
Reincarnated into Abyss

Story about a man reincarnated into NTR manga in the body of the main character who already lost everything, can the reincarnated person gets justice for the main character in the face of the overwhelming disadvantage? this is a story about guilt, revenge, justice, punishment, and redemption

Drakeey · Urban
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21 Chs

Reincarnated into Abyss (The Thirteenth Chapter)

Nagoya minami high 15:04 pm

i see both of my parents waiting for me at the visitor room,and harumi is now smiling like a devil, this is her plan to ruin yet my life again, she smirks and take a seat behind my parent's

All this time, this is one confrontation that i really hate to have, but i realize that sooner or later i will have to face it whether i like it or not

I take a seat in front of the a big wooden desk, a desk that come between me and my parents, who currently looking at me with the look of absolute disdain in their faces

'Heya mates, why the long faces?' i purposefully greet them with nonchalance

'Mates? we are your parents katsuo, you will address us as such and with respect you ungrateful brat!' my father yells at me with his veins visibly popping on his forehead

'You? want my respect? tell me, what did you do to earn my respect, and i have the right to address your sorry asses whatever i want old man' i lean back on my seat and put both of my hands behind my head

'You disrespectful brat, i swear i will....' my father tries to get up from his seat, only for my mom to hold him off

'Dear please, this is a public place' my mom calms him down, she then turns her head to talk to me directly

'Katsuo, this is your father, please treat him with respect, we have raise you with care and love, don't treat us like that!' my mom scolds me

'Raise with care and love? gimme a fucking break, you might me mistaken me for harumi, your fucking golden daughter, remember how you all treat me last time? oh yeah you send me into a fucking nowhere to die and you now act like a bunch of parents of the year?! yeah right' i release all the pent up anger within me to them, it's time i tell them how i really feel all this time, how the original katsuo really feels

Katsuo is the black sheep of the family, while his family never abuse him physically, they always show their favoritism towards harumi, a lot, harumi always gets best toys, best presents, while katsuo is only treated like an afterthought, when i first reincarnated into katsuo's body, i can see how outdated his phone is compared to harumi who always has the newest and the most expensive phone model

And that's all because harumi is a good ass kisser, she always try to appear as a perfect daughter to them, while katsuo is a honest and naive boy, he never expects his parents to go lengths for him, he always content with whatever his parents gave to him and never complaints, katsuo's own kindness and honesty become the very thing that make his parents to treat him like this, and i will put an end to it now

'You.... you.... how can you swear at your parents like that? have you no manners and shame? we only send you there to make you realized those mistakes and be a better person, instead you become a rude boy like this!, you need more discipline than this!' My father yells again at me trying to put the blame on me

'Awwww shut the fuck up old man, I'm tired of hearing your bullshit, you don't send me there to reflect, you send me there to die, you believe all those fucking false rumors about me and instead believe that bitch of a daughter and her asshole boyfriend, I BEGGED YOU AND BOW DOWN TO KISS YOUR FEET SO YOU DON'T EXILE ME! and you did it anyway because of what?! because you're a sorry excuse of a parent that shouldn't have the right to lecture me in the first place' I tell them with fiery rage on my soul

'ENOUGH KATSUO! HOW CAN YOU SAY ALL OF THIS?!, son listen to me, we love you the same as harumi, you're my baby boy and will always stay thay, we might not be a perfect parents, but we still love you the same, so please.... please come back to us, we can fix this we can fix our family, you're my beloved son katsuo and nothing is gonna change that' My mom cries and pleads to me, my heart is torn to see my mom like this,a small part of me wants to go to her side and give in to her embrace to become her beloved son again....

But i know if i do that i will be treated like the same again, i will become the black sheep again and so now i have to stand my ground

'Well mom.... if you truly love me the same as harumi, then tell me, how many times you've taken me to the Visneyland whenever i advance to the next grade level like you did to harumi? how many times you've bragged about my grades and accomplishments to our relatives like you did to harumi? how many times did i got a presents based on my actual my wish for Christmas like harumi did and not the same crappy pencil case every year?, HOW MANY TIMES YOU BOTH EVER TOLD ME YOU PROUD OF ME AND APPRECIATE ME LIKE YOU DID TO HARUMI?! YES, THAT'S RIGHT, IT'S ZERO..... 0.... NADA.... ' i yell at them both


My heart truly shatters when i heard that directly from my father, when i was coming here to meet them, a small part of me wish that both of my parents will somehow listen to me and support me, i wish that we somehow can go back being a happy family that we were used to be, but now, i know that's all only a pipe dream, and this is the reality, i will never be part of this family, ever.....

