I decided to take the request of capturing you, Miss Lilith."

"...Does it count as my question if I ask why you took up the request of capturing me?"


"Okay then, I have one more question back at the ruins you said I had met the boss before. You know something about them, don't you? So, my question is who are they?"

"hmmm, I knew you would ask that. It's such a shame that I can't answer you as I would love to see how things would progress but sadly we're out of time today," he said helplessly without guilt for not answering and instead moving towards the study's door and opening it. He waited there waiting for Lilith to walk closer into the hallway before saying, "Maybe another time." and closing the door behind her.

It was then when Lilith had heard the click of the door did she wake up from her trance and whisper, "you cheating demon," whilst biting her lip angrily completely unaware of a certain butler who had approached her.

"Greetings Miss, I am Austin and I'll be escorting you to your room. Please follow me." The man's voice had startled Lilith but before she could say anything she had been dragged by the young man and had been brought into a beautiful white themed bedroom. "This will be where you are staying Miss, I hope the room is to your liking. I will now leave and prepare the meal you will be having at 5, with the young master. If you need anything please don't be hesitant to call, for now farewell." and without a delay he had vanished from Lilith's sight, leaving her dumbstruck at what had happened. Things were moving so quickly that she didn't have time to even compose herself yet here she was right now soaking in a warm bath with rose petals.

Today had been such an eventful yet confusing and stressful day that just recalling all of it gave her a headache, so instead, she opted to relax in the warm water of the bath and stop thinking about the world and just had a chat with Scarlett.

Back in the study, Rowan was at his desk filling in multiple papers that were stacked to the left of him concentrating peacefully though after he began to talk to a mysterious person that happened to be standing in the corner of the room hidden in shadows.

As he worked, his thoughts slowly drifted towards the little girl he had met today. Back at the temple he was quite surprised at her abilities yet contrasted her appearance so much. She really did have the looks of an angel yet he could see that she had so much more to her than what he had initially thought. Though he had acted in such an unrestrained way, he really didn't think it would've mattered as his only goal at the time was to deal with the girl's fiancé and for him to be able to take her away with him.

Now that she was with him, he didn't think it was necessary to act so brazenly and instead chose to respect her though he did feel some interest towards the girl it didn't mean that he would take advantage of her again.

To him it felt wrong as she was only very young and pure that it felt wrong for him to touch her, it was like if he touched her or had any thoughts about her than it would be against his gentleman's pride. As such he only saw her as an interesting little girl who had caught the eye of the boss.

With their dinner the two sat facing each other, it was so silent that if a pin had been dropped it be heard clearly. Rowan was the first to speak, "Lilith I heard you have settled in well, how is the room? Is it to your liking?"

In response, Lilith just nodded and said "yes, it is. It's simple yet elegant at the same time. I appreciate the good service." Without sparing a single glance his way, and solely focusing on her meal.

Her rude actions weren't taken horribly by Rowan and instead, he just responded with a smile, "No, that's not needed it is my duty to look after you whilst your stay here. As it seems that you will be here for a while before the boss's plans can go through."

"Mmmm, okay. Will you be keeping a tight watch on me." Lilith asked finally placing down the knife and fork in her hands and gently placing them aside and looking up to gaze at the man sitting elegantly in front with his hands clutched together at his mouth in contemplation. Before speaking without care, "No, not really."

"Hmm, why is that?" Lilith asked curiously as it wasn't the answer she was expecting.

"Well, I trust you're a smart girl. And know very well how dangerous an unknown place where you can't leave is. Though if you would like to, I can take you into town tomorrow, and if you want I can also take you out to another place."

"No, going to town is fine." Answering as if she didn't care, but in the back of her mind she really did want to go see and explore this strange new place that she no had ever heard of but she also didn't want to show interest so she was satisfied with only going out to town.

Rowan was watching her expression during the whole meal and during their conversation but he was filled with disappointment at her apathy to everything, he even was breaking the rules by not putting her under constant supervision. On top of that, he was willing to take her out to explore as he thought she might be bored being within the compounds of the estate but whatever he said she showed no interest. Feeling frustrated he mumbled under his breath whilst using one of his hands to rub his temples, "*sigh* seriously, why are you acting so..."

"Hmm? So what?" Lilith asked with interest to the sudden words that came out of the man opposite her.

Realising that she had heard him, he just continued without care. He was the never a person to hide what he felt about others and this time wasn't an exception, "hmm, so...I don't know...dull? Lifeless? like you no longer have the will to live? I don't really know myself...something along those lines."

"..." Lilith was struck dumb at his words, and was taking her time processing every single word he had just said, this was the first time someone had asked her so bluntly without any fear.

"Hmmm, it seems like this is a personal matter so I won't inquire further. Since I've asked something to you, why don't you take the chance to ask some more questions."

Seeing her quiet and dumbstruck expression, he felt somewhat satisfied at seeing a new yet funny expression of hers's so he quit with his plans of provoking her and instead chose to let the topic go.

