

Lilly Morel died and reincarnated as a small cat. Traveling with the two orphans and helping them in their life she grew up as well and got a chance to gain a human body. What will be her choice and what kind of adventures are awaiting them.

not_the_one · Fantasy
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4 Chs

04. It can talk

She used some strength and opened the box. Inside was neatly packed documents in a leather bundle. She slowly opened it up and sighed. It was a land deed for a house, land and some forest.

The next bundle had couple of shiny stones and she furrowed her eyebrows but continued opening the third bundle. Or better say it was a leather bag.

Inside was one small golden coin, two big silver coins and a dozen bronze coins.

Jacob came near and blinked at the money that was on the table. ''Gold? How did father get gold?''

The girl paled and jumped to close his mouth and then the door. ''Are you trying to kill us? No one knows we have this money. They think we don't have even one coin. If they find out they will try to steal it from us. We will sell the house and land to Lord Ashford. Let's pack a few things. Wear Sunday clothes. We can't go this dirty to the Lord's residence.''

Lilly sighed. ''Take a bath before going. With that dirty hair, face and hands he will never give you a good price.''

The two children froze in motion as they heard the childish voice coming from the little cat.

Lilly rolled her eyes. ''Oh, please. You asked is there something for me? It is. After you open the box I got the ability to speak the human language. By the way, your parent's sprites led me here. I couldn't talk to them as they were in whisp form but probably wanted me to show you this. I think they led me here to help you. But, you can never tell anyone about my ability. If humans find out they probably will kill all three of us.''

The girl sat down as her legs shook out of excitement. ''Parents sent you?''

Lilly cam closer and licked her hand. ''I think. I could see only their whisp form. Sorry. I guess they wanted to help both of us. Me not to be alone in the forest and you not to be alone in the world. I have been born with some random knowledge that can help you. And if you are helped my life might be quite comfortable as well. As a cat, I like to be sated and lazy.''

Jacob came near and patted her head. ''What is your name?''

''I think it's Lilly.'' Her answer came back and made the boy chuckled.

''Lilly. How pretty. I am Jacob and this is my sister Catherine. By the way, we call her Cathy and mom called her Cat. No wonder she sent you. She loved cats.'' Jacob took carefully Lilly in his hands and cuddled with her. ''How soft. Like mothers hair.''

Lilly sniffed at him and sneezed. ''By the way... hair. Go wash up. And wash well. Trust me please.''

Cathy took Jacob by the hand and took a huge washing bowl and started taking off his clothes until underwear. Then she started rubbing him with a clean cloth and a piece of soap that they had.

Fresh smell enveloped the children and the trail again moved towards a certain place so Lilly followed it. Strange. Did their mother hide soap or something?

She came to a large box in corner of the room. She saw Jacob coming in half-naked and as he rubbed his hair with the clean cloth he saw Lilly standing on top of a big box and staring at him. ''What is inside this?''

''Oh inside are our Sunday clothes. Our parent's clothes and a few private things. Wanna see? I anyway must take out clean clothes for me and my sister.'' He got close, opened it and Lilly understood why the trail led her here.

The scent...