'Dear please.... don't be like that to katsuo, katsuo.... my baby boy.... your father, he isn't serious, we all love you...' my mom panics and try to diffuse the situation

'Pffftttt... Hehehehehe....Hahahahaha.... KUHAHAHAHAHAHA' i laughs maniacally to the realization of this family is beyond salvation, because now I'm going all out on them.....

'Why are you laughing like that?! are you crazy?!' Harumi interjects

'Nah... it's truly funny, hey... hey... tell me did you guys know what happen to me in the exile? it's pretty funny and i promise you the punchline will be amazing' i tell them with a crazed smiling face

'What happened to you katsuo?' my mom ask with her voice in a slight concern

'So you see, during my exile i feel so sad and depressed, this little katsuo only needs a little bit of love and care from his loved ones gyahahahaha, but i didn't get any, not a little bit, not even a single mercy from the people who i called friends and family ufufufufu, the pain, anger, resentment, and hatred become to unbearable for my little naive heart so, I decided to do this '

I show my parents and harumi a photo of snapped noose made of rope that i used to hang myself and fortunately it failed

All of them are shocked to see it, not a single word uttered from their mouth for a whole minute, until my mother finally speaks

'Katsuo..... is... is.... this not what i.... i..... i... think it is ri..... right?' she ask me while stuttering

'Of course it is mother, this is a rope that i used to kill myself, but like a big damn joke, the rope snaps and saved my life, then i realized... everything, why must i suffer for something i didn't do? why must i be bullied, beaten, victimized, humiliated, tormented for absolutely doing nothing but being a submissive loser, until it's all clicked in my head, i have to take action, i have to make all the people who make me like this PAY, AND YOU ALL WILL PAY!, IT TAKES ONLY ONE BAD DAY.... ONE BAD DAY TO DRIVE THE MOST SANE MAN INTO MADNESS AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA' i keep laughing maniacally while tears falling to my cheek

Nobody can talk back to me, they are just looking at me in silence and fear, they seen the monster i have become, the monster that they created

'Katsuo... my baby, im so sorry, we are sorry please forgive us, we don't intend to drive you this far..... please... forgive us, we'll fix this katsuo... we can fix whatever is this....' my mom cries and pleads to me but she knows deep down inside of her this is her fault

My father just looked at me shocked and ridden of guilt, he can't believe his usually gentle and kind son turned into a person like this, and it's his fault

Harumi, finally feels her world shattering in front of her,she finally feels the consequences of her actions this far, she feels ashamed and incredibly guilty, the baby brother that used to always there for her and take care of her whims and demands now become like this, and this is her fault

'o....otouto...I'm sorry i didn't mean it like this... this wasn't my intention to...'

'Zip it douchebags, i don't wanna hear it from your dirty mouths.... you're all not my family, and you never will, fortunately for me i found my real family, and they are Hebiyama yumie, Hirayama rin, Oguchi Keita, Yozora miki, Shin ga-eun, and finally... Shimada akemi, yes the same akemi that also humiliated me and torment me, but she realizes her mistake and do everything in her power to reedem herself and what does she get? SHE'S BEATEN INTO A COMA BY HARUMI ASSHOLE BOYFRIEND KIICHIRO' i let all my frustration out and I'm not finished yet

'And now she's in intensive care in my penthouse fighting for her life, THEY ARE MY REAL FAMILY NOT YOU ASSHOLES!' I yell at them letting them now that i will never intend to mend my relationship with them

My parents shocked by this revelation and looks at harumi, she bows down her head in guilt and tears, she then nodded signaling my parents that my information is valid

'You... you have a penthouse?' my father asks quietly

I almost wanna slap this old fool on his face, all my rants about them and he only cares about when i tell him i have a penthouse, well then fuck it I'm gonna fucking rub it all over his face

'Of course father,harumi been to my penthouse once and I'm a fucking multimillionaire now, despite how many times you told me I'm a failure, despite how many fucking timed you told me I'm a disappointment, I MADE IT, and i do it not because of you, i do it in spite of you' I smile menacingly