"Really? You're okay with that, aren't you worried that once I get the chance to escape and turn you in, I will?" Again she was shocked at his hospitality and the way he was so easy about giving out information about himself and others.

Her shocked tone in her voice was evident to Rowan as he asked for Austin to prepare a wine glass for him, "hmmm, well I have considered the possibility but I'd rather just let you do your own thing, it's not like your a prisoner here." He said carelessly even going as far as shrugging his shoulders, as he watched Austin's movements in pouring his wine.

After which he had a thought and looked towards Lilith and suggested, "rather you can treat your time here as a vacation away from the rest of the world. How does that sound?"

"..." Lilith went quiet at the sheer stupidness of the male before her, her thoughts were that of 'did he lose some brain cells after our meeting?'

She was looked at him rather strangely and asked warily, "you're a strange demon aren't you?"

Slightly annoyed at her choice of words, Rowan responded calmly though his smile was slightly forced as he's annoyance was shown, "I'd prefer it if you would call me by my given name, Rowan if you wouldn't mind. Being called a demon from someone is always such a..."

"Pain?" Lilith finished looking at him curiously, her eyes were one of question yet understanding.

"So you've guessed, huh?" Rowan said clicking his tongue, cocking his head to the side whilst leaning it on his right hand.

"Well, it would seem like you've been through stuff that changed you and isolated you. So, I just took a guess and it seems that I'm dead on the nail."

"Hmm, you truly are an interesting girl...to think someone of noble birth who has lived a doted lifestyle can relate to an inferior evil creature like me. The world truly works in such mysterious ways, I really do wonder if you'll be able to help us..." He said thoughtfully looking into Lilith's eyes with a single thought of 'maybe...just maybe she's the one. The one who could save us all...'

Changing back to the topic of asking questions Lilith wanted to confirm her thought first before asking anything as she knew that it was tricky to deal with demons especially as they were very sly in nature. "Oh, I forgot, since you're allowing me to ask questions does that mean these ones are free of charge?"

"Naturally, though it has to be within reason," Rowan answered back, whilst lifting his glass and giving it a swirl.

"So, I'm guessing your employer is off-limits."

"Sharp as ever, little angel," He said with a sly smile his eyes filled with fascination and eager at what may Lilith ask.

"Now that you mentioned it, why do you call me "little angel" for?" Lilith was always curious as to why he gave her this weird nickname as he had already figured out her name though he only used it once or twice with her and instead opted for his own nickname for her 'Little angel'. Though she didn't mind that he called her something else but why was it something so endearing? When they haven't even known each other for very long.

To this Rowan was confused about how she wouldn't have known the reason but since she had asked, he answered though he spoke with a isn't it obvious tone, "Isn't it very clear as to why I call you that?... When I first saw you, you gave me the impression of an innocent angel that had graced the world, though I can definitely tell you that my impression of you now is very much different but as for the little part, well...it's mainly because you're smaller and younger than me."

His choice of words again continued to stump her, her head was in turmoil as she kept thinking 'did he have to say it like that it sounds even weirder now that I know the meaning but it's not like he knows me, so why am I so hang up over such a trivial thing?' Lilith kept thinking but then chose to give up and just ask another question as she wanted to get her mind off the name situation.

"O-okay then, how about how old are you? You don't seem much older than me but you're a demon so I can't say for sure."

"Well, I'm only 17. So, that makes me one year older than you," he said taking a sip from the wine glass and giving it another swirl.

Surprised Lilith thoughtlessly said, "Really? Why do you act so differently from your age? You talk like one of those old dukes."

Rowan gave a small chuckle at her carelessness but still gave her a response though he used this opportunity to tease her, "How generous, though you shouldn't compare those damned old geezers to me, and on top of that aren't you only one year younger, yet you say that I'm acting completely different to my age. If so what about you then?"

His words silenced Lilith as she mentally scolded herself for letting her mouth slip, whilst doing so Rowan looked on rather pleasantly.

Seeing that he had the upper hand, he continued looking at the wine glass in his hand saying lightly, "besides who's the one who snuck up on me like a seasoned killer? Whilst also treating the world as if it's meaningless?"

After which he spoke, his eyes didn't leave the swishing red liquid in the glass but instead flashed with a glint of suspicion mixed with a hint of interest.

"You've got a fair point there..." Lilith acknowledged looking into his eyes, fully aware that she was cornered and that the only way she could get out of the conversation was to just relent.

*knock knock*

"Come in" Rowan commanded not even sparing a glance towards the door.

"Young master Rowan, he's here again." Austin's voice sounded strained but his smiling face gave off the feeling of annoyance.

"*sigh* to think he came here just so he could come see you, little angel."

A/N: Try and make a guess to who the mysterious boss they could be referring to is, there'll be more clues hinting to their identity within the story.