
Reincarnated into a Snow Griffin - BL/Yaoi

I am a Snow Owl-Leopard Griffin and I do not have much to complain about my life, I have a great yet odd mother, live on floating fairytale islands filled with other flying creatures, magic and mysteries, but how did I end up in the arms of this rascal of a demon?! When chased away from my homeland I have to grow strong fast or perish on the way before I can even learn how to fly properly, but thankfully destiny traces my way into the world of cultivating as I grow obsessed with the power pursuing such knowledge gives me. Especially because I have people to save… and those to take revenge upon. *Thinks cool phare while staring at the horizon, the wind brushing his clothes and hair, all serene and determination oozing off from his cool demeanor… except for the glimmering eyed demon staring at his side with yet another gift for his cold beauty.* …I don’t have time for anything else, so take your gifts away you rogue demon! ~~~~ ML: Cold beauty, I bought you flowers! MC: Uhum…*doesn’t take any* ML: I bought us matching outfits lovely beauty! MC: Uhum… *doesn’t change clothes” ML: My king, I brought you to our chambers. MC:Uhu- Wait, what? Daring rascal, scram! ~~~~Warning~~~~ Mature content including gore, explicit smut, swearing, relationship between men. Enjoy~~ ~,^ PS. This is the second book of the series Reincarneted into a … but it can be read as a StandAlone.

VCris · LGBT+
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187 Chs

Chapter 173

The final part of the plan is to get mother out safe and sound in the flying ship and come back to support the fleeing slaves while pushing their forces back, the intention has never been to hunt the lion down just yet, my priorities were saving the hostages first and dealing with the after match later even if that meant I may never get to chance to fight him, revenge wasn't more important than saving lives.

But seems that a certain Demon Lord and a very stubborn woman had other plans in mind.

As I get out of Lily's wind attack and am able to take the skies is when I see a creature flying in our direction, I think it is an Alar at first but then I notice that the huge wings are black, and I am unsure for a moment if there are Alars with other wing colors even though as I have seen them with other skin colors but the wings are always white for some reason.