
Reincarnated into a Snow Griffin - BL/Yaoi

I am a Snow Owl-Leopard Griffin and I do not have much to complain about my life, I have a great yet odd mother, live on floating fairytale islands filled with other flying creatures, magic and mysteries, but how did I end up in the arms of this rascal of a demon?! When chased away from my homeland I have to grow strong fast or perish on the way before I can even learn how to fly properly, but thankfully destiny traces my way into the world of cultivating as I grow obsessed with the power pursuing such knowledge gives me. Especially because I have people to save… and those to take revenge upon. *Thinks cool phare while staring at the horizon, the wind brushing his clothes and hair, all serene and determination oozing off from his cool demeanor… except for the glimmering eyed demon staring at his side with yet another gift for his cold beauty.* …I don’t have time for anything else, so take your gifts away you rogue demon! ~~~~ ML: Cold beauty, I bought you flowers! MC: Uhum…*doesn’t take any* ML: I bought us matching outfits lovely beauty! MC: Uhum… *doesn’t change clothes” ML: My king, I brought you to our chambers. MC:Uhu- Wait, what? Daring rascal, scram! ~~~~Warning~~~~ Mature content including gore, explicit smut, swearing, relationship between men. Enjoy~~ ~,^ PS. This is the second book of the series Reincarneted into a … but it can be read as a StandAlone.

VCris · LGBT+
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187 Chs

Chapter 149

POV: ????

I cannot stop my tongue from slithering away as I stay on guard over the door, even if my master dislikes the constant move of the forked limb out, as a snake demon I cannot help but let it slide once in a while, especially when I am upset and nervous.

And now I am both.

Is already the third woman my master defiles that day, even going so far as to ask for new and untouched woman for him to be rough with; does he even think when he asks such things? Does he even know just how hard it is to find humans at all, much less new and virgin ones?; and the possibilities of what may have left him in such a foul mood are as dreadful as the acts he is doing in there as I listen to it all, unable to ignore the muffled screams and the sounds of this one sided pleasure.