
Reincarnated into an Otome Game as the Heroine's sister

In her past life before reincarnating, she was a test subject where they fused an ancient, enchanted demon katana with her soul and became the World's top assassin and War machine. Now given a new start, she is determined to live a life with no regrets. ~Details~ Updates every Wednesday Still ongoing Hope you guys enjoy it!! Any criticism, feedback or advice welcomed and appreciated!

MoonlightFireflies · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Letters and Lilies

"Hmm? Who is this guy you're talking about?" Lilith asked interested in this mysterious man who had suddenly arrived and caused Rowan to feel down.

"Oh, just an annoying prick who doesn't know when to shut up." Rowan calmly stated though his eyes contained annoyance at the mention of the man.

But then a man's coltish voice came booming into the room, "Rrooowwaaannn! How could you say that! I'm so hurt now! to think my only childhood buddy would say such things about me." the man cried running up to Rowan and clinging onto his sleeve.

The man had a very beautiful face though he had a softer more youthful, kind look that was further emphasised as he stood clinging onto an annoyed Rowan who had a more serious, handsome, and sharp features. The man had white pale skin that contrasted with his ruby eyes and long shoulder-length ebony hair, he was also dressed in a black and white suit.

Seeing Lilith's curious gaze Rowan began the introduction with much annoyance, "Speak of the demon, Lilith meet my childhood friend and sworn brother, Braylon Hindenburg."

After saying that he gave a look at the man clinging onto his sleeve and said "Braylon this is Lilith Rosie Carter. She is my guest."

Turning her head to face Rowan questioningly, she asked, "how did you know my full name?"

"What employee would I be to accept a mission and not know anything about my target? It's only natural that I know your basic information." He replied a-matter-of-factly giving her a sly smirk.

"Then why did you do that back at the temple?" Lilith asked getting mad at his rude behaviour back at the temple even though he knew about her.

"Well, what do you think? If a random stranger just came up to you out of the blue and called you by your name wouldn't it be suspicious?" He started looking at her as if she was an idiot.

"Fair point." Lilith huffed upset that she couldn't say anything to refute his words.

It was silent for a moment before Braylon chose to break the awkward atmosphere by greeting Lilith, "hello, there Lady Lilith, my name is Braylon Hindenburg. If you need anything princess I'll be sure to be of assistance after all you'll have to be dealing with his stinking butt."

But the moment Braylon finished his sentence he received a hard whack to the head by Rowan who looked at him murderously his voice sinking threateningly, "Braylon Hindenburg! Would you care to repeat that?"

"eep, no thanks, Rowan. You know I didn't mean it." Braylon quickly started walking backward in fright whilst waving his hands in front of him in denial.

After saying that Rowan's anger had completely vanished and returned back to his normal elegant yet serious self though he had a slight smile on his face whether he had noticed himself or not, Lilith didn't miss to catch his slight smile and in turn thought, 'I guess it won't be so bad if I stayed here for while…' unaware of a faint smile on her very own face.

*Lilith's POV*

After Braylon's intrusion, we continued eating our meal though we had the occasional banter it felt strangely comfortable to be with them. As if I knew them for countless years...

My thoughts were interrupted by the calling out of my name from both Rowan and Braylon as they looked at me concerned. I just look at the two and smile to give reassurance that I was okay even if I didn't say it. The two understand and soon we were so into our conversation that we had forgetting the time.

It was already 8 pm, yet Braylon was still trying to bicker with Rowan. Rowan just sat in his seat smugly at the fact that he had won their earlier argument. I couldn't help laughing at their antics as they were just like little kids even Austin had to come and knock Rowan on the head to correct him.

"Young master Rowan, I would like to remind you that you are now the head of the Redthorn house, and in doing so please regain from being so childish."

Austin said lecturing though seeing that Rowan wasn't paying attention he ended up sighing with defeat.

Hearing the sigh, I towards him and said politely, "Austin I'm sure Rowan heard your concern and will take note that for next time..."

And with that I turned my head towards Rowan who was watching with a smug smile but then as I glared over at him with Scarlett's Scythe manifesting in my hand so that the blade was at his neck, whilst saying threateningly, "isn't that right Rowan?"

His smile only grew bigger as he continued staring at me which got me annoyed. I could tell that he had noticed and so he immediately nodded and agreed with my words and apologising to Austin.

Seeing that he had apologised I retrieved Scarlett back into my body and enjoyed the dessert that was placed in front of me by Austin.