'Yes... father, katsuo owns a very luxurious penthouse at the Nagoya central park tower, I've been there, and he..... he also becomes a manga author for a very famous publisher' Harumi explains

My father, fixes his glasses and give a stern look at me, he then tells me 'if you're capable of doing this, then why didn't you do this earlier in your life?, if you did, we don't need to deal with this mess to begin with, now if you're capable of making your own money, then hand it over to your family, we raise and feed you, we deserve to be rewarded for it'

Now I'm really angry, is this what he only thinks about? a good image and money? what do you think i am? fucking old fart, it took all my will and strength not to punch him in the face

'Dear...no this isn't right, don't do this to katsuo, don't make this worse dear please let me talk to him' my mother pleads to my father

'Shut up!, this is just between katsuo and me, know your place woman!' He snarls at her

'HEY ASSHOLE! DON'T TALK TO MY MOTHER LIKE THAT!' this fucking prick how dare he

'She is my wife! i can do whatever i want with her!' He snaps at me and try to aggravated me, but i didn't take his bait, now i realize, I'm not only one that suffered from this bastard, my mother also become a submissive and a scaredy cat woman because this fucking old fucker

'Enough..., listen old fart, i give you a deal, I'll pay you fucking 30 million yen, to pay all my expenses when i was your son, i will pay you 15 million now and you erase all my name and files, from all of your disgusting family papers and formal letters, do that and i will transfer you another 15 million, after i transfer you we will not become a family anymore and we're just fucking strangers, now do we have a deal?' i tell him directly

'Hmmmm okay, that's not a bad deal,give me your money now!' he asks aggressively

I then took out my phone and transferred him 15 million yen directly from my bank account to his, then i show it to him and he confirmed it

'Okay, i will go to the Civil Registration Agency tommorow, expect to hear good news from me, good riddance, i finally have a lot of money and get rid of a deadweight like you altogether' my father then smiles

'Dear... please this is not right, katsuo is my son, I won't cut my ties with him no matter how much money we got... don't do this.... give him back his money... dear please....' My mother cries and begs my father

'SHUT UP! YOUR CHILD NOW IS HARUMI AND HARUMI ONLY, I'M SICK HEARING YOU COMPLAIN WOMAN!' My father yells at my mom and he ready to slap her, but i caught his hand mid slap

'GET OFF ME, DON'T TOUCH ME YOU BASTARD' He tries to get off my grip

'Father i told you that we officially strangers when i transfered you the money right? so....'

-Niko style : advance X Serious series: serious punch = advanced serious punch activated-



I send a punch to his face so hard, it breaks his glasses and send him launch backwards far away to the wall

'DEAR! NO! KATSUO?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!' My mom then goes to my father side to comfort him

'No... dad... dad.... katsuo why did you do this to him' harumi cries and yells at me

'That fucking dusty old fossil really grinds my gear, i had to do it hahahahaha, anyway goodbye you all suckers, you're not my family anymore' i flip them off and walk away to the exit

My hand is trembling, with joy and excitement, finally i had my revenge, but at what cost? is this truly what i wanted? is there no other way? i won but why it felt empty

I walk through the empty hallway my head felt a little dizzy, and i feel like to collapse, until a hand grabs me and steadies my position

'Katsuo... you okay my son?' my mom tells me

'Mother? what are you doing here? we're not family anymore, remember?' i tell her

'Katsuo please don't say that, you're always be my boy, my beloved baby boy, dear when you was born to this world, i held you in my hand, you're so tiny and so adorable.... i held you all day, you're my precious baby boy and will always be, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being weak, I'm sorry for not standing up to your father, I'm sorry for making you suffer alone, I'm truly sorry, i fail to protect you katsuo, but I'm proud, I'm proud of what you're accomplished my boy.... I'm so proud of you' my mom smiles, tears falling off her eyes and she caress my cheek gently

My heart feels like stung by a giant bee, my mother truly loved me, and even though she never going extra steps to protect me, she's the only one of my family that truly loves me, i take her hand gently and smiled at her

'Mother..... you proud of me?' i ask her, that's the only validation i need, the only thing that i truly crave all these years

