
Reincarnated Into A Nature Beast...or wolf?

The day was going perfect. Gem was finally going to confess his love to his childhood friend Lina. Until *crash* he was crushed by a tree. Now this was no ordinary tree. No this tree was actually none other than the Nature Goddess Sabrina. Now Sabrina was just testing her powers and she didn't sense Gem so she felt pity for him and gave him another chance at life. And what was this life you may ask. Well lets just say its going to be a wild ride for Gem with his life turned completely out of wack he now must face new challenges with his new form. Will he overcome them and reach the top. Well lets just say its going to be a crazy.

BlackenRose · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Here we Gooo

"Welp, this is gonna suck"

That was the first thing that Gem thought before the centipede lifted its two front pincers and spat out a thick green blob of juice. Gem had to duck and roll to avoid being hit by the bugs juice. Gem dodged just in time to see the juice fly right past him and hit the stone behind him. When the juice hit the stone behind him it started to sizzle and melt a little bit.

"Just great good to know that thing can shoot acid" Gem thought. Gem had to quickly dodge another shot of venom as it came towards him. The giant centipede clacked its front pincers in anger as it had seen that its second shot missed.


Gem only had around 50% of his Hp right now and was in no shape to fight and he knew that. So all he could do is run. Gem ran up the sloped hole to reach the main cave. As Gem was running he looked behind him and saw that the centipede was in pursuit but was on the ceiling going at full speed.


Gems thought was cut shortly as the centipede shot another blob of acid at him. But before it could hit Gem jumped out of the hole into the main cave. As Gem started running for the entrance of the main cave the centipede lunged at him.

"Shit" was the only thing he thought before he felt a sharp stabbing pain in his side.

[-5 Hp]

Now Gem only had 5 Hp left. But he had to escape so he continued to sprint towards the exit and he soon jumped out into the bright and vibrant forest. "Where was his mother" Gem thought she had been gone for quite a while now but he soon picked up her sent and decided chasing after her was the best course of actions.

The big centipede seemed to have stopped chasing him and returned to the darkness of the cave. As Gem was walking along a sent trail that his mother had left he smelt something. This something had a smell that made Gems stomach growl. Gem being extremely exhausted decided to go towards the smell.

Upon closer inspection the smell seemed to be originating from a bush not that far from him. What Gem discovered probably saved his life. He found a rabbit that seemed to have a broken leg because of the bone sticking out. At first Gem didn't know what to do upon seeing Gem the rabbit started to make squealing noises and tried to move away but only succeeded in making blood gush out of its wound.

Gem was now overtook with an urge to kill seeing the blood gush out and the rabbit struggling Gem licked his lips. Which only made the rabbit freak out more. Gem slowly walked up to the rabbit and put his paw on its broken leg causing the rabbit to squeal with pain. Seeing the fear in its eyes only made Gem want to sink into the rabbits flesh more. So with one quick bite Gem broke the rabbit's neck.

[User has killed Lv.1 white rabbit 3 exp gained]

[Earned title "Merciless Killer"]

Gem ignored the messages and started to dig in on the his recently killed prey. Quickly peeling away the skin and devouring the rabbits insides. It tasted delicious he especially liked the heart it had a juicy taste as blood ran down his throat.

[15 Hp recovered]

Oh noice.

Gem thought as he was finishing off the meat from the legs. It seemed that his urge that he felt earlier subsided and Gem felt refreshed. He felt no remorse for what he had done he didn't feel bad for the rabbit the only thing he felt was that it had filled his stomach and that was enough for Gem.

"Well that was delicious" Gem thought he now felt as if all his energy was restored. He felt it was time to continue to look for his mother. He could never take down that centipede without her.

"Inspect me" Gem thought.

Name: Gem [Merciless Killer]

Species: Nature Wolf (Young)

Lvl: 1

Exp: 3/10

Hp: 20/20

Mp: 5/5

Strength: 2

Agility: 3

Dexterity: 3

Endurance: 2

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 65

Wisdom: 8

(da belly is full)

Inspect: [Lv.2]

Night Vision: [Lv.1]

Earth Magic: [Beginner Lv.2]

Healing Light [Advanced Lv.1]

"Hmm my title is new and I can see my level and the amount of exp I have I should probably Inspect this new title that would be beneficial.

"Inspect [Merciless Killer]"