"Thank you!" I sang happily not taking my eyes off the fancy sundae before me. Before digging in, I was halfway through when I heard some chucking and laughing from the people around me so I looked up and met all the eyes of Rowan, Austin, and Braylon. Austin as the only one who wasn't laughing and was just standing quietly while smiling, though that left the other two. Rowan was doing his slight chuckle with a smile whilst Braylon was just dying of laughter. His laugh triggered me to the point where I dropped my spoon and appeared behind the hysterical guy with Scarlett again in my hands. The blade was inches away from his neck yet he was still laughing hysterically.

I wanted to kill him, "too noisy..." I whispered whilst unleashing my killing intent, my words finally caused him to stop laughing and slowly turn his head to me in fright.

He looked as if he saw death before quickly pleasing for his life and for my forgiveness.

It was quite a sight to behold, a grown boy begging at the feet of a little girl half the size of him. I was still upset even though I was so close to laughing til my stomach hurt but because I could hear Rowan laughing and even Austin joining in I chose to pretend that I was still mad, as it was quite embarrassing.

His actions didn't fluster me as I was used to it as a professional top killer of course I would experience millions of people begging at my feet for their lives to be spared. So, seeing Bratlon do it didn't bother me, actually, I just gave him a kick before saying, "mmm, whatever just shut up next time."

After that, I finished devouring my dessert and drinking the glass of chocolate milk that Austin had prepared. Overall, I was satisfied even with Braylon and Rowan's faces, it couldn't sour my mood after eating that heavenly dessert.

After all that we all departed to our rooms as it was getting late, though I'm sure that they only told me that to get me to go to sleep. As they're both demons, they won't be affected by sleep rather they would be more alert and powerful now that it was dark. But because I was a regular human they insisted that I should head back and rest. It got to the point where Rowan and to blackmail me by saying, "If you don't go to bed now, then we won't go out to town."

It was only the that I had reluctantly agreed though I was sending daggers at Rowan and Braylon for treating me as a little kid.

I entered and headed over to the closet and got dressed in a prepared nightgown and got to preparing myself for bed. It was then a note that magically appeared on my bedside table with a stylish gold pen placed on top. I realised that the empty bedside table from before dinner had a beautiful bouquet of lilies placed behind the letter.

I looked at it questioning as I hesitated to look at the contents, but then choosing to open it as I read who it was addressed to, 'Little Angel'. The text was in the most elegant cursive text I've ever seen, both in my current and past life, they could seriously make a front for it.

Knowing that it was Rowan who wrote it, my hesitation vanished and I opened the letter up to see a few lines on text. It read, 'Dear Little Angel,

I'm sorry to say but I have set up a barrier around your room without your knowledge but I do hope that you understand that I can't have you roaming around at night. Especially as Redthorn Isle is no normal place, please understand and go to sleep.

Also, I hope you like Lilies.

Sweet dreams my little angel.'

After finishing reading, there was a blank spot with the words, 'write your response here...' I was confused as to why there was space to write my response as it's not like after writing it, the letter would magically deliver my message. Well, so I thought...

I ended up writing my response though I was still skeptical, but whilst reading his letter I understand why he had set up the barrier and I was thankful that he informed me about it. Even though I didn't like how I couldn't roam around and my freedom was restricted I was strangely okay with the barrier as 1, I knew the isle wasn't safe and that like every other place it held many dangers and 2 somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that Rowan set the barrier up to not restrict me but to protect me from something or someone.

As I had finished writing, the gold pen disappeared along with the letter. I was left in shock as my previous thoughts were just proven to be wrong. And now I kept thinking about how it was able to do that but thankfully I didn't have to think too much as another fancy letter reappeared floating in front of me.

Quickly opening it, it read, 'I see that my little angel is curious about how these letters work. Well, I'll tell you, there a special paper that allows for magic users to insert a command that turns them into messenger letters. These messenger letters allow for better communication if the people involved don't possess telepathy abilities.'

Oh, I see now, so that's how it works...what strange pieces of paper. I should ask for Rowan to give me some later to write to my family. But since it's beginning to get late into the night I'll ask tomorrow when we go out into town.

I'm sure he'll be okay with that as he seems to have a lot otherwise why else would he waste some by writing me a letter when we're literally a few rooms away from each other.

At that point, I wasn't curious about how he knew my thoughts as my attention was focused on something else but looking back maybe I should've had looked into it.