
Reincarnated into a Battle Royale

I am an slightly above average guy the only thing i am good at is being slightly good in many fields. i was living my life day in and day out until i was reincarnated in to a novel, "wait, this Arena..." I was reincarnated into a novel which i was reading everyday , i was filled with excitement for a moment until i remembered the plot "Argh, shit why did it have to be this novel?" on top of that i haven't even read the ending of the story. "I'm doomed, Well on the bright side i will get to use a katana, let's do this."

giyuubutterfly · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Book Of Fate

next morning


I couldn't sleep properly because of all this Mysteries

"well the academy is going to Start soon then i would have to meet all kinds of people their and most importantly The oh-so great protagonist"

Its too much for me 

"I already have a bad reputation because of previous 'deeds' that of an asshole"

well I'm not him I'm me

"But the Academy is best place for me to get Stronger Quickly"

I got up, stopped overthinking and took a shower and got on my table

"Anyways I should probably take a look at the book, i'm curious about the 'cataclysm'."

The book had a black cover and there was only one thing written on it


I took the book and opened it from the middle

"what the hell!, its empty"

my mood sank.

"Did that librarian just scam me and tried to get rid of me by sending any book"

I checked again from the front pages

"hold on there's something on the first page"

The book had writing only on its first page it read-

<-------------------------------- >

"Hello Evan Rodrim, Its me the assassin looking black haired librarian.

The book i wanted to give you was this because this is the only book in the world or rather the only book in the universe which can answer your questions regarding 'cataclysm'.

As you turn the pages you will notice that all the pages are empty 

However these pages contain the Knowledge of the Strings of fate and they can answer any and all questions of yours 

But as you Know nothing in this world is free so Ofcourse answering the questions will cost something.

now as to what it will cost they are Fate Points, every questions will cost fate points varying depending upon your question and the understanding of the context of the Question.

For example if you ask something like "how to make a knife"

it will cost you less points as you probably understand the functions, uses and making of a knife.

on the other hand if you ask "how to make a retractable knife" 

it will cost you more since you dont understand how retractable knives work

And also the Question will be taken in your context of understanding so you don't have to be ultra extreme precise

In order to ask any question just write the question on the empty pages and the answer will come soon

now Onto the thing which you are probably wondering 

how to get these fate points

You will get them by interacting, dueling, such things with the people you have your own fate intertwined with greatly

and most importantly you will get these fate points by changing their fate and bringing different outcomes from that which is already set by fate.

interacting and dueling such things may cause a butterfly effect that can change their fate but only by little much thus it wont get you much fate points or no fate points

But it will give you many points if you surely change their fates greatly which are intertwined with yours.

Now Thats about all i have to tell you about this book

once you close this book you will get this book as an artifact so you wont have to worry about it being stolen.

Be brave, Our Fates are in your hands Evan Rodrim

May Fate Be Merciful Upon You"

<-------------------------------- >

" What the hell just who was this librarian and more importantly how did he know i was Evan Rodrim, I didn't told him my name"

Just what kind of book is this there was no such thing in the novel

" anyways i should close this book as he said"

i closed the book then suddenly the A.I spoke up

"You have received a Divine Artifact"

I Almost fell from my chair 

" I just got a divine Artifact which was only held by the strongest of each race, This is such a big deal I cannot believe my eyes"

Then i Quickly Tapped on it to view the Aritfact details.

Then the Pop up came About the Artifact details

<-------------------------------- >

Artifact Name: The Book Of Fate.

Aftrifact Rank: Divine

Artifact Description: " Fate is just For all and equally affect everyone, even those trying to take a glimpse at it are not exempted from it, Thus one must Prepare to pay the 

 Price of Heeding into the tapestry of fate."

Artifact Abilities: Grants the user the Ability to get any answer by looking into Fate By spending Fate Points.

<-------------------------------- >

I sat there motionlessly just thinking about it 

"This could be Such a Useful Thing to have After all Knowledge is Power, Im still not sure what that description meant by paying a price to see fate, But it'll be all right"

I Summoned the Artifact and looked at it and it looked the same 

 " wait that librarian didn't tell me With whom my Fate is intertwined, Surely he didn't just forgot such a important thing"

I opened the book nervously and was surprised to see that the First page of description was gone instead there was another page for description

it read-

<-------------------------------- >

Current holder: Evan Rodrim

Fates Intertwined: 1. Alicia Nueville

 2. Dante Evernight

 3. Luna Woods

 4. Kent Wright

 5. Rivak Nueville

 6. Ryan Aster

Fate points: 1

<-------------------------------- >

"What in the world is this messed up fate, Why my Fates are intertwined with A dead daughter, A crazy protagonist, An extremely honest Damsel, A clueless guy and two of the most Strongest person in this world"

Yes the oh-so Great Protagonist of this novel is Dante Evernight he is not from royalty but still is more talented and strong than other Royalty kids which makes him a target.

"Anyways, How the hell am i Supposed to change the fates of these people And also of the Two strongest humans"

My life is going to be hell collecting the fate points