'Yes katsuo, I'm so proud of you, I'm sorry for not believing you, I'm sorry for not be able to preventing you to get exiled, I'm sorry i tried so hard but your father insisted, i should have stand up to him,I'm truly a weak willed woman, but the least i can do is provide you with little bit of money and food' she hugs me gently and rub my back

'Wait so the money and the food sent to me during my exile? it's you? it's not father?' so that's where all the food packs and a little bit money i got in my exile coming from, yes it's from my mother

'Yes my dearie, even though you're exiled, i can't bear to see you suffer, you i send it to you secretly, you remember Mrs. ueno? she's my old friend and i tell her to watch over you' my mom smiles at me

'Mrs ueno, yeah i remember her, she's the only woman that being nice to me, so she's your friend?' i can't believe it so it's all my mother's doing

'Of course, but still you were driven into suicide and that's all my fault... I'm sorry dearie....' my mom hugs me again

'Mom can i be honest with you?' I ask her

'Yes katsuo, ask me anything dear' she replies

'Mother, you've been suffering so much with father, and you were reduced to nothing but his servant, you can do better mother, leave him, divorce him and stay with me, i will take care of you, i have money and i will make you happy' i hold my mom hands gently

'But dear... i can't... what will our family say?..... they will get angry at me and they will.....'

'Mom i don't care, i'm the only family you need, you have to choose, me or him, if you stay with him you and me won't be family anymore' i love my mother so i make her a decision either stand up for herself or be a loyal servant to that asshole of a father

'But my son, i can't do it, don't make me choose please, let's talk yo your father together we can fix it, come on' My mother pleads

'No... mother, don't lie to yourself, after what happened today, it's impossible to get back as a family again, now i will give you one week, one week to choose between me or him, and don't ever regret for your decision, if you divorce him i will pay for all your court expenses, okay mother? i believe you will make a good decision ' i tell her firmly

My mother sighs and then realizing that there's no other way she says 'okay, give me a week to answer, thanks for giving me another chance katsuo' she smile at me fondly

'Yes mom, now excuse me i still have a class to get my things, see you later mom' i kiss her hand

'See you later my son....., I'm sorry for not being a better mother for you' she smiles and then walks away slowly and fades into the hallway

I sighs and continues walking to the class to get my bags before leaving, i see the class i empty now, and yellow light comes to shine on my face, it's been a long time since I'm alone in this class, the last time i was alone, it was when i had my first argument with akemi

I walk away from the class feeling mixed emotions

I take a walk to nearby park and lit a cigarette to smoke my problems away, now my head filled with thoughts, from my mom to akemi condition, sometimes i wonder if i do the right thing,but remembering all the encouragement from my friends, i finally shed my doubts and i can be sure that whatever I'm doing right now is 1000X better than the original timeline where i don't intervene

I quickly take a bus ride home and gets up to my penthouse, i open the door and see the usual scene, mr Tatsuya and two of her men guarding akemi room and 2 doctors specifically tasked to monitor akemi, i said hi to them and finally goes to the living room when i see them

'Welcome home katsuo'

'Welcome back kat-chan'

'Hello katsuo-san'

'Welcome home my boy'

'Sup katsuo'

It's rin, miki, keita, lady yumie, and gaeun, they are gathering at the dining room and waiting for me to join them, they were here all along my true family, my guiding moonlight

I smile and slowly walks to their direction and sit between lady yumie and rin, i suspected they intentionally make me sit in this position for their amusement

'Hey everyone, what's up?, sorry I'm late, wow we quite have a lot of food here, whose birthday is today? ' I tell them jokingly

'Ahahaha no Kat-chan were not celebrating birthday today, we celebrating that akemi has now enters stable condition, she's getting better' miki informs me

'Oh really, that's a good news, our gang will finally completed hehehe' i reply

'Katsuo, where have you been earlier? do you have something to attend?' rin asks me

'Yeah... today.... uh... i met with my parents' i tell them while faking my smile

'What? did you meet your parents my boy, how did it go?' lady yumie ask with concern in her eyes

'It's bad my lady.. we... we... my father and i we agreed to no longer become a family' i tell her while my voice is trembling

'What? how can.... but you are family..how can?' rin asks

'Okay maybe it's time for me to tell the truth to you guys' i take a long sigh and slumped my shoulder

Then i explain to the about my exilement, the fact that i tried to kill myself and, the deal i made with my father, also the usual condition of my former family and how i got treated by them

