
Reincarnated into an Otome Game as the Heroine's sister

In her past life before reincarnating, she was a test subject where they fused an ancient, enchanted demon katana with her soul and became the World's top assassin and War machine. Now given a new start, she is determined to live a life with no regrets. ~Details~ Updates every Wednesday Still ongoing Hope you guys enjoy it!! Any criticism, feedback or advice welcomed and appreciated!

MoonlightFireflies · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Eterna Forest and The abandoned Ruins of Eterna

A/N: Hope you guys are liking the story so far and I'm thankful for all the support my story is getting as I never expected it to receive this much attention!

So, Thank you to all of you for being amazing! Have a lovely day, evening or night wherever you are in the world.


Morning arrived, with both Lilith, Felix, and Coraline leaving Floris and arriving at Gloria though the teleportation time felt like 10 seconds, in reality, it took them 2 hours as time is distorted while teleporting.

"We're here," Coraline spoke happily, today her hair been braided to the side with a single orange shell accessory clipped into it. It was the same for Lilith as Coraline insisted that she have her hair done the same way besides the orange shell being a light yellow.

To others, they already could see the infatuation Princess Coraline had with Miss Lilith but they chose not to speak as it wasn't really their place to say, though seeing the two girls get along was very pleasant and nice as the princess hadn't been this lively in years and it was all thanks to Lilith.

The king and queen did try to match Coraline with Felix but that was abruptly stopped by Coraline herself, cutting her parents' words short by saying that Lilith was the Prince's fiancé and that it was not right for her parents to meddle as Lilith was now her new friend and saviour.

Now the three of them were walking through the streets of Gloria and occasionally stopping from time to time as Coraline kept dragging Lilith to stalls which caught her eye. But since Coraline and Felix were known royalty and all three of them were very outstanding people they stood out with many females staring and swooning over Felix. Both Coraline and Lilith noticed but chose not to do much about it well that's what Lilith though before Coraline pushed Lilith into the arms of Felix saying "I'm going to visit his and her majesty in the castle. You two love birds continue looking around. Bye!"

And as she walked away Lilith was still in the arms of Felix who was just looking at her, "do I have something on my face?" she asked curiously tilting her child confused as to why he kept staring at her.

Hearing her question a light chuckle came out from his lips as he leaned in to whisper in her ear, "what am I going to do with you...you're just too cute my little princess."

From the close proximity, Lilith's face was slowly becoming pinker as a blush crept on her adorable face giving her cheeks a more rosy look. "Umm, can you let go please Felix. People are staring and I can feel multiple glares aimed right at me. It's embarrassing and uncomfortable."

"Ah, I could say the same with getting multiple glares from all the passing boys who had been watching you this whole time," Felix replied jokingly, though he wasn't lying when he said those words, he had caught so many guys who would look and stare at Lilith while they were walking some even gave lecherous looks over at her to which made him want to outright kill them.

After releasing her from his arms they continued holding hands as they just talked about a variety of matters, sometimes something would catch Lilith or Felix's eye and they would take a look at a particular store. Since they were holding hands they received fewer stares but rather gained more glares mainly at Lilith, as she was holding a prince's hand and was being all "lovey-dovey" with him well that's how other's saw it. Though they were completely unaware that she was his fiancé and just thought that she was a random girl who leached onto him because of his status. So like any common thing, where countless women were jealous of a single girl, rumours were spread about her hanging out with Prince Felix who was an already engaged man.

The rumours were nothing the two couldn't deal with as through their whole engagement they had to deal with it so it was like second nature to ignore them.

Later Coraline rejoined them after visiting the king and queen and her potential betrothed the 1st prince of Gloria also known as the older brother of Bryan the Crown Prince of Gloria. They had left for Eterna forest where the ruins of Eterna is located, the location of the ruins isn't known to anyone and still remains a mystery but since they had Coraline who had received a request of help from the Guardian of Eterna ruins they were able to locate it.

Eterna forest was similar to a jungle as the beasts who resided there were ones you would find a jungle back on earth though they definitely looked different take the variation of snakes here, there were sky snakes, there were water serpents, there were these huge yellow-white patterned snakes with two heads and more unique beasts lurking around.

Walking though they got to where the Abandoned Ruins of Eterna was located until they realised that they were at a cliff overlooking an enormous clearing with a huge waterfall flowing into an abyss, what captured all their attention was the overgrown floating island at the centre. There were also multiple beasts such as Pegasus's flying around with little fairies and there were even sky snakes zipping around.

Seeing that the only way over was to get some help by these creatures, Coraline used her ability to communicate to the sky snakes asking if they could kindly help them in carrying them across to the floating island to which they agreed.

While flying over Lilith took a look down at the abyss and asked "What's down there?", hearing this the snake hissed in reply. Coraline translated the hiss and told them that "he says that down there is a beast that shouldn't be disturbed." he words were said lightly although her tone was one of pain and sadness.

Picking up on her tone Lilith chose to end the talk now, "hmm, oh really? I'm curious now to what possibly lurks there but since you have spoken sky snake I won't do anything but ignore it."

In response, the sky snake happily hissed to show it's approval at her answer, before dropping them off at the island and telling Coraline its name so that when they need to leave all she had to do was call for it.

As they began making their way through the thick jungle-like environment, Lilith had just thought of something that she had been meaning to ask, "Hey, Coraline. I was meaning to ask you this but what is your guardian spirit beast?"

Hearing this Felix and Coraline both froze before everything fell silent between the three of them.

Coraline was the first to break the long heavy silence, "I-I...My spirit guardian beast-"

"Princess, Are you sure you are okay with telling Lilith? I'm aware that still have some emotional attachment to him." Felix interrupted before quietening down once looking at Coraline's unwavering eyes.

Continuing Coraline then said, "My spirit guardian beast, I have released. For I have the ability to communicate with any type of serpent creature thanks to my blood and to my original spirit guardian beast."

"You released it? Why?" Lilith asked carefully making sure that her questions didn't cause Coraline pain.

"I-I released it aft-ter finding out that many people were hunting after it and if I had kept him by my side then we would have both perished..." Coraline said trying to hold back her tears that threatened to fall.

Lilith then moved to hug her as the normally elegant princess was no-more and all that was left was a vulnerable girl who had no choice but to lose her partner beast.

"I'm sorry for asking Coraline, if I had known it was such a sensitive topic then I would've spoken." Lilith apologised while calming down the weeping Coraline.

"It's okay you didn't know. And I'm fine now, I've talked to him in my dreams and thoughts and today I've finally had the chance to come visit though I can't really see him." Coraline said smiling through her tears.

After cleaning up her face the three of them continued making their way through to the abandoned ruins of Eterna where a special relic was awaiting them...

But the question is will they be too late?