And they are all speechless to hear my story, lady yumie and rin already heard my backstory but my encounter with my family still send them in shock, miki begin to cry and she hugs me

'Poor kat-chan, how can they treated you like that, you've been nothing but a good boy, why are they so cruel? ' miki sobs and empathize with me

Rin and Lady yumie also hugs me, meanwhile keita and gaeun is still speechless and looked down feeling angry for my sake

'Katsuo it doesn't matter what they say, you're a family to me my boy, i care about you deeply' lady yumie shed a tear and rubs my back

'I'm with you katsuo' gaeun adds

'Yes katsuo-san you're a big brother to me, you helped me to be stronger, you helped miki too, we'll forever be grateful to you katsuo-san' keita tries to cheer me up while he's finally sobbing too

'Thanks everyone.... you are all truly my family, I'm grateful to you all.... thanks for believing me' i tell them smiling fondly at them

'Katsuo,whatever happens, we'll always be with you... always, trust me' rin says to me while holding my hands gently

'Yeah i believe you rin, sooo how about we start gulping down on this gyoza, goddamn I'm starving ahahaha' I laugh and tell them

We all laugh together and start gulping down the food together, now i feel like I'm a part of real family, no more sad dinner where i just eat and see my father, mother, and harumi enjoying their conversations without me, and my father sings all praises to her while he didn't even act like i existed, no more...

Now they are all laughing with me, with warmth and joy, this... this is all that i asked for

'Hey guys, if we're all family, what kind of role we should have? maybe me and keita could be the middle child and youngest child ehehehe' Miki propose an idea

'Well I'm content to be a cool auntie' gaeun do a peace sign with her fingers

'So what Kat-chan gonna be? the father eh?' miki teases me

'Well I'm okay being a father... as long as i get to play graystation whenever i want hahaha' i laughs

'If you're gonna be an irresponsible father then i will be the mother, you don't have a problem with that aren't you my boy?' lady yumie smirks

'Wait a minute, isn't it more appropriate, if i become the mother, because I'm still the same age range as him, Lady....?' Rin starts throwing shades

'Ufufufufu i don't think age difference matters that much with katsuo, maybe you better be our family maid, while that girl shimada will be my eldest daughter, i think it's more fitting' Lady yumie smirks at rin

'With all due respect, lady.... i think an evil stepmother role would be fitting for you rather than the mother, you got the looks and the aura' rin shades back at lady yumie

'Oh i don't mind, after all, i can do stepmother and stepson "fun" activities with katsuo, and i guaranteed he's gonna loving it' Lady yumie smirks at me and winking to rile up rin

Aw crap not again....

'Uhmm guys please, don't bicker, can we please just enjoy our meal in peace?' I sigh

'Katsuo my boy... that's how family works we fight, we bickers, but in the end...' lady yumie speaks

'We always made up because we are family' rin smiles and finishes

'Wow i didn't expect that, did you practice together that line? hahahaha' i smile at them

'It will be our secret' Rin and Lady yumie says together

After a heartwarming session of jokes and idle chatting, lady yumie then announce something important to us

'Tommorow, my daughter will be enrolled to Nagoya minami high, as per her request, and she will attend the 2-B class, i hope you can tolerate her katsuo, she's rather overbearing but she's a good kid' Lady yumie sighs

'Overbearing? even for you? how.... how overbearing she will be?' i gulped in worry

'You.. will see tommorow' lady yumie informs me

The next day, at class 2-B, Nagoya Minami High-school

'Everyone good morning, today we have a new transfer student from Tokyo, please meet your newest classmate, Hebiyama Manami' The teacher announces

Then a girl with average height, athletic build, and beautiful Arrogant face is entering the class, her light green twin tailed hair sways the moment she walks in with her haughtiness

'Ohohoho, my newest subjects, my name is Hebiyama Manami! , I'm your new ruler and a princess of Hebiyama family, i hope we all get along ohohoho, now please bow down and pledge your allegiance to me, my lovely subjects 💚' Manami announces herself while making poses that reminds me of Jojo's bizarre adventure

I sit there speechless, is this gonna be a new girl that going to bother me? aw crap..... not another nutty

Manami then approach me slowly and smirks at me

'So you're Takashima katsuo that saved me from The Yamazakis huh? Nice too met you little piggy'

She smirks at me while pushing my forehead with her index finger